
Mathematics is the cornerstone of any education. Whether you strive to become a mathematician or simply need math courses as a requirement for another program, this is where you will find information about the Mathematics Department.

Useful Math Links & Documents

Math Learning Center

Online Math Help

Varsity Tutors

Math Contest Info

Non-Credit Learning Courses:

For students who need help with reviewing or relearning foundational mathematics skills, the Mathematics Department has started two new non-credit courses. You may take either of these courses while you are taking a credit math course, or you can sign up for only a non-credit class to get some structured math review, especially to improve algebra skills.

MATH B71NC - Math Jam - Review of Critical Intermediate Algebra Skills

MATH B99NC - Math Jam - Math Skill Building

Ask your math instructor, an educational advisor, or a counselor if these courses are right for you.

Degrees and Certificates

Pathway: Mathematics

General Education Patterns

Follow one of the general education to satisfy requirements for graduation from Bakersfield College or successfully transfer to a CSU or UC. Find your pattern at General Education Patterns.

Bakersfield College offers the following degree in Mathematics:

Math Associate of Science for Transfer

What can one do with a math degree?