BC/CSUB Research Programs

CV path group

Research Opportunities in STEM

Summer 2025 Research Experience

Program Dates: May 27th - June 26th, 2025


Program Details

  • Application opens February 18th, 2025

  • Application deadline is March 20th, 2025 at 11:59 PM PST

  • Paid research experience at $16.50/hr
  • Professional development course on Canvas
  • Housing and travel not included
  • Required participation in Summer Research Symposium on Thursday, June 26th, 2025 at CSUB campus.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Be in good academic standing with the college, a 3.0 GPA or higher is preferred
  • Actively pursuing a transfer path in a STEM discipline
  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Completed at least 12 units at Bakersfield College
  • Completed or currently taking transfer level English and Math
  • Must not be enrolled in summer classes that are in-person and interfere with internship dates and times.

Application Materials

  • Complete and "Submit" online application
  • One letter of recommendation (preferred from a professor or faculty member)
    • Your recommendation writer will receive an email (2-3 business days after application is submitted) with instructions and link to attach a written letter of recommendation on letterhead (pdf)
  • Resume or CV
  • Unofficial transcripts from all colleges attended after high school
  • Responses to two essay questions:
    • Personal Statement: What drives you to pursue a STEM Degree? (600 word max)
    • Statement of Purpose: Please discuss why you are interested in the BC/CSUB Summer 2025 Research Program. Explain how this opportunity will aid your goals for graduate studies or research, and ultimately your career or profession. (600 words max)

All materials are required for review of your application. If you have any issues/questions on
uploading application materials, please contact STEM Program Manager, crystal.ramos1@bakersfieldcollege.edu.

*Application Deadline: March 20th, 2025

2025 Research Projects

Project 1: Steven Brown and Saeed Jafarzadeh
Title: Fabricating an Idea

Abstract/Description: In this program, participants will identify a problem of interest to them and propose an inventive hardware solution. The next steps will be to design, fabricate, and test the proposed invention. This will be an iterative process, which will involve 3D printing, laser cutting, and electronics. Participants will design and build everything from scratch, and consequently learn a lot in the process. The program starts with learning about the available tools for fabrication and discussions on the proposed ideas. Then, the participants will spend a few weeks on developing their inventions. At the end, the participants are expected to present their work in the form of a poster.

Project 2: Tat Acharya and Maryam Jalalifarahani
Title: Computational Modeling of Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Abstract/Description: Geological carbon sequestration is a proven method of safely storing carbon dioxide in formations, and therefore it can reduce atmospheric carbon imprint and mitigate global warming. The global market for carbon sequestration has been valued at approximately $3.54 billion in 2024, and it is projected to increase to $14.51 billion by 2032. Principal Investigator, Dr. Tat Acharya is a mechanical engineer with a broad background in areas of sustainable and conventional energy. With over 16 years of experiences, Dr. Acharya uses computational fluid dynamics (CFD), a state-of-the-art engineering tool to model the process of carbon capture and sequestration in his research laboratory at California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB). CFD is an extremely valuable tool in an engineer's toolbox that makes them highly desirable to the industry. Through the past couple of years, Dr. Acharya's research group has published two research articles reporting CFD work on carbon sequestration in a high impact engineering journal. As part of this year's summer research, students will learn to use CFD to model carbon capture and sequestration in sandstone rocks under various natural conditions. Students will also learn the science of carbon sequestration and will receive hands-on-training on CFD, following which they will assist the principal investigators to model and simulate the process of carbon dioxide drainage in a sandstone rock under various natural conditions.

Project 3: Anne-Marie Hodge and Lucas Hall
Title: Comparison of Activity at Artificial Dens Between Urban and Exurban San Joaquin Kit Foxes

Abstract/Description: Habitat loss and degradation is the leading cause of extinction and risk of extinction for species. Despite this knowledge, habitat loss has steadily increased, posing additional risk to biodiversity and ecological processes. For example, anthropogenic land conversion in the San Joaquin Valley of California has resulted in substantial habitat loss over the last century, impacting native ecosystems and imperiling numerous sensitive and endemic species. The San Joaquin kit fox (hereafter “kit fox”) is one of these species endemic to the San Joaquin Valley and is federally endangered and state threatened due to habitat loss from agricultural expansion, energy development, and urban growth. Despite urbanization being a cause for habitat loss, kit foxes have demonstrated remarkable adaptability in certain urban environments. However, increased anthropogenic development in urban and exurban areas will decrease the availability of suitable habitat for kit foxes. Kit foxes obligately use dens throughout the year for protection from predators, refuge from environmental elements, and for rearing pups. While kit foxes typically use open, undeveloped land to build dens, dens in urban areas can be found in a variety of anthropogenic structures (e.g., pipes, C-trains, shipping containers, portable buildings, debris). Suitable denning habitat in the urban environment is becoming increasingly limited due to continued urban development. Prior research has shown that artificial dens can potentially mitigate the loss of natural den habitat. Artificial dens could also enhance corridors for kit fox movement across areas with low den availability and thereby connect populations. Artificial dens in urban environments are used by kit foxes frequently, but the use of artificial dens in an exurban environment is unknown. Our objective is to compare artificial den use between urban and exurban populations of the San Joaquin kit fox. Urban kit foxes have been found to exhibit bolder behavior compared to non-urban kit foxes and this difference in behavior may differentially affect the use of artificial dens by urban and exurban populations of kit foxes. We predict that the urban kit fox population will find and use artificial dens more frequently compared to the exurban population. We will test this prediction by comparing activity of kit foxes at artificial dens in urban and exurban sites, determining the number of individuals that find, enter, and occupy the dens. We will document how quickly other species find and use the artificial dens and whether this might discourage use by kit foxes from further use to decrease competition. We will conduct this study in Bakersfield (urban) and Lokern (exurban) in areas of known kit fox presence. Dens will be installed in areas frequently used by kit foxes, such as public schools for the Bakersfield site. Dens in the Lokern site will also be installed in areas frequently used by kit foxes. There will be 10 artificial dens installed at each site, totaling 20 dens. We will install artificial escape dens constructed from single-walled High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe throughout both sites. The dens will be constructed using two pieces of 1.2 m long HDPE tubing and one piece of 1.8 m long HDPE tubing, which will be arranged into a U-shaped den. Reconyx wildlife cameras will be deployed at each den entrance to monitor the activity of foxes and other species. The cameras will help us determine how quickly kit foxes and other species find, enter, and occupy the artificial dens.

Project 4: Rae McNeish & Milena Lilles
Title: Kern River in Crisis: Understanding the ecology of the river during variable water conditions

Abstract/Description: Freshwater ecosystems are necessary to support human society and wildlife, but they are under unprecedented impacts from human activities. These activities can result in massive water reduction in rivers and streams, resulting in catastrophic effects on fish and associated freshwater and terrestrial wildlife (e.g., birds). The Lower Kern River (LKR) has been subjected to rapid de-watering, which resulted in over 3,000 fish deaths during late summer in 2024. We are conducting regular monitoring of the LKR to understand the ecology of the river linked with such drastic changes in water availability. Students will contribute to ongoing monitoring and investigations of the LKR wildlife. Pending water availability at river sites, students could participate in river fish surveys, riparian plantings, aquatic macroinvertebrate sampling, and water chemistry. Students will participate in lab work to learn how to process field samples, identify fish and macroinvertebrates, and become familiar with lab techniques for processing samples (e.g., microscopy). Participating students will develop teamwork and science communication skills while discovering how research into the LKR can be used to create a framework for managing freshwater ecosystems necessary to support wildlife and human communities.

Project 5: Ehsan Reihani
Title: Smart Robotics: An Introduction to AI-Driven Robots

Abstract/Description: This summer program introduces participants to the exciting world of robotics and AI-driven systems using NVIDIA Jetson Nano (with JetBot or JetRacer) and the Raspberry Pi-powered PiRacer platform. Participants will have the flexibility to choose their preferred hardware and gain hands-on experience in assembling, programming, and operating intelligent robots and autonomous vehicles. The curriculum covers key concepts like computer vision, deep learning, and real-time control, featuring projects such as obstacle avoidance, object tracking, road following, and AI-powered racing. With versatile applications from JetBot’s general-purpose robotics to JetRacer and PiRacer's high-speed autonomous racing, this program equips learners with practical skills to innovate in robotics, edge AI, and autonomous technologies.

Past Research Projects


If you have any questions about the application or program please email STEM Program Manager, Crystal Ramos Iñiguez at crystal.ramos1@bakersfieldcollege.edu.

students working in electrical engineering lab
Research presentation in the CSUB Solario room

The contents of this research program were developed under a grant from the Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.