Web Services and Requests

Marketing & Public Relations department is responsible for the content on this web site. Our web team strives to keep information current and factual about services, events and departments at Bakersfield College. If you are a student or member of the public and see something that is incorrect or missing from our website, notify the web team at web@bakersfieldcollege.edu.

How to Update Content

For the main site, bakersfieldcollege.edu, submit a Web Services Request.

For the Bakersfield College Committee website, submit a Committee Website Services Requests.

Requests are completed as quickly as possible but may take up to 2-weeks to complete. Directory updates will be made once a month. Thank you for your patience.

Web Services Request Committee Website Services Request

Calendar Events

Book your event with Events Management according to the BC Events Guidelines and Marketing Procedures. Events Management will send the Web Team your event information for posting on the calendar after it is approved when appropriate. The Web Team will also create an event on Facebook when it is appropriate. 

  • We do not accept requests to post events from anyone other than Events Management.
  • You may fill out the Web Services Request to provide additional details and collateral such as images and graphics.
  • We will NOT attach made for print fliers.
  • Note: Web requests may take up to 1-2 weeks to complete, submit your events to Events Management with enough leadway for them to approve and send to us for proper promotion.


The document must pass our examination to be uploaded to our CMS for use on our website.

  • All documents MUST be accessible.
  • It is your responsibility to make them accessible.
  • Documents need to be PDF with few exceptions.
  • Trained Web Content Editors will visually check the document tags and document flow and use the Adobe PDF Accessibility checker. Passing the checker alone does not ensure accessibility. If the document is not PDF, we will use the applicable checker. The document must pass our examination or we will reject it.
  • Linking to a document that is hosted in another website or cloud storage, such as Google Drive, does not change the requirement for accessibility and links to documents outside our CMS that are not accessible will be removed.
  • Find out how to make documents accessible at Accessibility Center Resources.

Tips for Faster Service


  • Be detailed, clear, and precise.
  • Don't assume that we know what you know about your content.
  • Include the URL of the page you want edited.

Directory Updates


  • File types: PNG, JPG or JPEG
  • Files size: 2 MB maximum
  • Dimensions W x H in Pixels (Ratios):
    • Header Images - next to the page title: 1000x750 (4:3)
    • Directory Portraits, Story Display [vertical images]: 700x933 (3:4)
    • Squares: 700x700 (1:1)
    • News and Events: 1000x563 (16:9)

Vanity URLs

Please read the Vanity URL Guidelines before submitting a request.