Renegade Nexus

A place where students can connect with essential resources that make college life easier. If you are experiencing basic needs challenges, such as food insecurity, housing displacement/homelessness, or financial crisis, we encourage you to reach out to us so we can offer resources for assistance.
Located at Campus Center in the Office of Student Life
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday: 7:30AM to 5:30PM
Friday: 8:00AM-12:00PM
Phone: (661) 395-4355
Supporting Your Basic Needs
The Office of Student Life assists students with CalFresh applications, food insecurity, housing referrals, transportation assistance, technology tools, and referrals to other services. We offer both in-person and online services to all Bakersfield College students! For more information, visit the links below or complete the Student Interest Form and one of our staff will reach out to you with help.
Renegade Nexus (Basic Needs Center) Syllabus Sample Statement
If you face challenges securing your basic needs, you are not alone. Any student who is experiencing difficulty with transportation, affording materials for classes, accessing food on a regular basis, maintaining mental and physical well-being, and/or lacking a safe place to live, is encouraged to contact our basic needs center, the Renegade Nexus, by completing the Renegade Nexus Referral Form or by visiting us in-person at the Office of Student Life in the Campus Center. Furthermore, please notify the professor if you are comfortable in doing so. This will enable them to provide any resources that they may possess.