Is That Job Offer Real? How to Avoid Email Scams!

Many Bakersfield College students are receiving spam emails regarding false employment opportunities, system updates, and account verifications. Please be aware of these emails, report as spam, and delete as appropriate. Some of these are phishing and can be dangerous. Be cautious and look for these things.

Employment and Internship Opportunities

  • Legitimate job opportunities are posted and shared through BC’s official Jobspeaker platform. For details on Jobspeaker, see Student Employment.
  • Approved flyers are only available in the Student Employment Lab or shared at a pop up tent hosted by Student Employment, we will never allow a third party to distribute job flyers.  

Look Out for Scams!

  • If the job requires no previous experience, is high paying, and only requires you a few hours a week to work from home, this is a scam.
  • If email with the posting or inquiry does not come from a legitimate/business named email address, this is a scam.
  • Verify the posting is found on a credible job posting site, do not follow the link in the email.
  • DO NOT provide bank account information. A legitimate employer won’t ask for banking details until you have completed all onboarding paperwork and are setting up a direct deposit.   
  • DO NOT purchase gift cards or send money. A legitimate employer is not going to require you to pay to work for them or send you money to purchase gift cards.
  • ALWAYS research the company before applying. Use reputable housing search sites and legitimate property management companies for your searches.
  • Trust your instinct! If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

If you come across any opportunities lacking the BC logo or seem suspicious, please notify Student Employment as soon as possible,

System Updates and Account Verifications

  • Bakersfield college will not send emails with links to have anyone reset accounts or passwords. This includes QR Codes or asking to “copy and paste” a link into a new browser window.
  • If you receive a notice for the first time about something very urgent (next 24 hours), it’s unlikely it’s coming from Bakersfield College.
  • Take note of the language used. Spam messages will likely use other campus names or titles and offices that are not from Bakersfield College.

Signs of Phishing and Spam

  • Someone who normally does not reach out to you is asking for help or personal information.
  • A request for password information or a link to reset your password.
  • Anything requesting purchasing of a gift card or asking for financial help or information.
  • Emails that were not requested that are offering services or jobs.

Remember to ALWAYS research a company before applying and trust your instinct!

Stay vigilant and safe, and reach out to the appropriate BC department or service if you have questions about what was sent in an email or text.
