Student Government Association

BCSGA Officers.

What is BCSGA?

Bakersfield College Student Government Association (BCSGA) is your organization. The Association presents your opinions, needs and concerns to such groups as the College Council, the State Student California Community College (SSCCC) and many campus-wide and district-wide committees.

Meet the Officers

BCSGA SealMore About BCSGA

BCSGA allocates your Campus Center fees to programs and services (i.e., Sticker Program) that directly benefit students in the Campus Center and uses the funds received from the Student Representation Fee to voice your opinions at a local, regional, and state levels. BCSGA is composed of twelve senators and fourteen officers, and also has one Student Trustee.

The BCSGA is the student governing organization and has the responsibilities for campus student organizations and the various student events. Events such as Welcome Week, Homecoming, Spring Fling, and Spring Welcome Week. BCSGA regulates student organizations to ensure they are operating equitably and following BCSGA By-laws, Constitution, and College policy. BCSGA is also responsible for allocating funds to clubs and organizations for events and activities that can be enjoyed by the student body.