Our laboratories are equipped with cutting-edge scientific instruments meticulously
selected to replicate the work environment students will encounter after graduation.
Equipment List
Agilent ICP-OES – inductively coupled plasma – optical emission spectroscopy
- 5800 VDV ICP-OES. PC-controlled Vertical Dual View Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical
Emission Spectrometer.
- Analysis of molecular compounds (petroleum, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, forensic
analysis, and teaching organic chemistry)
- Autosampler
Agilent GCMS system – gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer
- 7890A+ GC System
- Analysis of molecular compounds (petroleum, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, forensic
analysis, and teaching organic chemistry)
- 50-position autosampler and helium conservation switch
Agilent UHPLC system – high pressure (400bar) liquid chromatography
- 1260 Infinity II Quaternary DAD System
- analysis of molecular compounds (pesticides, pharmaceuticals, environmental contaminates)
Buck Scientific Flame Photometer
- PFP7 is a low temperature, single channel flame photometer designed for routine determination
of sodium, potassium, calcium, barium and lithium concentrations
Metrohm Ion Chromatograph
- 925 Eco IC instrument, 863 Compact IC Autosampler (36-position), Conductivity Detector, Metrohm Suppressor
Mettler Toledo/Rainin
- Titrator Compact C10SX, Titrator Compact V10S
- Precision Balance ME403T/00, Analytical Balance ME204T/00
Nanalysis Autosample-100
- Mounted auto-sampler with rotating carousel to allow configuration of up to 25 different
samples at one time. Includes NMReady-MULTIZG