How to: Canvas Mobile Basics

This is a guide of for downloading and using the Canvas mobile app for BC students.

I. Get the App as a BC Student

  1. After downloading the Canvas Student app from Google Play, or from the Apple App Store, press the app icon on your mobile device.
  2. Once you’re in the Canvas Student App on your mobile device, press the “Find my school” button featured on the page.
  3. Type in Bakersfield College underneath “What’s your school’s name?” As you type, you will see options appear below the field. Press the “Bakersfield College” text that appears.
    Bakersfield College below the field, mobile screenshot.
  4. Enter your Bakersfield College email address and your password. Press Login.

II. Get into your Course

  1. Once you have activated your Bakersfield College account in the Canvas Student App, your screen will show your Canvas Dashboard. Your Dashboard is where you can see all your courses.
    Press on the course that you would like to enter.
  2. The course’s landing page displays a menu including Home, Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Grades, People, Syllabus, Pages, etc. If your course doesn’t depict some of these, don’t be alarmed. Your professor can turn on/off menu options to suit how they want you to navigate the course.
    Course menu for PSYC B55 Spring 2020, mobile screenshot.

Note: On the bottom of the course landing page, you can easily get back to the dashboard by pressing Dashboard on the lower left-hand corner of the screen.

For more guides on using Canvas, see our Online Student Guides.