SSJV Cal-SOAP Employment

Current Job Openings

To inquire about current job openings, please email us at, or call us at (661) 395-4954.

College Success Coach - Job Description

Under the supervision of the Program Director, Field Advisor, and a High School Site Coordinator, the primary role of a College Success Coach (CSC) is to provide academic, college, career, and financial aid support/information to high school students. The goal is to increase the number of students attending college and secure financial aid to fund their educational needs.

The following items are the basic responsibilities of a College Success Coach:

  • Motivate students to consider postsecondary educational opportunities and continue in college preparatory courses of study throughout high school
  • Present workshops on college options, admission requirements, and financial aid
  • Advise students individually and in group settings about the development of educational plan options and resources available
  • Discuss the nature of the collegiate experience with students and encourage high academic achievement
  • Help students complete a college and career assessment
  • Help find information for students on colleges of interest
  • Organize campus events/workshops and help student’s complete college and financial aid applications, including scholarships, and provide follow up support to students
  • Collaborate with colleges to rally support for all college-related activities and to ensure that students are connected with support programs at individual colleges
  • Organize financial aid literacy presentations for high school students
  • Discuss educational opportunities and student’s academic achievement with parents and/or teachers
  • Keep accurate data and records of students who receive Cal-SOAP services
  • Work closely with Cal-SOAP staff to provide timely and accurate information
  • Make appropriate referrals as needed
  • Perform other duties, within the above framework, as assigned by Program Director 


  • Knowledge of post-secondary educational and financial aid options
  • Standardized college entrance exams experience and knowledge
  • Training and or experience in college counseling strategies and methodologies
  • Experience and/or knowledge of college access logistics
  • Ability and willingness to speak before large (classroom size) groups of high school students
  • Ability to communicate effectively and demonstrate sensitivity working with low income/first generation populations
  • Strong communications skills
  • Ability to work with minimum supervision and follow through on assignments
  • Ability to travel to school site(s)

Employment Eligibility

  • Be currently enrolled in a college or other postsecondary school as an undergraduate or graduate student
  • Demonstrate financial need (Cost of Attendance – Expected Family Contribution = Financial Need) Provide an unofficial transcript and Financial Aid Award Letter upon hire and on an annual basis
  • Provide a schedule of classes on a quarterly/semester basis
  • Provide term grades on a quarterly/semester basis
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 during the term of their employment with Cal-SOAP
  • In accordance with Bakersfield College and school district policies, be live scanned and cleared to work

Terms of Employment

The employment period for CSCs is for one academic year (Fall 2024 through Spring 2025). While employed, it is expected that CSCs: Fulfill all CSC duties in a responsible manner.

  • Attend all Cal-SOAP training sessions, meetings and events
  • Report to the school site in accordance with the established hours of work, which are agreed upon with the employee, Cal-SOAP Program Director and School Site Coordinator
  • Keep updated, organized, and accurate records of student contacts and progress in accordance with Cal-SOAP instructions
  • Report absences as outlined by Cal-SOAP policies and procedures
  • Attend parent and college informational nights if available and at the site’s request
  • Cooperate fully with Site Coordinator, teachers and administrators
  • Participate in programs sponsored and /or supported by Cal-SOAP including: Cash for College, Kern County College Night, Etc.

Hours & Compensation

  • College Success Coaches work an average of 20 hours per week
  • College Success Coaches are compensated at an hourly rate based on undergraduate or graduate student status
    • Undergraduate rate: $18.14
    • Graduate rate: $20.52

Positions end each June 30th, with opportunities to renew each school year. Interested applicants start here.