How To: Make an Appointment in Starfish

Starfish is what BC uses to connect students to faculty office hours. This may include not only instructors but counselors and advisors as well. Use this guide to learn how to schedule an appointment with someone in your connections within Starfish.

Note: For privacy reasons, some information is blacked out or "test" accounts are used for the screenshots.

Log into Starfish

  1. Log into “insideBC”
  2. Click on “Tools”
  3. Click on “Starfish”

Screenshot of the Tools menu in InsideBC.


1. Notice “Your connections” will list all of your instructors as well as pathway counselors and advisors available to you.

(*Note: all instructors do not use Starfish for office hours. See your syllabus for more information on how to contact your instructor. Also note that only pathway counselors and advisors will display here, not those assigned to special programs such as DSPS, EOPS, etc.)

My Success Network window showing students connections to faculty and counseling, screenshot.

2. Click on the three dots next to the name of the person you would like to schedule with and choose schedule.

Menu to schedule appointments, screenshot.

3. Click on the appointment type displayed. These will change depending on the role of the person you would like to schedule with (e.g. Instructor or Counselor).

Schedule appointment window: What do you need help with? Screen Shot

4. Select one option and click “Continue”.

Several options such as assistance with an appeal and the continue button.

5. Notice the walk-in hours listed at the top of the screen. You cannot schedule an appointment during a walk-in hour. *Typically you would just show up however pay attention to campus closure announcements.

6. Notice options available:

  1. Select the date to change the range.
  2. Select the session type to look for group sessions.

Window with walk-in hours and options to slect dates and the session type.

7. Select a time and click “Continue”.

Continue button at bottom right of screen.

8. Add comments and click “Confirm”.

Summary of information for appointment, confirm button at bottom right.

9. Look for the confirmation at the top of the page.

a. If you notice something is not correct you can make changes directly from this screen.

Confirmation message: I look forward to seeing you and a link for make a change to this appointment.

10. If you need to make changes later you will need to go to your upcoming events. From your home screen select the menu icon in the top left corner.

Menu icon to left of My Success Network.

11. Select “Upcoming”.

Upcoming link in the menu screenshot.

12. All upcoming events will display. Select the 3 dots in the right hand corner of the event to cancel.

Upcoming window with focus on bottom elipses showing cancel appointment option.Upcoming window with date, time, and location of appointment, screenshot.

13. Insert comments to help them understand why you are cancelling:

Appointment cancellation window screen shot