TRIO Student Support Services

Attention: Students Pursuing Teaching as a Career
Teachers are in high demand! If you are planning on teaching as a career at pre-school, elementary, high school or college level, the TRIO SSS grant at Bakersfield College can offer you extra academic, personal, and transfer support!
Eligible students will be pursuing teaching as a career AND planning to transfer with a degree to be considered for this grant support.
TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded outreach program designed to:
- motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
- promote educational success, retention, and persistence.
- provide opportunities for low-income, first-generation college students and students with disabilities from diverse backgrounds.
- Priority 2nd day Registration
- UC and CSU Campus Tours
- Quick access to personalized
- Academic Advising
- Career Planning
- Transfer Assistance
- Financial Aid Information, Group Workshops, One-on-One support
- Teaching-related Workshops / Conferences
- Academic Tutoring and Study Skills Support
- Test-taking tutorials and practice tests (CBEST, CSET, and more)
Participate in TRIO SSS to get additional support to help you achieve your goals of getting a degree at BC, transferring, and pursuing a career in teaching! Apply TODAY to determine your eligibility for the program. If you are a current TRIO SSS participant, reapplying is unnecessary. Check your BC email for information sent from
2024-2025 Applications
Our applications for 2024-2025 are now closed.
To be eligible for the TRIO program, you must be pursuing, with an intent to complete, a degree or certificate at Bakersfield College and meet at least one of the following criteria:
- First Generation (neither parent/parental figure has earned a four-year degree)
- Low Income (Qualify for Federal student financial assistance)
- Disabled (Other eligibility requirements may apply.)
- First-time freshman with less than 30 units
A student may be selected to participate in a TRIO Student Support Services program if the student meets all of the following requirements:
- Is a citizen or national of the United States or meets the residency requirements for Federal student financial assistance
- Is enrolled at Bakersfield College or accepted for enrollment in the next academic term
- Has a need for academic support as indicated on application
- Plans to pursue a career in teaching
- Plans to graduate from Bakersfield College with an associate's degree or certificate and transfer to a 4-year institution within four (4) years
TRIO SSS is a limited entry program. Not all eligible students are automatically accepted. Selection is based on the program's ability to best benefit students. Students already holding a degree are ineligible for services.
Academic Support
- Academic Counseling
- Student Education Plan Support
- Financial Literacy Guidance
- Transfer Assistance
- Tutoring Services
Support System
- Peer Coaching
- Community Staff/Mentoring Program
- Education Career Informational Workshops
Student Responsibilities
- Attend a TRIO orientation meeting.
- Meet with an education advisor at least *two (2) times per semester.
- Participate in at least *one (1) Education Pathway sponsored activity per semester.
- Attend at least *two (2) financial aid/financial literacy workshops per semester.
- Attend additional required meetings and activities as assigned by TRIO staff.
- Maintain satisfactory progress toward a transferrable degree and stay on track to complete a degree from BC within four years.
- Submit required grade checks to TRIO staff when requested.
- Respond to TRIO emails, phone calls, texts, and other communications in a timely manner (within 1 week or sooner).
- Maintain a professional relationship with TRIO SSS faculty, staff, peer mentors, and tutors.
- Abide by the BC Standards of Student Conduct.
Contact TRIO staff for all of the following:
- teaching career pathway changes
- registration and class changes
- major, degree, transfer changes
- intent to withdraw from TRIO program
- all personal contact information changes
- other information related to your TRIO participation
* Required number of visits may vary. Please follow the required guidelines provided by the TRIO staff each semester.
Questions? Email or call (661) 395-4620