File for Elections

What does it mean to be part of BCSGA?

Bakersfield College Student Government Association (BCSGA) provides an avenue for motivated BC students to begin their understanding of public service through being involved in their student government. BCSGA elected officials are actively involved in various aspects of the college and meet with administrators, system officials, and legislators on a regular basis to improve our campus and discuss student-related concerns and initiatives. The decisions made by BCSGA Officers affect every individual on campus.

To ensure candidates file for elections, BCSGA would appreciate your nominations of students who you believe possess the character and leadership that our student government needs to innovate and advance BCSGA into the future. Please take a moment and nominate students whom you believe would be a good fit as a voice for the BC student community.

Fill out the nomination form to nominate student(s). Nominations take less than 30 seconds.

What does it mean to be in a Public Servant Leadership role?

Servant Leadership is a term coined by Robert Greenleaf (2002). It calls for leaders to be more pragmatic in their roles by leading others by being a servant first. The servant-leader must work with flexibility in order to be responsive to the needs of those who benefit from their service (Pollard, 2006). They must also provide a fresh outlook based on their past experiences and contribute to their organization by meeting its demands in an earnest effort. Exhibiting such behavior definitely may have a positive impact on others; thus inspiring them to do more to help others.

The servant-leader is "one who is a servant first" (Greenleaf, 2002). A servant leader not only serves as he or she leads but also is supported by a mass of constituents who work similarly as hard to carry out major themes. To that end, they create a field of influence that stimulates the following (Simonaitiene, Leonaviiene, & Zvirdauskas, 2004):

  • Perspective thinking
  • Exchange thoughts on future plans
  • A strive for improvement
  • Initiating new projects
  • Openness for innovation and experiments
  • Suggesting new and good ideas
  • Noticing more possibilities than problems, as well as a fast take to decisions
  • Exercising flexibility

Not only do Servant leaders act in the capacity of a leader. They are also learners, mentors, motivators, and educators. They help foster relationships between organizations, especially in the public sector, and the community at large. These relationships, in return, become the foundation for building strong relationships both in governmental agencies and constituent services.

File for Elections

Enclosed in the Candidate packet you will find information that is vital to running for an elected office. Please read this packet, the BCSGA Constitution, and the Codes of the Bakersfield Renegade Association (COBRA) carefully. You will be held responsible for the information contained within all of these documents. Also, remember that as a candidate you are responsible for the actions of anyone campaigning on your behalf, so make sure that all of your campaign staff is familiar with this information. Please note that this packet does not discuss all aspects of the Elections Code. You are responsible for obtaining and understanding the BCSGA Elections Code.

Should you have questions regarding this material or the elections process, ask before the campaigning begins. During the entire elections process, the BCSGA Elections Chair (BCSGA Advisor) should remain your only source for clarification of questions, issues, concerns, etc. The Bakersfield College Assistant Director of Student Life is deemed as the BCSGA Advisor.

All application materials must be emailed electronically to the Office of Student Life at Once the Office of Student Life has received your information, you will receive a confirmation email. The BCSGA Elections Commission and the Program Director of Student Life reserve the right to alter the 2024 BCSGA Elections Candidate Packet as necessary. For any questions, contact the Program Director of Student Life at

  1. BCSGA Elections Candidate Packet
  2. BCSGA Elections Code - COBRA Chapter VI
  3. BCSGA Elections Filing Form
  4. Nominate a Student for BCSGA

Requirements for an Elected Officer

According to California Ed Code 76061, a student who is elected to serve as an officer in the student government of a community college shall meet both of the following requirements:

  1. The student shall be enrolled in the community college at the time of the election, and throughout his or her term, with a minimum of five-semester units, or it's equivalent.
  2. The student shall meet and maintain the minimum standards of scholarship prescribed for community college students by the community college district.

Filing Eligibility

  1. Each candidate must have a cumulative Bakersfield College GPA of at least (2.25).
  2. All candidates declared ineligible to run shall be notified by the BCSGA Advisor.
  3. Any candidate on disciplinary, academic, or social probation will not be eligible for candidacy unless otherwise permitted by the Assistant Director of Student Life or Dean of Students.
  4. All candidates may hold office for a maximum of four semesters (fall and spring).
  5. No candidate shall serve on the Elections Committee.
  6. Candidates may only file for one office at a time.


Filing Opens

Monday, March 3, 2025

8:00AM: BCSGA Elections Website

Mandatory Meeting

Must attend 1 of 11 various sessions between March 3 - March 24, 2025 In-Person BCSGA Boardroom or Via Zoom

Failure: Removal from Elections

Filing Closes

Friday, March 24, 2025

Noon: BCSGA Elections Website

Campaigning Commences

Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Candidates must receive a notification from the Dean of Students or their designee before commencing campaigning

Senator & Executive Office Debates

Thursday, April 3, 2025

11:00AM: Dining Commons

Attendance: Director of Student Organizations, Vice President, President, and all Senator Candidates. For academic obligations, please notify the BCSGA Advisor for alternatives.

Candidate Withdrawal Deadline

Friday, April 4, 2025


Email to

Elections Budget Forms Due

Monday, April 7, 2025


Via email to

General Election Opens

Monday, April 7, 2025

8:00AM: Office of Student Life & Online via InsideBC

General Election Closes

Thursday, April 10, 2025

4:00PM: Office of Student Life & Online via InsideBC

Elections Results Announced

Thursday, April 10, 2025

5:00PM: Enrolled Student Email & BCSGA Social Media Channels

Removal of Campaign Materials

Friday, April 11, 2025

Noon: Campus