Adjunct Faculty Resources

This webpage is designed for adjunct faculty. Important information and documents will be housed on this page. Check back regularly for updates. Last update: 01/14/2025


Academic Technology is available to help you virtually. Check the regular updates for hours. Email with any questions concerning office hours.

Accessibility Resources

Accessibility Center

Information about Accessibility and the law, step-by-step guidance for creating accessible content, and training resources can be found in the Accessibility Center Resources.

DSPS Resources


  • Academic Technology Workshop Schedule
  • Reasonable accommodations and sign language interpreters are available on request. Registering early and requesting accommodations 3-5 days in advance will help us provide seamless access. Request can be made on the registration form. Submit sign language interpreter requests directory to Michelle Begendik (661) 369-8826 (VP)/(661) 395-4296 (voice).

Other important links

Adjunct Faculty Newsletter