Financial Aid

Check-in windows for financial aid in the Welcome Center.


Upcoming Deadlines

Contact BC Financial Aid Staff

For questions specific to your financial aid account, contact your technician directly.

Group of students.

Dates to Remember

  • October 1: FAFSA, Dream Act, and BC Scholarship applications available for upcoming year
  • February 1: BC Scholarship Deadline
  • March 2: Cal Grant Deadline
  • May 1: Priority Document Deadline
  • July: Award notifications go out

What is Financial Aid?

Financial aid is money awarded to help you meet your educational expenses. There are many types of aid offered at Bakersfield College, funded by federal and state agencies and private organizations and are either need-based or non-need based. The major types are grants, scholarships, work study, and loans.

Financial Aid Questions? Get Answers 24/7/365 at FATV

Consortium Agreements

Consortium Agreements allow students enrolled at more than one school in a given semester to receive the maximum amount of federal aid for which they are eligible considering enrollment at both schools. A student may receive federal financial aid from only one school during any given semester. If a student is enrolled at more than one school, a Consortium Agreement between BC (the home institution) and Taft College (the host institution) will allow a student to count classes from both schools during one semester and receive the maximum amount of financial aid for which the student is eligible. If either school chooses not to enter into a Consortium Agreement, a student's financial aid will be based solely upon his/her enrollment at only one of the schools. The BC Financial Aid Office and any other institution reserve the right to deny consortium agreement requests. BC currently has a Consortium Agreement with Taft College.

Taft College Consortium Agreement


Financial Aid and FERPA

Student records are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, state law and Kern Community College District Board Policy from access by casual or unauthorized persons. Access to records is provided to the student, appropriate college staff members, persons having written consent of the student, or by court order or subpoena.

Watch this video answer to Can the college give out my personal information to my parents or friends?

Steps for Giving Consent to an Authorized Party

If a student wishes to allow a written consent for authorized party, they must go through the following steps:

  1. Student must to come in the Financial Aid office and fill out the year specific FERPA form. (A FERPA form allows authorized person to call or come in on the behalf of that student if that student isn't present.) The student cannot send a form remotely (i.e. email, fax) because the student's identity must be verified in-person.
  2. Student must supply their student ID to be copied by a Financial Aid staff member to be placed with their FERPA form.
  3. Their FERPA is then added to the students file. The FERPA form will posted the student's tracking requirements with the authorized person(s) name.

The FERPA form is only good for the award year it was filed. A new FERPA form will need to be completed every award year.