Student Organizations Conditions and Procedures
At Bakersfield College (BC), Student Organizations serve a valuable and educational function offering students the opportunity to join in academic, professional, honor, political, service, social, cultural and/or spiritual groups. Student Organizations (Student organizations) allow students to assume various leadership roles that provide insight to further the mission of the group and contribute to the personal development and enjoyment of members within the context of the broader teaching, research, and service missions of BC. These opportunities offer students a chance to become more involved with their campus community, adding an experiential component to their educational co-curricular experience.
BCSGA has established a process to define the basis of the relationship between the Office of Student Life, the College, Kern Community College District (KCCD), and the respective Student organizations and the responsibilities and privileges afforded to registered Student organizations. The registration process serves many purposes. First, it offers structure by providing parameters in which organizations can function. It spells out responsibilities for groups that the College expects them to fulfill. Secondly, it establishes a communication pattern between organizations and the Office of Student Life and Bakersfield College Student Government Association (BCSGA) that may support and add stability to organizations. Finally, it outlines consequences for Student organizations that choose not to exist in accordance with these conditions.
The Office of Student Life and BCSGA are committed to the belief that students have the right and privilege to organize and participate in groups whose purposes center around the interests and goals of the individuals involved and contribute to co-curricular life on campus. Though Student organizations can function on campus and enhance campus life, neither the Office of Student Life, nor BCSGA, nor the College assumes responsibility for the organization. The Office of Student Life nor the College will assume any financial responsibility for any organization, nor extend insurance coverage to its members.
A registered Student organization is responsible for conducting its affairs in a responsible manner consistent with the policies and procedures of KCCD Board Policies, the College, the BC Standards of Student Conduct, and these Student organization conditions and procedures. Registered Student organizations will be held accountable for the action and behavior of their members and/or guests at their functions and travel.
It is the responsibility of the student organization Membership to familiarize themselves with the contents of Student organization conditions and procedures and related policies. Officers and the Advisor should take responsibility to inform others in the organization about the conditions and procedures affecting the group. Any changes in officers, advisor, and/or constitution should be promptly submitted to the Office of Student Life.
Conditions and Procedures
Student Organizations
A Student organization is an entity that is initiated and directed by a group of current Bakersfield College students who share a common vision in promoting a co-curricular mission that enriches campus or community life and personal development. Student organizations must be registered with BCSGA through the Office of Student Life in accordance with these conditions and procedures.
Active membership in registered Student organizations shall be limited to enrolled Bakersfield College students (includes the Delano center and rural sites). Active members may participate at all levels in the organization’s activities (beyond membership registration and payment of financial obligations) as determined by the organization. Membership shall be on a completely volunteer basis and shall not be the basis of academic credits nor shall any coercion be used forcefully to maintain membership. The designated Advisor(s) of the student organization are considered a part of the student organization membership.
In addition to the rights assured to BC Students (as outlined in the KCCD Board Policies), Student organizations and its Officers, Members, and Advisors have the following responsibilities.
The following are responsibilities of a registered Student Organization. The student organization has the:
- Freedom of speech and the right to peaceful assembly.
- Right to organize and join groups.
- Freedom of press and the right to publish.
- Right to choose an advisor and the right to change their advisor.
- Right to change their officers through elections.
- Right to establish and amend the student organization constitution.
- Will not host or sponsor events that incorporate the consumption or advertisement of alcohol (cash bar, bring your own beer/alcohol, or open bar).
- Ability to establish and maintain a BC Club Account through the BC Business Services in consultation with the Office of Student Life.
- Responsibility for all account activity, including overdrafts; and
- Ability to be directed and controlled by students who are currently enrolled at BC.
- Right to present dissenting views, and to promote discussion and demonstrate against issues, policies, and world events so long as these are held in an orderly manner and do not disrupt the College’s academic functions.
- Shall abide by KCCD and BC policies and procedures, as well as federal, state, and local laws.
- Must abide by all Office of Student Life processes, conditions, and requirements.
- Is not permitted to use, sale, possession, or being under the influence of alcohol or any other controlled substance prohibited by law, on campus, at any function sponsored, or supervised by the College.
- Should encourage to improve the student organization leadership skills through attendance at available workshops and other opportunities; and
- Must have an up-to-date Student organization Facebook Page.
The following are responsibilities of the designated student organization advisor. The student organization advisor should:
- Acts as a consultant to an organization and assists the student organization in growth and development by working closely with the organization’s members.
- Serve as a liaison between the college, resources, and the student organization.
- Assist the organization in planning and executing programs and events.
- Attend all student organization meetings.
- Attend an advisor training hosted but the office of student life once per semester.
- Assist the student organization in the management of general and financial operations.
- Carry out the duties assigned by the student organization’s ratified constitution.
- Incorporate classroom learning with co-curricular activities into student organization activities and events.
- Interpret college, KCCD, and state policies and procedures and add continuity to the student organization by exploring regulations, rules, and responsibilities with student organization officers and members.
- Stay up to date on happenings within student organization and the college.
- Chaperone any student organization function or event that meets any of the following
- The event takes place “after hours”
- Admission charged at door
- The event is a dance, party, or concert
- The event is a fundraiser
- You have been asked to be in attendance either by the student organization, the Dean of Students, or both.
- Consults periodically with the Dean of Students or designated staff concerning the student organization’s direction, programming, and functions.
- Notifies the Office of Student Life in the event the student organization has decided to cease function.
If the advisor chooses or is asked to resign, it is the responsibility of the student organization Advisor to notify the Office of Student Life. The student organization Membership has thirty (30) days to find a new advisor. The outgoing advisor must serve until a successor has been appointed. If, for any reason, it becomes impossible to continue the advisor must notify the Dean of Students immediately. If the outgoing advisor cannot carry out the duties of the position, the student organization may exist without the advisor until a suitable replacement is found within thirty (30) days. In this case, the Dean of Students, or designee, will serve as the advisor. If an advisor is not found after thirty (30) days, the student organization will be placed on inactive status until a new advisor is appointed.
BC complies with all federal laws, executive orders, and state regulations pertaining thereto and does not discriminate based on disability, race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status, except in the case of designated organizations which are exempted by federal law from Title IX Regulations concerning discrimination based on sex.
Student organizations should make a reasonable effort to inform the College community of their membership criteria and processes, including membership application deadlines. Outreach efforts to groups typically underrepresented in Student organizations should be made. Officer selection criteria may be specific to the goals and objectives of the organization. Many of these items must be stated in the student organization Constitution.
In keeping with the commitment to a positive academic environment, the BC community is unconditionally opposed to any situation created intentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Respect and cooperation among peers within Student organizations are a guaranteed right that all students possess, regardless of race, religion, gender, sex, sexual orientation, accessibility, or national origin. Hazing is a Standards of Student Conduct violation and a crime in California.
Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created intentionally, whether on or off college property, by individual students or student groups, to produce physical or emotional discomfort, endangerment of life, embarrassment, harassment, intimidation, or ridicule.
Hazing encompasses any action or activity that does not contribute to the positive development of a person; which inflicts or intends to cause physical or mental harm or anxieties; and/or which demeans, degrades, or disgraces any person regardless of location, intent, or consent of participants. Hazing can also be defined as any action or situation that intentionally or unintentionally endangers a student for admission to, or affiliation with, any Student organization.
The student organization Officers and Memberships may be charged with a violation of these hazing prevention conditions. If hazing is confirmed, then the student(s) may be dismissed. The student organization may also lose privileges and/or recognition status. Student organizations are strongly encouraged to have their pre-initiation and other activities reviewed by their advisor and the Dean of Students, to determine if they promote positive character development. Student organizations may develop additional conditions that are more specific to prevent incidents of hazing within their membership. Engaging in the above activities may result in sanctions imposed by the Office of Student Life. Questions concerning these conditions should be referred to the Dean of Students.
Examples of activities, including but not limited to, the following lists are defined as hazing and are strictly forbidden. This list is by no means comprehensive. Each activity can be measured against the definition for each category. General rules:
- If you must ask if it is hazing, it is.
- If still in doubt, contact your Advisor or the Dean of Students.
- If you allow hazing to occur, you are a ‘hazing enabler’.
- Failure to prevent hazing could result in serious injury or death.
Subtle Hazing actions are against accepted standards of conduct, behavior, and good tastes. An activity or attitude directed toward a member or an act that ridicules, humiliates, or embarrasses. Examples include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Neglecting new member(s)
- Calling new members “pledgee” or any other demeaning name
- Silence periods for certain members
- Any form of demerits
- Initiating writing progress reports on new members
- Requiring certain members to address officers as Mr., Miss, etc.
- Scavenger hunts for meaningless objects
- Tasks or privileges only assigned to certain members
- Requiring new members to carry items everywhere they travel
- Scaring new members with what may happen at initiation
- Deprivation of privileges
Harassment Hazing is defined as anything that can cause mental anguish or physical discomfort to a member that might confuse, frustrate, or cause undue stress on them. Examples include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Verbal abuse
- Paddling
- Forced calisthenics
- Coerced physical activity causing excessive fatigue
- Forced consumption of food, alcohol, or drugs
- Physical or psychological shock
- Exposure to extreme weather conditions
- Any form of questioning under pressure or in an uncomfortable position
- Stunt or skit nights/events with demeaning and/or crude skits and/or poems
- Requiring new members to perform personal service to activities such as carrying books, running errands, performing maid duties, etc.
- Participating in morally degrading/humiliating games, activities, or public stunts
- Publicly wearing apparel and/or partaking in stunts not normally considered being in good taste
- Activities that engage in discrimination of any form
- Stranding members far from campus
- Confinement in any room or compartment
- Acts of vandalism or acts that aid and abet vandalism or the destruction of property
- Engaging in behavior that is in violation of the Standards of Student Conduct or state and federal laws
- Activities that interfere with the conditions and processes of the Office of Student Life
The Office of Student Life will periodically review Student organization registration status and conduct to ensure compliance with these conditions and procedures. The Office of Student Life reserves the right to impose sanctions against any Student organization, officer, and/or its membership. Concerns regarding student conduct may be referred to the Office of Student Life for further review.
The Dean of Students may determine if a sanction is warranted via a review. Moreover, depending on the severity of the violation impose any of the following sanctions may be deemed appropriate:
- Place the Student organization on probation with full privileges
- Place the Student organization on probation with restricted privileges
- Suspend the Student organization of registration without privileges
- Revoke the Student organization of registration
The Dean of Students makes the final decision regarding the registration of a Student organization in accordance with these conditions and may grant certain exceptions or make additional necessities on a case-by-case basis. The Office of Student Life is also the College department that oversees all Student organization operations, programs, and travel, but is not responsible for Student organization actions. The Dean of Students has the authority in the interpretation of these Student organization conditions and procedures, including but not limited to exemptions and exceptions.
The official student organizations webpage is
Letters of appeal for sanctions may be submitted to the Vice President of Student Affairs within seven (7) days of notice of sanctions that has been deliberated. The Vice President of Student Affairs has the final authority over all issues involving Student organizations.
Each year a list of current Student organizations is published according to the following categories:
- Academic Organizations have an academic interest which promotes development in a particular academic area or discipline.
- Cultural Organizations have a diversity or multicultural interest that encourages and supports the various cultural and diverse interests of students including race, background, personal identity, sexual orientation, gender, etc.
- Campus-Life Organizations have an entertainment, social, or media interest that provides social and media outlets for on campus projects and membership requirements generally include a commitment to work for and/or an interest in a particular cause or project.
- Honor Societies have an affiliation with a national professional or academic society that recognizes high level of academic achievement and generally require a demonstrated interest in a particular career or academic discipline and membership requirements may include a certain grade point average, leadership and involvement experience, credit hours, or academic discipline.
- Specific Interest Organizations have a religious, political, or social action interest with a focus on any general area of interest, topic, or special issue including social, political, or serve as a support for students of a particular religious or spiritual denomination.
- Limited Membership Organizations have a process for membership selection which is not academically based or exempted by Title IX
Limited Membership Student organizations whose memberships are restricted for non-academic purposes must also follow all guidelines and procedures established and have all the privileges and responsibilities of regularly registered organizations with the following exceptions:
- Restricted from the use or reference to the BC name and logos. Chapters may indicate affiliation by use of “_name of organization_ at BC.”
- May not apply for any SOF Grants for chapter initiatives
All Limited Membership Student organizations must submit a membership roster of all members at the time of registration and at the end of each new member recruitment process. Limited Membership Student organizations must have an on-campus Club Account that is subject to review by the Office of Student Life. All funds collected from fundraisers held by Limited Membership Student organizations must be deposited into the Student organization’s Club Account and must be spent in accordance with KCCD procurement and financial guidelines.
Involvement in a registered Student organization gives each student the opportunity to create a holistic experience by incorporating classroom knowledge with the development of leadership skills, and engagement with the BC and Bakersfield communities. Every student organization should register with Office of Student Life on an annual base.
Student organizations must be unique and substantially different entities. The extent of such uniqueness shall be demonstrated through differences in members, officers, advisors, and/or the mission statement of the student organization. The Dean of Students will have the authority to decide if a student organization is a duplicate and/or like any other registered organization.
The following are minimum requirements for registration:
- Submittal of the Student organization Registration Form online.
- Identification of Student organization Leadership of three (3) currently enrolled
Bakersfield College students, willing to serve as officers of the organization. These
officers must:
- Have and maintain a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 2.00.
- Be enrolled in a minimum of five (5) credit hours each semester (Fall/Spring only); and
- Be in good standing with the College.
- Maintain a current Student organization Constitution on file with the Office of Student Life.
- Have at least one BC faculty or staff member willing to serve as an advisor.
If the Student organization is affiliated with a local, regional, national, or international organization(s), the student organization may be asked to submit an official letter of affiliation or proof of affiliation. All requirements must be met to receive registered status and privileges. Student organizations must register each academic year to maintain active status. Registration does not imply either College approval or disapproval of the student organization’s purpose, function, or activities.
All Bakersfield College students have the freedom to assemble. When a group chooses to register with BCSGA and Office of Student Life, the registered Student organization is extended Additional Privileges beyond the recognition of being a registered organization. A full list of additional privileges shall be listed on the, including but not limited to:
- Use of college facilities and spaces for meeting or event purposes at no cost or reduced cost
- Use of tables, chairs, and canopies for tabling purposes.
- Use of BCSGA board room and technology for meetings, webinars, guest speakers, etc.
- Use basic office supplies, equipment, or technologies
- Assistance in planning Student organization events, activities, programs, and operations
- Inclusion on the college student organizations 'website'
- Access to apply for Student Leadership and Involvement awards
- Free photocopies per event or meeting
- Eligible for Student organization travel and help with completing required paperwork
- Creation of BC Club bank account
- Eligible to conduct approved fundraisers
Active registered status shall commence when a Student organization has completed the registration requirements. Active status continues until Labor Day (First Monday of September) of the following academic year. For continued privileges after this date, new registration forms must be submitted to the Office of Student Life. The renewal process begins on April 1 of the each academic for the following academic year. Student organizations are encouraged to hold meetings over the summer break to ensure continuity of their organization.
To update changes in officers due to appointments or vacancies, an officer update form is needed to be completed with the Office of Student Life. All minimum requirements for Student organization Registration are still in effect.
The online Student organization Registration form expedites the student organization registration process for the convenience of the membership. The Officer that completes the online Student organization registration form will need information from all officers and the advisor. It is preferred that completing the registration form occurs at a scheduled Student organization meeting.
- Student organization Information
- Full and Abbreviated Names of the Student organization
- Social Media Information
- General Email Account
- Governing Items
- Mission Statement
- When the next elections are held
- Date time and Location of Student organization Meetings
- Organization affiliation (if applicable)
- Student organization Annual Budget
- Student organizations will need to submit a projected budget and current balance sheet for the FY17 fiscal year. Refer to the Finance Workshop presentation and Budget Template in the Finance section of the "Resources" tab to create your projected budget
- Officer Information
- The following Information for the President, Treasurer, ICC Rep, and Advisor
- First, Middle Initial, and Last Name
- BC @ Number
- Email for Communication with (will be made public)
- Phone Number (Cell phone preferred –Internal use only)
- If the Student organization has a Community Advisor (An advisor who is not employed by BC, but actively involved with Student organization activities, Student organization may include that member as well (optional).
- Student Organization Agreement: This agreement specifies that your Student organization leadership and its membership agrees to the Student organization Conditions and Procedures that entails operations and management of Student organizations at BC. Note that the Student Organization Leadership is agreeing to the Agreement on behalf of the full student organization and its members.
The Student Organization Constitution shall be submitted and the content thereof must be in compliance with the Student organization Conditions and Procedures established by the Office of Student Life. A model constitution is supplied at the time of registration. The following elements must be incorporated into each Student organization's Constitution:
- Student organization must have a unique mission that explains the nature of the organization and its purpose
- Description of responsibilities for General Membership and the difference from Active Membership
- Non-Discrimination Clause: [Name of Student organization] complies with all federal laws, executive orders and state regulations pertaining thereto and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. The organization shall have no rules or policies that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability.
- Anti-Bullying and Harassment Statement: [Name of Student organization] will not tolerate any form of bullying or hazing. Bullying and/or hazing encompasses any action or activity that does not contribute to the positive development of a person; which inflicts or intends to cause physical or mental harm or anxieties; and/or which demeans, degrades, or disgraces any person regardless of location, intent, or consent of participants. It can also be defined as any action or situation that intentionally or unintentionally endangers a student for admission to, or affiliation with, any Student organization. In keeping with the commitment to a positive academic environment, the BC community is unconditionally opposed to any situation created intentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Respect and cooperation among peers within registered Student organization is a guaranteed right that all students possess, regardless of race, religion, gender, sex, sexual orientation, accessibility, or national origin.
- List of Officers and their Responsibilities
- Advisor Responsibilities
- Process of Officer Elections and Removal
- Process of finance and business operations
All registered Student organizations must have an Inter-Club Council (ICC) representative for the student organization and must attend the ICC Meetings held on the first and the third Fridays of each month. The meetings provide an opportunity for current Student organization leaders to learn updates to important conditions and procedures concerning their organization, as well as a chance to interact and collaborate with other Student organization leaders.
Technology Usage Policy
Library 177 | (661) 395-4899
Bakersfield College recognizes that technology is a vehicle to access the most current and extensive sources of information throughout the campus. The use of technology prepares students for 21st Century careers. Bakersfield College provides technology for a limited educational purpose. This means students may use these resources for classroom activities and other school related work. Students may not use District technology for commercial purposes; students may not offer, provide, or purchase products or services using District technology. Students may use District technology only for class assignments or for 60 personal research on subjects like what they might study in a class or in the school library. Use for entertainment purposes or personal communication, such as personal blogging, instant messaging, online shopping, or gaming is not allowed. The district may place reasonable restrictions on the material that student’s access through the system and may revoke students’ access to District technology if they violate the law, District policies or regulations. Violations of the law or this policy may be reported to the Office of Student Life. In addition, violations of the law or this policy may result in disciplinary actions. Use of the instructional computers by students at Bakersfield College is encouraged. Access to academic computing services is a privilege enjoyed by all students. The Computer Commons, located in the library, is an open lab. Computers are also available in the Student Services Academic Use Area adjacent to EOPS. Student workers are available to assist students in the use of these computers. Unauthorized access or use of academic computing facilities is in violation of Section 502.b-c of the California Penal Code. Offenders will be disciplined and/or prosecuted in accordance with existing college policy and California Law.
Student Organization Officers and Advisors agree to maintain open communication with the Office of Student Life and abide by all Student organization and College conditions and processes. Officers’ and Advisors’ Deny information may be released to the public given at the time of registration. If information is not to be released, please notify the Dean of Students in writing.
The official means of communication between the Office of Student Life, BCSGA, and the Student organizations is through the email addresses given at the time of registration.
By registering, the full Student organization membership herby gives BC consent to the use of all digital images, photographs, videotapes, or film, taken of the Student organizations and/or recordings made of their voices and/or written extractions, in whole or in part, of such recordings or musical performance representing BC and/or others with its consent, for the purposes of illustration, advertising, creating derivative works, or publications in any manner. If the stated information is not to be released, please notify the Dean of Students in writing.
Student Organization Officers and Advisor must contact the Office of Student Life before obligating Club or College funds (including initiating, purchasing, or committing funds) and adhere to the policies and procedures established by KCCD. Student organizations may NOT obtain a bank account outside the College. The Student Organization President, Treasurer, and Advisor must agree to attend financial workshops as needed. Student organizations must maintain a detailed budget and can be liable for overdrafts. If there are insufficient funds to cover bills accrued on the Student organization’s behalf, the Student Organization Officers and Advisor become responsible at the time of incurring these costs and must agree to pay such expenses.
Before any and all student organization fundraising or fundraiser events commence, the student leadership must submit a Fundraiser Request Form at least one business week prior to the event or activity. The Student Organization may not commence until Student Life has provided clearance and any additional information for the fundraiser. The Student Organization Advisor is named the main point of contact for any exchange of goods, services, or monetary gifts.
Notification of Recognition
Upon completion of all registration requirements, Student organizations will be listed as active on the Student organization website and receive an email provided at the time of registration. This will serve as the official notice of recognition and eligibility to receive additional privileges.
- ICC Rep will attend ICC meetings on the first and third Fridays of each month
- Update the Student organization Leadership Roster with the Office of Student Life (especially during new officer transitions, as not to lose communication).
- Have at least three (3) different student members in the organization to serve as the President, Treasurer, and ICC Rep.
- Have a college faculty or staff member serving as the Student organization Advisor who attends Advisor trainings
- President and Treasurer must attend a Financial Workshop (Advisors are also highly encouraged).
- Maintain a current copy of the Student organization’s constitution with the Office of Student Life.
- Student organization must hold proper business meetings to conduct business to maintain agendas and minutes of all meetings.
- Student organization Officers and Advisors must ensure continuity from year to year by training new leaders and keeping good records.
(Adapted from Metropolitan State College of Denver’s Student Organization Handbook, 2003; Colorado State University-Pueblo Student Organization Survival Guide Manual, 2012)
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