All members of the teaching staff are required to participate in professional development activities that will enhance his/her performance of assigned duties.

Each activity needs to meet at least one of the nine approved criteria. For each activity you claim toward fulfilling your flex hour obligation, please note by number(s) which of these categories are being addressed:

  1. Improvement of Teaching
  2. Maintenance of Current Academic and Technical Skills and Knowledge
  3. In-Service Training for Vocational Education and Employment Preparation Programs
  4. Retraining to Meet Changing Institutional Needs
  5. Intersegmental Exchange Programs
  6. Development of Innovations in Instructional and Administrative Techniques and Programs
  7. Computer and Technological Proficiency
  8. Courses and Training Implementing Affirmative Action and Upward Mobility Programs
  9. Other Activities Determined to Be Related to Educational and Professional Developmentā€”please specify

NOTE: When Staff Development submits its annual reports to the State, campus and individual activities are reported and categorized around these nine criteria. These reports help detail our ongoing need for increased funding from the State. Your help is appreciated.

Flex Forms