Student Success and Equity

Our Goal and Programs
The goal of Student Success & Equity (SS&E) is to increase equitable student success at Bakersfield College by coordinating campus-wide efforts to develop effective onboarding and support mechanisms along students' pathways toward their educational goals. Multiple grant and categorical programs support the work of programs and offices across campus in advancing student outcomes. Those programs and offices include:
- Academic Support Services
- Counseling Department
- Early College
- Financial Aid
- Marketing & Community Relations
- Outreach & School Relations
- Summer Bridge
- Testing Center
Categorical and Grant Programs
Bakersfield College's Office of Student Success & Equity manages the following categorical and grant programs:
- Student Equity & Achievement Program (formerly Student Success & Support Program, Student Equity Program, and Basic Skills Initiative)
- Guided Pathways Award
- Innovation Award
- College Promise Innovation Award