Professional Development

Employees in a workshop.

About Professional Development at BC

Professional Development at Bakersfield College is managed by the Academic Technology and Professional Development Department, with input and guidance from the Professional Development Committee.

Professional Development encompasses functional, job specific, wellness-oriented, and other general learning opportunities for all employee groups.

Ongoing Workshops, including FLEX Week

Professional Development workshops are offered year-round. However, the week before the fall term and the week before the spring term start are designated as “FLEX Week”. During these weeks, much larger numbers of workshops are offered.

Upcoming Workshops

  • Academic Technology Workshop Schedule
  • Reasonable accommodations and sign language interpreters are available on request. Registering early and requesting accommodations 3-5 days in advance will help us provide seamless access. Request can be made on the registration form. Submit sign language interpreter requests directory to Michelle Begendik (661) 369-8826 (VP)/(661) 395-4296 (voice).

New Faculty Seminar

New full time faculty participate in our year-long orientation, called New Faculty Seminar (NFS). This seminar introduces faculty to campus policy and operations, as well as important functional aspects of being a faculty member at Bakersfield College. In addition to the non-instructional aspects of faculty work, this seminar spends a significant amount of time addressing pedagogy, teaching strategy, and teaching tools for both online and in-person instruction. The NFS is offered on a monthly basis on Friday mornings throughout the academic year.

Adjunct Faculty Orientation

Similar to the New Faculty Seminar, the Adjunct Faculty Orientation (AFO) is a seminar that covers both instructional and non-instructional aspects of faculty work. The AFO differs in that it is offered twice a year in the evening during FLEX Week, and focuses on some issues and functions specific to Adjunct Faculty needs.

Tap Into The Vision Resource Center

What Is the Vision Resource Center?

The Vision Resource Center is an online learning and communication platform that offers all California community college employees equitable access to professional development opportunities and supports efforts to fulfill the goals outlined in the Vision for Success.

The Vision Resource Center Offers:

  • Thousands of learning modules, including content specifically created for the California Community Colleges.
  • Systemwide online communities available to 137,000 professionals, making it the largest collaboration space in the system.
  • The only systemwide calendar with the intention to list all professional development events open to California Community College professionals.
If you encounter problems logging in to your Vision Resource Center account, email Dan Hall,

Learn a New Skill

Announcing: FREE access to LinkedIn Learning for Bakersfield College students, staff, and faculty!

LinkedIn Learning offers online video courses and tutorials to develop business, technology-related, and creative skills. There are over 5,000 courses that can help you gain new skills to advance your career, create a side-hustle, or explore your interests and hobbies.

Using LinkedIn Learning

Learn Anywhere, anytime, LinkedIn Learning Access here.

Getting Help

How to login in to LinkedIn Learning using SSO

If you need help, contact: Freddie Rodriguez, Job Development Specialist:

Professional Development Committee Goals:

  1. Integrate the work of the committee with the work of Academic Technology as the lead department for Professional Development at Bakersfield College.
  2. Develop the use of PDC Scholarship funds and the return on investment to campus.
  3. Improve assessment and professional development effectiveness.
  4. Improve quality of professional development with regard to equity, accessibility, and accommodations.
Professional Development Committee webpage