Fire Fighter Academy

Firefighter I Academy Course
The Firefighter 1 Academy is a 5-month long spring semester course, (January through early June).
APPLICATION & INFORMATION BOOKLET will be available in the fall semester.
Available from October 1 - 31, 2024 between the hours of 8:00am - 5:00pm on Mondays
- Thursdays, and 8:00am - 12:00pm on Fridays.
Pick up application at Public Safety Training Department at the Weill Institute 2100
Chester Ave, Bakersfield CA 93301.
All applications are due by October 31, 2024.
A CURRENT "Candidate Physical Ability Test" (CPAT) card is highly recommended to be submitted with your application. You can obtain a CPAT card from the Firefighter Candidate Testing Center or the Bakersfield College course kinesiology course KINS B21FD. The Bakersfield College course only only applies to our Bakersfield College Fire Fighter 1 Academy (FIRE B64) Each CPAT card is only valid for one year from the date issued printed on the card.
EMTCB50 - Emergency Medical Technician – is an additional recommendation that should be completed before applying to the Firefighter 1 academy.
The Firefighter I Academy (FIRE B64) will start in the spring semester. Fees will be approximately $2,000.00 for uniforms, and equipment and tuition. Course length will be from January to June, and will meet on Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday evenings 6:00 to 10:00 pm, and weekends Sat. & Sun. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Total semester units are 16.5. This academy is recognized by and meets the California State Fire Training and Education Services certified training program.
A free Firefighter 1 workshop is held in late fall before the applications are due. Information covered: Oral interviews, CPAT, and Written exams.
Fire Fighter Academy Certificates
Bakersfield College offers two certificates for Fire Fighter Academy, Fire Academy Job Skills Certificate and the Firefighter I Academy Certificate of Achievement intended for those seeing the California State Fire Marshal's Firefighter I Certification. The Firefighter I Academy Course (FIRE B64) is core course option for each of them. Speak to your counselor or educational advisor about the right pathway for you.