Undocumented Students (AB 540/SB 68)

Collage of BC staff holding sings of support for undocumented students


The Bakersfield College AB540/ Undocumented Students Program provides counseling and academic support for students who are eligible under the AB540 in-state tuition exemption. The goal of the program is to help eligible students meet their educational objectives, whether they seek occupational certificates, associate degrees, or transfer to four-year institutions.

What is AB540?

Assembly Bill 540 exempts students (including undocumented students) who meet eligibility requirements from paying nonresident tuition fees. Eligible students must file an affidavit to be considered for the AB 540. Senate Bill 68 expands AB 540.


AB 540 is eligibility is based on a two-part form; Students must meet the requirements for Part One & Part Two

PART ONE: Time and Coursework Requirements (either A or B):

  • Attendance for three full-time years or the equivalent at any combination of the following:
    • California high school
    • California adult school
    • California community college (both credit and non-credit courses)

***Two years maximum for credit courses can apply toward requirement***


  • Three years of California high school credits, along with three years of total attendance at a California elementary school, California secondary school, or any combination of the three.

AND PART TWO: Degree or Unit Requirements (completion of any of the following):

  • Graduation from a California high school or the equivalent (GED, HiSET, TASC, CHSPE)
  • Attainment of an Associate degree from a California Community College
  • Fulfillment of the minimum transfer requirements from a California Community College to a UC or CSU campus

Submit an Affidavit to apply for AB540 Status

Complete and submit the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption form (AB 540/SB 68 Affidavit) in order to qualify for in-state tuition, along with official transcripts and/or attendance records, if required. 

To get help with filling out your AB540 form, contact our program at ab540@bakersfieldcollege.edu. An advisor or program manager will return your message.

All eligibility forms will be submitted to Admission and Records.

Benefits from AB540 status: 

Qualifying for AB 540/SB 68 provides students with the ability to pay resident fees and apply for the state-based financial aid through the CA Dream Act, if eligible. AB 540/SB 68 also allows eligible students to participate in EOPS. Apply for EOPS here

California In-State Tuition Qualifier Tool

Immigrants Rising's CA In-State Tuition Qualifier Tool helps you determine if you meet the attendance and degree requirements for in-state tuition. This tool is meant to be used as a guide, please consult with AB540 Support Program to confirm if you qualify for in-state tuition.

AB540 FAQ's:

I am being charged Out of State/Nonresident Tuition fees. How can I get these fees waived?

If you attended 3 or more years of a CA high school, middle school, and/or elementary school OR 3 or more years of CA high school, adult school, and/or college, you can submit the AB540 form with the appropriate supporting document(s). For further guidance, please reach out to the AB 540 Program at ab540@bakersfieldcollege.edu to speak to an AB 540 advisor.

If I do not qualify for AB540, is there another way I can qualify for In-State Tuition?

You may qualify using the Residency Determination form. Contact Admissions and Records for specific details.

Can the AB540 team help me complete my California DREAM Act application and answer any financial aid questions?

Yes, our AB540 Educational Advisor can assist you with any financial aid related questions. Please email us for more guidance ab540@bakersfieldcollege.edu.

Where can I get my transcripts?

To submit a request for official transcripts, see the instructions on this page: Order Your Transcripts.