Resources for BC Student Organizations
Forms, Templates, and More
Student Life Equipment Checkout Reservation Form
By completing this form allows your organization to reserve various equipment from the Office of Student Life. Items include the golf carts, sound system, vendor machines, etc. Please note that some items may have a cost associated with the checkout, but there are no costs for registered student organizations.
KCCD Independent Contractor Checklist
Service Agreement and checklist with Bakersfield College and the Vendor/Act. This is for a group of people or a company.
Short Form Independent Contractor Agreement (ICA)
This agreement is for an individual (1 person) who is coming onto campus for an event and nothing more. No other funds including travel or per diem are given to the speaker, the agreement can be marked at a Zero ICA.
This form is to be filled out by the individual who is coming onto campus for a voluntary purpose. This agreement is only an offer of volunteer service and is not binding until lawfully approved by the Kern Community College District's governing board.
Consent Form General Release and Waiver of Liability
This form acknowledges that the signer's participation in the said event may involve potential risk to the undersigned, and the undersigned assumes any and all such risks.
This IRS form is to be filled out by anyone who KCCD will be paying for any services rendered.
BCSGA provides American Sign Language interpreting services for eligible students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing and registered with the Office of Disabled Students Programs and Services at Bakersfield College. These services are also available for students, faculty, staff, and community members for BCSGA sponsored campus events.
When an individual is awarded a prize by Bakersfield College Student Government Association or a student organization this form must be filled out.
Student Food Check-in Guest List Form
For all food requests, a list of attendees must be provided when submitting your invoice for payment. The list of attendees should match the number of guests you requested food for your requested event.
Guide to Showing Movies on Campus
The U.S. Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code) governs how copyrighted materials, such as films, may be used. Under copyright law, copyright owners have the exclusive right to publicly display their work. Therefore, you must have the proper copyright authorization in order to publicly exhibit a film or video as an event.
KCCD Contract Processing Procedure
In an effort to improve the timeliness of district-wide contract processing, KCCD modified the submittal deadline for ALL contracts to Business Services and modified the Boarddocs posting procedures for all ratification contracts that are valued under $50,000.00 and are thus subject to ratification by the Board of Trustees.
The term "Chalking" refers to the time-honored practice at Bakersfield College of using chalk on designated campus surfaces for messages. Chalking is limited to student organizations that are registered with the Office of Student Life. Chalking may be done no more than 7 days in advance of the event and the Organization members must clean the chalking area immediately afterward by hand.
Registered Student Organizations can have digital media created to advertise for their events, programs, services, and announcements. Submit your requests at least three or more weeks before your event for all services.
This form is to be signed to allow individuals to use materials of themselves for public use.
Student Organization Agenda and Minutes Template (.docx will automatically download)
A good meeting agenda serve as a guide to participants, making the meeting more efficient and productive. An effective meeting agenda states what activities will take place during the meeting. Minutes are a great way to recap what happened at the meeting and hold everyone accountable.
Roberts Rules of Order Overview
This is an overview of the parliamentary procedure using Roberts Rules of Order to maintain order in your meetings.
California Open Meeting Law Overview
This is an overview of the California open access meeting law.
The Brown Act: Open Meetings for Local Legislative Bodies
The Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code Sections 54950-54963), was enacted to safeguard the public's right to access and participate in government meetings within the State. The Brown Act applies to California city and county government agencies, boards, and councils. Since student organizations do not fall under any of these definitions, they are not bound by the Brown Act. The Brown Act itself is all the documentation that you need to provide as evidence. The Act specifically states that “legislative bodies” fall under its provisions and goes on to define the various legislative bodies.
Zoom Virtual Meeting Request Form
Use this form to request a premium zoom meeting space to be set up for you.
This form is used to receive funds from a Student Organization Club Account through the Business Office. Please complete this form with your advisor's signature, account number, requestor's information, vendor information, detailed information of the items being purchased, and bring it to the Office of Student Life for the final signature of the Director of Student Life. Please note that the requisition process takes about two weeks to complete from the date of submission to Business Services. There are three items needed to be submitted along with this requisition form before processing:
- Completed Purchase Requisition Form
- Agenda of the Student Organization meeting indicating discussion or expenditure
- Approved minutes of the Student Organization meeting indicating the membership approval of expenditure with the exact amount of expense and to who the funds are given to
- Quote or Receipt of the expenditure
Your Student Organization Account Balance Sheets states what is currently in your club accounts located in the Business Services. Only the registered President, Treasurer, ICC Rep, or Advisor can make this request.
Student Organization Funding (SOF) Grant Itemized Budget Report Template (.xlsx)
A template to help you organize your budget requests for requesting funds for a SOF Grant.
Finance Workshop
These items are used to assist Student Organizations in the financial management and processes of a student organization. A projected fiscal budget is needed during Student Organization registration.
- Finance Workshop PowerPoint Presentation (.pptx)
- Example Student Organization Projected Budget Sheet
This form must be completed and returned to the Office of Student Life at least seven (7) instructional days prior to the date of the event. If approved, a copy of this form must be available at the event/activity. When Student Organizations are requesting to sell perishable items on campus for a fundraiser, Student Organization members simply need to fill out this online form. The Office of Student Life will seek the BC Food Services Department's approval and email the Student Organization member regarding the status of the request.Guidelines for Solicitations
Student Organizations must follow these guidelines when reaching out to individuals, local merchants, or corporations (an agency) for donations/gifts. This is to ensure sure we do not request funds from the same donors multiple times and to ensure the most professional BC representation.Donation Form
This donation form should be completed when a BC Student Organization is receiving donated services or items from an agency outside of the Bakersfield College. This form must be completed and submitted to the Office of Student Life within 24 hours of receiving the donation.Food Safety: It's Up To You
Teaches food workers the basics of keeping yourself and your customers safe from foodborne illnesses. This video is based on changes to the Washington State Food Code made effective on May 2, 2005.
All Travel Forms and supplemental material are to be completed, signed by respective staff/students/advisor and submitted to the Office of Student Life by the Student Organization Advisor for additional approvals for student trips at least 14 instructional days prior to the start day of travel. By clicking on any of the Travel Form links, the form may not open in a separate window but will download to your computer. The default location to save these files in your “Downloads” folder; however, your computer may be configured to save them in a different folder or desktop. If you cannot locate the files after clicking on the link, search in your computer using “*.pdf” in the search box.
Student Travel Terms and Conditions Agreement
This agreement is created to help the advisor explain that students are expected to meet the KCCD Standards of Student Conduct standards for the duration of the trip. Students who fail to uphold these standards may be faced with any or all of the following consequences: sanctions imposed by the host institution, Bakersfield College, Office of Student Life, and/or dismissal from the program.
Claim for Absence/Travel Reimbursement (Effective 4/1/2023)
Completed form is to be submitted by the Student Organization Advisor for their individual school travel expenses. If an employee is driving, an updated Agreement for use of Automobile on School Business form, a copy of their driver's license and insurance card must be submitted with this form, or on file at the district, which is updated each academic year. Student Per Diem amounts must also be added on this form under "Itemized Other Expenses" as indicated on the "Request for Student Trip" form. All potential estimated expenses, invoices, hotel invoices, registration receipt, MapQuest directions, travel itinerary, and student forms must be submitted along with this form. This form and all supplemental materials must be submitted to Student Organization Advisor supervisor for signature, and then turned into the Office of Student Life at least 14 instructional days before travel.
Student Travel Authorization (Effective 4/1/2023)
To be completed by the Student Organization Advisor traveling with students on all approved school trips. All potential estimated expenses, invoices, hotel invoices, registration receipt, MapQuest directions, travel itinerary, and student forms must be submitted along with this form. This form and all supplemental materials must be submitted to Student Organization Advisor supervisor for signature, and then turned into the Office of Student Life at least 14 instructional days before travel.
Form A: Student Election of Private Transportation
All students traveling on approved school trips must indicate their emergency contact information. Any student traveling or using private transportation for an approved student trip must be indicated on this form. The student must attach a copy of their driver's license, insurance card, and fill out the Agreement for Use of Automobile on School Business form. All drivers must be a minimum of 21 years of age.
Form B - Guardian Student Consent
To be filled out for any student under the age of 18 traveling on approved school trips.
Form C - Request for Student Trip
Completed form is to be submitted by the Student Organization Advisor for all students traveling on approved school trips.
Agreement for Use of Auto on School Business
To be submitted for any student/employee driving on school business and approved student trips. This form is updated each academic year. All drivers must be a minimum of 21 years of age. A copy of their driver's license and insurance card is to be attached to this form.
Hotel/Motel Transient Occupancy Tax Waiver Exemption Claim for Government Agencies
Complete this form and present it to the hotel/motel at the time of registration or reservation, if pre-paid.
In-District Travel Expense Claim
This form is to be utilized for In-District travel that does not involve an overnight stay and is part of the employee's regular job assignment. Take note of the In‐District Mileage Chart.
Supplemental Travel Guidelines and Travel Form Instructions for Campus Business Office (.doc will automatically download)
This download is intended to supplement the District's Travel Policies and Procedures contained in Board Policy Manual section 3C in order to assist staff in fully completing the documentation required for employee travel on behalf of the College/District.
Logos for Publicity
- Download the BCSGA Logo for your publicity when awarded SOF Grants.
- Download the KVC Sticker Logo for your publicity when awarded SOF Grants.