Industry Employers

Your Future Workforce is Here!
Thank you for choosing Bakersfield College to assist with your recruitment needs. We have students with varying interests and majors in need of part-time work looking for experience in their fields of study. We also have graduates and alumni looking for part-time and full-time work to start their careers. Whether you are seeking to fill one position or multiple, our professional staff can assist you through the process. It's even easier now that we have teamed up with Jobspeaker.
Post Your Openings On Jobspeaker
Sign up with Jobspeaker to post your employment opportunities. If you experience technical difficulties, Contact the Jobspeaker Support Team. For best results with Jobspeaker, use Google Chrome as your browser.
Direct Recruitment and Internship Opportunities
Employers interested in offering a direct recruitment or internship opportunity must submit the Direct Recruitment/Internship Request. We will contact you after reviewing your request.