STEM Clubs

ACS Chemistry Club

Advisor Contact: Anna Plett

Mission Statement:The objects of this Chapter shall be to afford an opportunity for students of the chemical sciences to become better acquainted, secure the intellectual stimulation that arises from professional association, obtain experience in preparing and presenting technical material before chemical audiences, foster a professional spirit among the members, instill a professional pride in the chemical sciences, and foster an awareness of the responsibilities and challenges of the modern chemist.

Biology Club

Advisor Contact: N/A

Mission Statement: The mission of The Biology Club is to provide a community to students who seek education, mentorship, and enrichment to a variety of biology related experiences that they would otherwise not be privy to. The Biology Club will focus on experiences outside of the classroom, and normal educational means offered by Bakersfield College to engage, explore, and strengthen the inquisitive nature of those interested in biology.

Computer Science Club

Advisor Contact: 

Mission Statement: The mission of the Computer Science Club is to facilitate a cooperative environment where club members can immerse themselves in the field of computer science and its related areas through the sharing of common interests and knowledge. It will foster an educational goal, but will refrain from neglecting the social aspects that are crucial in ensuring a cooperative environment. Our goal is to ensure every member has an active role regarding the activities of the club, so the interests and skills of each individual may be given due consideration. An important focus of the club will be to keep topics not only interesting, but also accessible so as many people as possible may freely participate in club activities.

Engineers Club

Advisor Contact: Travis Steele

Mission Statement: The purpose of this club is to unite students in furthering the intellectual and social status of Bakersfield College, and engaging in a group exploration of the professional practice of engineering.

Geology Club

Advisor Contact: Chris Benker

Mission Statement: The purpose of the Geology Club is to create a community outside the classroom for STEM and non-STEM BC students who are passionate about Geological, Natural/Earth and Environmental Sciences, as well as Anthropology, Archeology, and Astronomy. Members will have an avenue to further their knowledge through group discussions and hands on experience through field trips and may also be exposed to great opportunities such as scholarships and internships.

Math Club

Advisor Contact: Jonathan Brown

Mission Statement: Our mission is to promote the understanding of the usefulness of mathematics campus-wide by providing a social atmosphere for those who are interested in or would like to know more about mathematics. Another goal shall be to provide opportunities for students to increase their understanding and enjoyment of mathematics by participation in regional and national mathematics contests and conferences.

Pre-Med Club

Advisor Contact: Tatevik Broutian

Mission Statement: Pre-Med Club is to keep students in all aspects of medicine. PMC will take the hopes and dreams of students interested in all aspects of medicine and turn them into realities. PMC will address the crisis our country faces that is the doctor shortage happening within our borders by giving our members opportunities to excel. Our mission is to solidify the decision and assist student's journey towards their future in medicine. The culminating goal is to help our community in whatever way we can, which not only includes healing but volunteering and offering our time for great causes.

WISE Women in Science and Engineering Club

Advisor Contact: Maryam Jalaifarahani

Mission Statement: Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Club is open to all students interested in pursuing a degree in any STEM discipline and to students who are interested in STEM, regardless of the degree they are pursuing. The purpose of this club is to allow students to gain access to resources, build connections, and obtain experiences that pertain to their goals. Ultimately, WISE Club strives for students to learn more about the STEM field.