Section 2: Professional Expectations

Section 2: Professional Expectations

Page Contents:

  1. Department Meetings
  2. Committee Participation
  3. Office Hours
  4. Academic Freedom
  5. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  6. Syllabus
  7. Course Enrollment

Congratulations on becoming a member of the Bakersfield College Faculty. As faculty members, we take great pride in our institution and the quality of education we are able to provide. Our expectations of our students are high as we strive to create and uphold educational standards that will assist our students in their personal and academic endeavors. As a faculty member, we are expected to plan instructional and non-instructional activities that are appropriate to the level and purpose of the course and to use media aids, Canvas, the library, and other relevant resources to enhance student learning. Where possible, we should utilize alternative instructional delivery approaches to enhance student access to education. In order to accomplish this, faculty members must endeavor to communicate with both students and staff in a professional manner as well as maintain their expertise within their subject area.

Other collegial activities include participation in retention and institutional research activities, participation in faculty governance activities, and participation in recruiting/articulation with schools and colleges. Faculty members must neither conduct personal business which interferes with contract responsibilities, nor use District or College personnel, facilities, or equipment for personal business. Finally, faculty members must adhere to College and District policies and procedures.

Our negotiated professional expectations are outlined in the current Collective Bargaining Agreement (most commonly referred to as “the contract”) between the Kern Community College District and the Kern CCA. In this handbook, the agreement shall be referred to as the CBA. Professional expectations are listed in Article 4 of the CBA. There are additional state-mandated requirements, such as Professional Development, that are not in the CBA but are still required.

Departmental Meetings

Professional expectations for faculty include attendance and participation at department meetings. (See CBA Article 4.)

Committee Participation

The Academic Senate announces openings for campus committees each semester. Many committees seek a representative from each department on campus. Being involved is a great way to meet colleagues and to serve your department and campus. The more faculty who are involved, the greater the faculty voice and input on important issues.

Office Hours

For faculty with no reassigned time, the number of office hours scheduled for the convenience of students shall be proportional to instructional load. A maximum of five (5) office hours per week shall be scheduled and posted for instructional faculty or preparation time for student service faculty. These hours may be held in the faculty member’s office, online, and/or at appropriate District locations. These hours shall reflect the range of delivery modes of the faculty assignment. Details for faculty with reassign time see CBA Article 8.N. 3 and 4.

Your schedule is also submitted each term to your Department Chair and Area Administrator.

Academic Freedom

As discussed within the Agreement between KCCD & KCCD CCA/CTA/NEA (Article 4.A), education in a democracy depends upon earnest and unceasing pursuit of truth and upon free and unrestricted communication of truth. As such, faculty members shall be free to exercise academic freedom, including freedom of investigation, freedom of discussion in the classroom, freedom to select texts and other instructional materials, freedom of assignment of instructional exercises, and freedom of evaluation of student efforts. It is imperative that faculty members acknowledge that in the exercise of academic freedom, they have a responsibility to be accurate and comprehensive in making reports, to be fair-minded in making interpretations and judgments, to respect the freedoms of other persons, to exclude irrelevant matters from classroom discussions and instructional exercises, and to make appropriate distinctions between statements of fact made as faculty subject matter specialists and opinions made as private citizens.

The College recognizes the fundamental right of the faculty member to be free from any censorship or restraint which might interfere with the faculty member's obligation to pursue the truth and maintain their intellectual integrity in the performance of their teaching functions. The faculty must take great care not to infringe on anyone's academic freedom or intellectual property. This includes the careful use of materials to be reproduced for classes and the respectful observance of all intellectual property rights including the copyrighting of materials.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

It is the responsibility of the faculty member to ensure that any course they teach conforms to the approved curriculum for that course. The best way to ensure that your teaching aligns with approved curriculum is to refer to the Course Outline of Record (COR). The Chair of your department will provide a copy of these approved elements for each course as determined by the College Curriculum Committee. This information will include such elements as the course content outline, course goals, Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) for the course, specific writing requirements (if applicable), and other requirements for testing and evaluation (if any have been specified for the course). The remainder of the course elements are to be determined at the discretion of the faculty member. If you need a copy of the approved course outline for any course you are teaching, speak to your Chair and/or Area Administrator.


The course syllabus constitutes a contract between the student and the faculty member. As such, the faculty member should be careful to be both clear and specific as to what is expected of the student in the course and of what the student may expect from the faculty member. Much of this information can be easily found in the Course Outline of Record (COR). In this manner the syllabus will determine the rights and duties of both the student and the faculty member. The syllabus should minimally include the following elements:

  • Name of instructor/Contact information (Office phone number/email address)
  • Course objectives/Student learning outcomes
    • Must come from COR / catalog
  • Course content outline
    • Including date, time, and location of final exam
  • Final exam schedule
  • Weekly schedule of assignments
  • Required textbook
  • Performance evaluation methods
  • Course grading
  • Attendance policy
  • Office hours/Office location
  • Availability of tutoring
  • Services/Accommodations available for students with disabilities

Syllabus Statement

The course syllabus provides students with an introduction to the course and expectations. The syllabus can also be a great way to share BC campus support services. The Students of Concern (SOC) team created a document containing the most recently updated syllabus statements for initiatives, departments and services both on-campus and online. These statements should accompany each course syllabus, and are typically updated by each department by email.

Amending the Syllabus

Amendments and changes to the syllabus, including evaluation and grading mechanisms, are possible. The instructor must communicate any changes to the full class and then distribute them in writing to all students and via Canvas messaging.

Course Enrollment

It is the responsibility of the faculty member to maintain accurate course records. This includes but is not limited to taking roll, ensuring all students attending class are registered, updating class rosters prior to the census and withdrawal dates, and the timely posting of grades. Prior to the start of each semester, the Office of Admissions and Records provides information and time frames to ensure accurate records. It is essential that instructors accurately tend to this information. Keeping accurate records will keep the College in compliance with state funding requirements and audit criteria.