Test Accommodations
If you have not registered, contact DSPS to enroll in services before submitting the form. Accommodations are made on an individual basis. You must bring a copy of your Accommodation Checklist with you to your appointments. Such accommodations may include but are not limited to:
- Extension of time
- Use of a computer
- Use of a calculator
- Alternative mode of assessment (where appropriate to the disability)
In compliance with federal and state laws, Bakersfield College assures each student an equal opportunity to demonstrate competency or knowledge in a subject area at each point in the educational process. Students with disabilities are expected to demonstrate the same competency or knowledge as other students.
Procedure for Requesting Test Accommodations for Online Courses
To request an accommodation for extended testing time, please complete the web form below for each class and each exam/test and submit it at least 3 business days prior to your scheduled exam date..
For online courses, which require no proctoring, you must fill our the Test Accommodation Form (button Below). This allows the Testing Center & your instructor be aware of your test accommodations. It is the responsibility of the professor to add the extended time to the online portal (e.g., Canvas). The Testing Center cannot go into Canvas and make changes. Please be in contact with your instructor for your online courses.
Procedure for Requesting Test Accommodations for In-Person
- Students must put in a request through our online form - Test Accommodation Request
Form. Students must also email (Accomdesk@bakersfieldcollege.edu) or drop-off a copy of their checklist to the Testing Center.
- Our center hours are as follows:
- Monday through Thursday - 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- Fridays 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM.
- Our center hours are as follows:
- Once the student has filled out their portion, their professor/instructor will receive their portion of the form in their BC email. The professor/instructor must fill out their portion of the form for us to make sure you, the student, can take the exam/quiz at the time and day requested and that it will be available for them to take at the center.
- After STEP 1 the student should email accomdesk@bakersfieldcollege.edu for an available appointment accordingly (per instructor form guidelines).
- The Testing Coordinator will respond to the email promptly to confirm availability
and schedule the appointment with the student.
- Please use your BC email to make appointments and communicate with the Testing Center.
- Once your appointment is set, please inform your professor/instructor so they are
aware of the appointment date and time, in addition to providing us with anything
you may require on the exam/test.
- Once the student has made an appointment, they will receive an email from Starfish confirming their appointment.
- Rescheduling: If you need to reschedule your testing appointment - you [the student] must email your professor to let them know you need to change your testing appointment. In that same email, you should include accomdesk@bakersfieldcollege.edu so our staff can keep track and receive a hard copy/typed letter stating when you [the student] are allowed to take the exam.
Note: be sure to have a copy of your checklist with you when coming in for your appointment(s).
Additional Test Accommodation Information
Procedure to Request Accommodations for On-Campus Courses
- Discuss your need for special testing accommodations with each instructor at the beginning of the semester. If requested, show your instructor a copy of your approved Accommodations Checklist. You don't need to discuss the details of your disability with your instructor unless you want to. It may be best to see your instructor during office hours.
- If possible, remind your instructor of special testing arrangements before the test.
- You will be required to take the test on the same day as the rest of your class unless other arrangements are made.
- Once you begin the test, you will not be allowed to leave the testing area until the test is completed. You should discuss any personal needs with the Accommodations Coordinator ahead of time.
- Your completed test will be returned to the instructor according to the arrangements detailed on the Test Accommodations Form.
Bakersfield College
Building: CSS-14
1801 Panorama Drive
Bakersfield, CA 93305
To fill out your accommodation request form please fill out the Test Accommodation Form.