Cut The Knot! - This site focuses on problem-solving techniques, and includes solutions to a number
of intricate problems.
QuickMath - An automated service that gives immediate answers to various kinds of algebraic
and symbolic problems.
WebMath - Automated answers in many categories up through calculus. Includes compound interest.
Interesting site because the automated answer not only gives you the answer but shows
step by step how to get it.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics - Online math encyclopedia. An excellent resource for looking up words and concepts;
often goes into a great deal of detail on the math involved. Try this one first!
Women Mathematicians - Biographies of women mathematicians, written by students at Agnes Scott College.
Includes many contemporary mathematicians.
In Discovery or Inquiry-Based Learning, you are lead to discover the answer for yourself.
Read more about this method here.
Discovery Learning Project - Two sites in one! The Discovery Learning Project tracks various projects that use
and encourage the use of discovery methods. The Legacy of R. L. Moore site traces
the influence of Robert Lee Moore (1882-1974), a famous proponent and practitioner
of discovery methods of teaching.
Creative Teaching: The Heritage of R. L. Moore - A book-length biography and study
of R. L. Moore and the "Moore method" of discovery learning. Originally published
as a print book by the University of Houston in 1972, now available online in several
digital formats.
For true reference resources, universities often have excellent information.
Mudd Math Fun Facts - A collection of over 100 fascinating math tidbits that lead into broader areas
of mathematics.
Merlot - A site with links to an assortment of sites, including mathematical sites. Includes
a reviewing system so you can see if other people liked the sites before you go.