Student Organizations Funding Grant Conditions and Process

Student Organizations Funding Grant Conditions and Process

Student Organization Funding Grant Philosophy

Student Organization Funding (SOF) Grants are available to any registered Student Organization (Student organization) for operational, programmatic, fundraising, or travel expenditures that enhance overall quality of student life on campus. SOF Grants should be used to boost the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in social, cultural, intellectual, recreational, governance, leadership, group development, campus and community service, and informational programs and activities. These conditions and processes comply with district, federal, state, and local laws as well as BC policies and protocols.


The BCSGA Department on Student Organizations (Department) is responsible for management, allocations, and supervision of the entire SOF process. The Office of Student Life will assist the Department in managing the expenditures and execution of the grants. The SOF Grants shall be fiscally managed and administered by the Office of Student Life. The Dean of Students has the authority to alter SOF Grants to ensure that all policies and procedures are upheld and to ensure proper financial management.

Eligibility for SOF Grant Requests

Any Student Organization that meets the following criteria is eligible to apply for SOF Grants:

  1. Fully compliant with the Student organization registration process.
  2. In good standing with the Office of Student Life; and
  3. The Student organization Officers are in good standing with the College.

SOF Grant Proposals

Registered Student organizations may request grants from the Department. These grants are intended to support organization activities, but not to fully fund them. Student organizations are not guaranteed funding. Grant funding for an organization will be based on the availability of funds, department evaluation of the organization's requested event, submitted budget request, presentation, and information gathered during financial workshops with the Office of Student Life.

Student organization Officers should complete a SOF Grant Proposal explaining the request. Submission of a grant request does not automatically entitle a Student organization to receive funds.

SOF Funding Categories

Four funding categories differentiate expenditures - operational, program, fundraisers, and travel. All requests and expenditures are categorized into one of these four categories. All allocated funds must be expended no later than May 1st of each academic year. Any awarded grants not encumbered by May1st may be forfeited. SOF Grants are funded through the purchases of the BCSGA Kern Value Card (KVC) Sticker. Grants are contingent on availability.

Category 1: Operational Grants

Operating funds may be requested to support day-to-day operational expenses of registered Student organizations. Grants are used for enhancing the overall effectiveness, mission, and presence of Student organizations on campus.

  1. Maximum allocation for a registered Student organization per academic year is $200.
  2. Operating funds may be spent for costs within the following limitations:
    1. No expenses for salaries, stipends, or wages.
    2. No expenses for technology purchases.
  3. For the purpose of this section, operating funds shall include college student media organizations, provided that a maximum of $3,000 funding is available as start-up costs for the first year, with declining future requests outlined in a marketing and business plan submitted with the grant.
  4. Operating funds are intended for annual startup expenses.
  5. The Dean of Students has special approval for SOF grants only requesting operational costs but may defer grants to the Department.

Category 2: Program Grants

Program Grants are to support events that enhance the educational, cultural, and social experience of the BC community and events that are available for participation by the entire student body.

  1. The Student organization, through self-generated funds or sponsorships with other entities, must fund 25% of the total cost of each event. Student organizations should show proof of the availability of funds at the time of submitting SOF Grant funds.
  2. Maximum allocation for a registered Student organization per academic year is $1,000.
  3. Allocations for campus security and emergency services as deemed necessary for safety precautions will be granted.
  4. Funds may be allocated with the following stipulations:
    1. $75 maximum for food, per event holding 40 or fewer people;
    2. $200 maximum for food, per event holding more than 40 people;
    3. No more than $10 per person per event for food.
    4. Gifts are limited to $15 per person for guest speakers who do not request an honorarium.
  5. Programs funds may not be used for the following:
    1. Services or ceremonies that are religious or political in nature;
    2. Events that are only limited to organization membership and/or invited guests;
    3. Salaries or stipends of BC students, faculty, or staff;
    4. Programs that are held off-campus;
    5. Other stipulations and regulations placed by the policies and procedures established by Kern Community College District Business Services and the General Funding Policies and Conditions listed further below.
  6. SOF Grants will not be allocated to those who are already receiving financial assistance from the Office of Student Life or BCSGA.
  7. Event funding in excess of $1,000 for any specific reason requires the approval of the Dean of Students , who will consult with the Vice President of Student Affairs, before submitting the SOF Grant request.
  8. Programs funds help to provide funding for events, activities, and programs during instructional weeks.

Category 3: Fundraisers

All fundraising initiatives (with or without SOF Grant funding) must be approved by the Dean of Students , who may seek further review from other College entities.

Student organizations may request grant allocations for organizational fundraisers. The Department may allocate reasonable startup costs to enable the proposed fundraiser. Student organizations must repay these startup costs within four (4) weeks after the fundraiser as outlined below.

Any Student organization that does not comply or follow with the Financial Agreement during the Student organization Registration will be subject to judicial sanctions through the Office of Student Life.

Category 4: Travel Funds

Travel funds are awarded to support and assist with travel expenses that directly aid the organization in achieving its mission. Travel includes conferences, training sessions, competitions, and other off-campus events.

  1. No more than 50% of the total cost of travel will be allocated per request.
  2. Maximum allocation for a registered Student organization per academic year is $1,000.
  3. Travel grant funds must be spent in compliance with BC, KCCD, and The State of California travel guidelines and policies.
  4. Funds to support participation in tournaments or competitions, which require qualification, should be requested only after the organization has been qualified.
  5. All travel funds shall be limited to currently enrolled BC students.
  6. Travel funds can be used to cover the costs of:
    1. Registration or entry fees;
    2. Lodging or other accommodations; and
    3. Transportation:
      1. Mileage reimbursement for trips beyond a 50-mile radius of campus only;
      2. At the current State of California mileage rate;
      3. Vehicle rentals and travel tolls may be reimbursed.
  7. Allocations may not be used for reimbursement of per diem.
  8. Advisor Travel Incentives:
    1. All Student organizations must be accompanied by their Advisor or designee (who is a BC faculty or staff member) when traveling.
    2. Maximum of $250 may be allocated for assisting the Advisor, or designee, with travel expenses.
    3. Expenditures can only be used for registration, lodging, or transportation for the advisor.

General Funding Conditions

Funding from all categories must comply with the following conditions:

  1. The SOF Grant Philosophy shall serve as the basis for allocating all grants.
  2. The grant request form must be filled out in its entirety. Student organizations are encouraged to meet with the Dean of Students or designated BCSGA Officers prior to submission of the grant request.
  3. Vendor Quotes
    1. Quotes from vendors and suppliers for each requested expense item.
      1. If the expense item is $99.99 or less in value, please provide one quote or similar documentation from vendor or supplier.
      2. If the expense item is $100 or greater in value, please provide three quotes or similar documentation from vendor or supplier.
      3. All catering quotes should include a quote from BC Food Services.
  4. Guest Speakers and Contracts
    1. If the proposal includes a lecturer, guest speaker, or performance, the request must include a letter from the individual or agent:
      1. Qualifications and experience.
      2. The proposed honorarium or sample/unsigned contract.
      3. Completed and signed W-9 form.
      4. Confirmation of availability.
    2. Representative(s) of Student organization must contact the Office of Student Life at least three (3) weeks prior to the event to develop contracts with speakers, bands, caterers, etc.
    3. Student organization Membership are not permitted to sign contracts of any kind.
    4. Members should not commit to events until funding approval is final. A verbal contract may be considered legally binding. The Department is not obligated to fund an event arranged prior to approval of grant funding. Finalizing any contract is contingent on funding, and contingent on receiving necessary purchasing documentation from the College.
  5. Financial Transactions
    1. The Office of Student Life must handle all business transactions dealing with SOF Grants.
    2. If proper accounting procedures are not followed, the Student organization officers may be personally responsible for the expense.
    3. Student organization Membership may not commit the Student organization, the Office of Student Life, BCSGA, or the College to any expenses.
    4. No money will be released for purchases until all paperwork is finalized, including signatures and approvals.
    5. SOF funding may not be used to reimburse expenses incurred prior to funding approval.
  6. Publicity
    1. All Student organization publicity for programs sponsored with SOF funding must have the BCSGA and the Kern Value Card (KVC) sticker logos clear and visible on them.
    2. The logo is available on the Office of Student Life Website.
    3. If a different format for the logo is needed, Student organizations can request it from the Dean of Students (
  7. Unallowable Expenses:
    1. Activities not included in the original proposal.
    2. The purchase of furniture items.
    3. Activities designed to promote a single political candidate or issue.
    4. Activities that are not open to all students or those that do not comply with the non- discrimination policy.
    5. The purchase of alcohol.
    6. Donations, contributions, scholarships, grants, financial aid, legal services, religious or political proselytizing, or sponsorship of public elections.
    7. Activities which are linked to academic courses or for which academic credit is awarded.
    8. Items for personal use.
  8. Any Student organization that does not abide by the requirements listed in these conditions may be deemed ineligible to receive grants from the Department until these conditions have been met.
  9. Student organizations may be asked for information about other activities and functions done in the past in an effort to ensure that active Student organizations receive the benefits.
  10. Partial allocations may be offered with fundraising recommendations.
  11. Summer SOF Grants are administered by the Dean of Students and the BCSGA Director of Student Organizations.
  12. Collaborative events must have SOF Grant proposals submitted at the same time so Department can review all requests for funds at the same time.

Application and Review Process

  1. Student organization Officers are responsible for developing and submitting SOF Grant Proposals for each event, activity, or travel.
    1. Applications are available online:
    2. Complete SOF Grant Proposal form and SOF Grant Itemized Budget Report in full.
    3. It is the registered officers' responsibility to apply for grants and initiate paperwork for expenses in a timely manner. To be timely, organizations must plan head and submit proposals at least three weeks in advance of the activity or travel.
  2. In filling out the SOF Grant Proposal, officers will be asked to provide the following items for within the application.
    1. Proposal description including how this event meets your organization's mission and enhances the overall quality of student life on campus and the activity's logistical aspects;
    2. Methods of promotions and advertising to the campus community;
    3. Methods of evaluation;
    4. A statement of support from your Student organization Advisor;
    5. The itemized budget report; and
    6. The quotes/proof for all items requested.
  3. Attach all required supporting documentation such as quotes, estimates, proposals, biographies, etc.
  4. Submit the SOF Grant Proposal at least three weeks prior to the date of proposed activity.
  5. The proposal will be reviewed at the next Department meeting.
  6. At least one officer listed on the leadership roster must be present at the Department meeting with a prepared five to ten minute presentation about the SOF Grant Proposal. The Department may ask questions to the presenting member.
  7. All presentations are open to the public.
  8. After the review, Department will deliberate and allocate funds.
  9. Student organizations will be sent a SOF Grant Notification Letter to the emails provided within 36 instructional hours.
  10. Student organization officers must contact the Office of Student Life within three instructional days of notification regarding the allocated funds and to initiate the necessary paperwork.
    1. SOF Grant allocations are not transferred into any Club Accounts. Expenses are processed through a central grant account managed by the Office of Student Life.
    2. A submission of a SOF Grant Proposal does not guarantee an allocation. If a Student organization incurs an expense or commits to a purchase or speaker without prior funding approval, the Student organization shall be PERSONALLY responsible for paying those expenses.

Basics of Grant Decisions

  1. Programs that seek to elevate the quality of education through co-curricular experiences will be considered a priority. The Department shall make decisions based on viewpoint-neutral criteria as listed below:
  2. Student Participation
    1. The number of BC students active in the organization; and
    2. The number of members active in planning, developing, coordinating, and implementation of the proposed activity.
  3. Completed Proposal
    1. The application must:
      1. Be submitted by the appropriate deadline and submitted three (3) weeks prior to event.
    2. Be filled out completely and thoroughly - including, but not limited to:
      1. Adequate descriptions and goals of event.
      2. Complete, detailed, and thorough description of expenses; and
      3. Budgets must be correctly added.
    3. Contain complete, detailed, and thorough backup documentation to include but not limited to:
      1. Bio of speaker, performer, or conference/travel schedule.
      2. Cost estimates (provide as much detail as possible); and
      3. Correspondences and Support items.
    4. Appropriate quotes submitted for each item
  4. Financial Dependency - Extent reliance on grant funds versus obtaining alternative funding or use of self-generated funds.
    1. Co-sponsorships.
    2. Active collaborative efforts/sponsorships from other Student organizations or departments.
    3. Involvement in fundraising, dues, and other self-generated funding.
  5. Presentation
    1. The representatives of the Student organization must be knowledgeable of the activity and adequately answered questions of the Department; and
    2. The representatives of the Student organization should have professionally presented the proposal to the Department. Use of PowerPoint or other visual aids is recommended.
  6. Cost Mitigation
    1. The honoraria requested must be in range similar to other speakers/performers.
    2. All expenses must be in range of items used in similar events; and
    3. Budget items cannot be requested for items that could or should be donated, free, provided by other sources, or obtained at a lower cost.
  7. Uniqueness
    1. The event should not duplicate an event already held in the current semester unless proper justification is provided explaining the need for a similar event; and
    2. Format of event must be unusual or unique events are highly encouraged.
  8. Event Management
    1. The event must be open to all BC students;
    2. Adequacy of facilities and venue;
    3. Scheduling of venue through appropriate College department;
    4. Other relative logistical requirements (Consult with Office of Student Life for planning details that might include consultation with other College Departments, Department of Public Safety, Maintenance and Operations, Scheduling, etc.); and
    5. An estimated attendance figure is required.
  9. Collaborative Events
    1. Collaborative events limit the amount your Student organization can receive.
  10. Promotion
    1. Advertising and promotion plan must be submitted with grant proposal that will include the description and method of advertising and extent of advertising; and
    2. Promotion efforts should attempt the entire campus.
  11. History
    1. The following will be taken into consideration:
      1. Prior management of funds;
      2. Completion of an event survey;
      3. Success of past events;
      4. Discussed and seek assistant from the Department and/or Dean of Students about the SOF Grant Proposal prior to submission; and
      5. Events have met the organization's goal for the event.
  12. The Department considers proposals for the grant funding of specific events by reviewing requests item- by-item. Student organizations must submit a SOF Grant Proposal with an Itemized Budget Report detailing all information completed. If the Department approves the request, the funds may only be used as stipulated by the Department's decision, as per the original request, or as per the Dean of Students.
  13. Members of the Department cannot vote on any proposals that they are directly connected to through affiliation or membership. Funding is allocated on a first come, first served basis, until grant funds are depleted. Student organizations are encouraged to apply as early as possible.

SOF Grant Exceptions

Student organizations may seek an exception from specific parts of these conditions and process if it prevents the Student organization from accomplishing its mission. Such exception requests should be submitted to the Dean of Students with the completed SOF Grant Proposal and Itemized Budget Report. The Dean of Students may consult with the Department and the Vice President of Student Affairs prior to making a decision. The Student organization Officers will be notified if the exception is approved before the Department meeting to which it is to be reviewed.

SOF Grant Appeals

Appeals are limited to the process of receiving funds itself. Student organizations must submit a letter of appeal to the Dean of Students who will respond within three (3) instructional days of the date of receiving the appeal. The letter of appeal must include the specific condition(s) being questioned.

The Dean of Students, with consultation with the Vice President of Student Affairs and the BCSGA Director of Student Organizations, may choose to deny the request or uphold the appeal and return the request back to the Department for reevaluation.

Failure to Adhere to Regulations

Incomplete proposals or proposals from Student organizations not registered with the Office of Student Life and BCSGA will not be considered for grant funding or approval.

Helpful Hints

  1. Make reasonable and practical requests. The theory that “if-you-ask-for-more, you will-receive- what-you-need” is inaccurate. If the Department finds inflated requests in the grant proposal, the allocation may be less than what your organization really needs.
  2. Be specific when requesting line items. If it seems questionable, explain your request, providing sufficient information so the Department understands the need.
  3. Discuss the request with your organization members and the Advisor. The Department will always review requests favorably if it appears to be supported by the organization.
  4. Discuss the SOF Grant request with the Student organizations Advisor/Program Director ; we are always here to help you create the best request.
  5. Have a location for your event reserved. To reserve a location for your please visit the Events Management page. Depending on the time, location, catering, and nature of your event, additional charges may apply. Make sure to ask about the cost of holding your event and security detail in the location you choose.
  6. Involve your Advisor in all aspects in program planning and implementation.
  7. Proposals may be judged for the quality and clarity of the presentation to the Department. The use of PowerPoint and other visual aids is recommended.
  8. The Office of Student Life can be a vital resource in program planning and implementation. For advice or questions, contact the Student organizations Advisor/Program Director (

Completing a SOF Grant Proposal

  1. Before filling out the SOF Grant Application, review the Student Organization Funding Grants Conditions and Process.
  2. There are two sections within the SOF Grant Application form. The first section involves the type of SOF Grant you are choosing to fill out and the second section requires that you provide a breakdown of the proposal. Note: Be sure to fill out all of the items in each section.
  3. Include supporting documents, photos, and files that pertain to the grant. Any information you submit will help the Department when they are reviewing your proposal.
  4. Include the itemized budget, which is essentially a breakdown of all the items you will need for your proposal as well as the items you will be requesting from the Department.
  5. Submit the SOF Grant Application online and prior at least a week prior to the next scheduled ICC meeting.
  6. The BCSGA Director of Student Organizations, or designee, will call/email the Student organization Treasurer and Advisor of the date, time, and location of the scheduled SOF Grant Review meeting.
  7. Attend and present your grant to the Interclub Council at the next ICC meeting following submission. There you will provide insight to the ICC about your proposal and how it will benefit your organization and the BC community.
  8. After presenting your proposal to the ICC, you will receive a decision on the application.