Social and Behavioral Sciences Pathway Support

The Social and Behavioral and Sciences (SBS) Pathway encompasses eight (8) different programs of study.
Help Along Your Path
A community of faculty, counselors, and staff specialists in the Social and Behavioral and Sciences Learning and Career Pathway ready to help you with your specific needs for support in your program academics, counseling, and writing.
Program Map Social and Behavioral Sciences
Find program learning outcomes and detailed career outlook statistics for each of the programs of study associated with this Learning and Career Pathway.
For more information about career outlooks in any field, visit the US Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook.
Steps for Success
Momentum Points
If you are pursuing one of the degrees in this pathway, enroll in 15 units each semester to graduate in approximately two years. This requires 30 units in your first year. Ensure you take math, English, and courses in your major in your first year. Earning 9 units in your major your first year keeps you on track to your degree and may help you earn a certificate on the way!
Not sure where to start? Let us help.
Meet with a Counselor
Take the right classes to meet your education and career goals. Create your Comprehensive
Student Education Plan (CSEP) with your Counselor or Ed. Advisor.
Call (661) 395-4421.
Not sure about your career path?
Take the career quiz to discover the perfect career based on your personality type and interests.