8th Annual Undocumented Student Action Week

Undocumented Student Action Week (USAW) is a system-wide campaign to advocate and provide support resources for our undocumented student population. USAW is a statewide effort led by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, the Community College League of California, the Foundation for California Community Colleges, Immigrants Rising, California Student Aid Commission, the California Undocumented Higher Education Coalition, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, and the Student Senate for California Community Colleges.
Schedule of Events
Accommodations: Reasonable efforts will be made to provide accommodations to people with disabilities attending the meetings. Please call (661)395-4355 or email studentlife@bakersfieldcollege.edu as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate accommodations.
Question? For all other questions please email us at ab540@bakersfieldcollege.edu