Renegade Mascot - The Renegade Knight
The Bakersfield College Athletics Program is rich with history and tradition. Since the origin of the Renegade mascot, the “Knight” has been portrayed in many forms. Although each Knight provides strong symbolism of the era it represented, Bakersfield College has incorporated the use of a modern knight design.
One of the oldest traditions at Bakersfield College, the Renegade Mascots are an integral part of the college spirit at all Renegade events. The Mascots are responsible for leading stadium wide chants and increasing crowd participation at football and other sporting events, engaging with community members, addressing our youth, representing at college sponsored events, etc.
The Mascots have also provided Renegade spirit at the community parades, all on-campus rallies, and community partnership events. The Mascots have quickly established themselves as a mainstay in the Renegade family pride. In the upcoming season, the Mascots hope to continue to develop new traditions while honoring the proud, long-standing traditions of the College. The Mascots hope to continue working with the BC Drumline and BC Cheer to create a positive winning atmosphere for all Renegade events.
Got what it takes to be a Renegade Mascot?
If you wish to try out to be a Renegade Mascot, head over to Student Employment and submit a job application for Renegade Mascot.
Please note, becoming the Renegade Mascot is a lot of hard and dedicated work. You represent all the students here at the Home of the Renegades. Limitations and restrictions for this position do apply, but we encourage everyone to apply as YOU ARE A RENEGADE!