Creating a Collective Data Assessment


1. Log into eLumen


  • eLumen works best with Chrome or Firefox. Be sure to type the above address in your address bar.
  • If you would like to practice, you may go into the eLumen test site - this will allow you to create assessments without fear of “breaking the system”

Creating an Assessment

  1. Check your drop-down boxes at the top of the eLumen faculty dashboard to be sure you are where you need to be for this process. Adjust the role beside your name, your discipline, and the term you will be creating assessments for. Make sure to double check the Term field.
    Highlighting drop-down locations screenshot.
  2. Once your term is set, courses will populate the page. Scroll to the course you want to create an assessment for. Click on the “Add Assessment” button. An assessment builder pop up will open on your page, like the image below.
    Add Assessment button highlighted, screenshot.
  3. Select the “Collective Student Score Entry” option at the top of the box. (to score individual students, see Handout - How to Create & Complete Individual Student Assessments). Collective assessment means you will only report numbers of how your class section did as a whole.
  4. You can now enter an assessment name, assessment description and assessment type. It is important to make these names meaningful. It will help when finding your assessments later. It will also be helpful to have meaningful names if you share assessments with your colleagues. They will easily know what is being assessed.
    Collective student score entry highlighed and arrows to assessment name, assessment description and assessment type, screenshot.
    1. Assessment Name - Use the SLO # in the Course outline of Record (COR) that you are assessing
    2. Assessment Description - type in the tool you used to assess whether students met the SLO(s) assessed
    3. Assessment Type - choose “Summative SLO Assessment.”
  5. You do not need to alter or check any of the middle items in this menu (Formative assessment check box, Faculty annotations check box, or reflection template). See the picture below.
    Skip middle items screenshot.
  6. Enter your “Activity Name” and “Activity Description”. Your activity name needs to match the Assessment name you already entered. Your description name needs to match the assessment description you already entered. Just copy what you did above for assessment name and description. (This will make it easier to find your assessment later)
    Arrows point to assessment name, assessment description, activity name and activity description boxes, screenshot.
  7. On the bottom section of the assessment builder, skip the “Assessment Scale” and “Rubric Type”. Adjust the “Number of SLOs” to how many SLOs you are assessing. Once you do that, click Generate Rubric Template.
    Arro poins at Number of SLOs, screenshot.
  8. A rubric will be generated for your assessment (see image below). Depending on the number of SLOs associated with your assessment, you will see a corresponding number of SLOs to link to complete the assessment building process.
    Screenshot of the rubric table with two rows and three columns.
  9. Click on “Link SLO” to match the course SLOs to this assessment. A pop up will appear, allowing you to choose the SLOs that go with this assessment. ***NOTE: THE SLOs list will not always display the SLOs in order. Make sure to carefully read the SLO list to select the correct ones for your assessment.
    Screenshot of the popup window with various SLOs for a Course.
  10. Once you select and link your SLO, you will see it added to the assessment rubric.
    Screenshot of the rubric table that now includes one of the SLOs.
  11. After you link your SLO(s), you have 2 options of saving your assessment. You can click the button that says “Save” to use this link for your classes only. If you click “Save and add to Library”, your colleagues will be able to see and use the assessment you created. Once you have saved your assessment, they will be available to enter assessment data. You do not need to recreate your assessments each semester or each year. Caution: Verify that you are in the correct assessment prior to entering data because the assessment cannot be deleted once data has been entered. If you share the assessment, and then decide you want to delete it, seek assistance from the Assessment Committee Co-Chair.
  12. Newly created assessments now show up in your course and you can enter your data and reflections
    eLumen screen with the newly created course.