Appeal for Financial Aid Reinstatement Instructions
The U.S. Department of Education requires, as a condition of receiving federal financial aid, that a student be making satisfactory academic progress toward completing their educational goal.
Students who have not met Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards and/or have been disqualified and have extenuating circumstances may appeal their status by following the instructions listed below. Review the details of the SAP policy and definition of terms.
- You must have submitted a FAFSA or Dream Act application for the award year in which you are appealing (Example: Fall 2022 appeal, you must complete a 2022-2023 FAFSA or Dream Act).
- Attend a Financial Aid Appeal Workshop either via ZOOM or Self-Directed Online Workshop.
- Download the SAP Appeal Statement Form. Once the form is downloaded, answer all questions by completing the PDF fillable document.
- Upload Third Party Documentation in support of your extenuating circumstances.
- Upload a Counselor/Educational Advisor approved Comprehensive Student Educational Plan (CSEP) completed no longer than 9 months ago.
- Upload a PELL LEU grant history print-out. Go to: to print this requirement.
- Complete and upload passing test results for the following Financial Aid TV (FATV) Appeal Counseling sessions:
- Understanding the Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) and its Effects
- Upload the SAP Appeal by typing your Name in the box indicated on the PDF fillable Signed Statement Request form and electronically submitting it by pressing the Continue button.
- Review & E-Sign the Appeal Certification form.
- You must enroll in courses required for your program according to your CSEP or your appeal may be denied.
- You must electronically submit a completed Appeal for Financial Aid Reinstatement with all the required supporting documentation no later than 10 days prior to the end of the term.
Incomplete appeals and appeals submitted later than 10 days prior to end of term may be denied.
Required Personal Statement/Essays
All Students must complete the two essays. All questions must be answered on the SAP Appeal Statement Form to be considered complete for submission. Only typed essays, of no less than 200 words, will be considered. Please make sure your information is clear and concise. Your appeal should not include statements based on financial need.
The two statements will include:
- A detailed explanation for why you were unable to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress
- A detailed explanation for how circumstances have changed that make you feel you can now meet Satisfactory Academic Progress AND what steps you will take to successfully complete your educational goal
Examples of Extenuating Circumstances
Examples of extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to, the following (The documents must align with the semester in which academic progress was not met):
- Death of a relative or other significant person
- Injury or illness, including, but not limited to, behavioral health conditions, or the student or a relative or other significant person
- Pregnancy or birth of a child
- Homelessness
- Loss of childcare
- Loss or change in employment
- Being a victim of a serious crime, including, but not limited to, domestic abuse, even if the crime was not reported or did not result in criminal prosecution or civil liability
- Natural disaster
- Change of major
- Change of occupation
The following are NOT considered extenuating circumstances beyond a student's control:
- Poor time management/work schedule
- Unaware of Academic Progress policies or other college requirements
- Using the same circumstance as approved in prior appeal.
Notification By Appeal Committee
The Appeal Committee has until the end of the semester (for which you are appealing) to provide a response to your Appeal for Financial Aid Reinstatement. You will be notified of the Appeal Committee decision by email.
Failure to comply with the financial aid appeal procedures listed above may result in a denied appeal. Once denied, you will not be allowed to submit another appeal until the next academic year. All decisions made by the financial aid appeal committee are final. No exceptions!
Contact Financial Aid
- Monday - Thursday: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
- Friday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Saturday - Sunday: Closed
- Don't Forget Your Photo ID!
- Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- Friday: 8:00AM - 11:45 AM
- Saturday - Sunday: Closed
- BC ID number required
- All responses via your BC Assigned email
- Response time within 24-48 working hours of receipt
Federal School Code: 001118
Phone: (661) 395-4428 | Fax: (661) 395-4688 | Email:
Bakersfield College
Office of Financial Aid
1801 Panorama Dr.
Bakersfield, CA 93305