LVN to RN Brochures

Licensed Vocational Nurse to Registered Nursing Program
The study of nursing is the application of knowledge from the arts and sciences. The purpose of the Bakersfield College (BC) Licensed Vocational Nurse-Associate Degree Nursing (LVN-RN) Program is to provide the foundation for students to become competent Registered Nurses (RNs). The LVN-RN Faculty respects the individuality of students and recognizes that each student has different educational, experiential, cultural, spiritual, economic and social backgrounds and a unique support system. The goal of the Program is to provide a positive, innovative learning model which fosters the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills so that the graduate nurse is equipped to deliver care to a culturally diverse population in a variety of healthcare settings.
The mission of the BC LVN–RN Program is to prepare entry-level RN’s as providers and managers of care across the health/illness continuum and as members within the profession. Graduate nurses will collaborate with members of the health care team, be effective communicators, be politically aware, and demonstrate a commitment to life-long learning.
Pre-Requisite Requirements
All pre-requisites must be completed at the time the application is submitted, and students must have earned a “C” grade or higher at BC, or an equivalent course at another accredited college.
- ENGL B1A (Expository Composition) (3 units)
- BIOL B32 (Anatomy & Physiology I) (4 units)
- BIOL B33 (Anatomy & Physiology II) (4 units)
- BIOL B16 (General Microbiology) (5 units)
- IV Certification is required. Students may meet this requirement by taking MEDS B66 prior to entering the LVNRN Program (available every Summer session)
- One year experience working as an LVN within the last 5 years
- Possession of current California Vocational Nurse License
Assessment Tests
All conditionally accepted students and alternates will be required to take the ATI TEAS exam, a state approved nursing assessment test. The ATI TEAS is not a pre-requisite, but is a requirement to keep an offered seat in the Program. Students need to study and test using the ATI TEAS, 7th edition, as earlier editions are no longer accepted. Bakersfield College students can look into a free study guide made available through PLATO Courseware Resource which is accessible through the Student Success Lab-CSS 143. Students must rank at or above 62% on their first attempt on the ATI TEAS exam to be eligible for admission into the program. Students not meeting the criteria will be offered a remediation program. (Students that have not taken the ATI TEAS exam since one was completed for their VN program, will be required to retake this assessment once selected.)
Remediation Program
Students who do not meet the ATI TEAS Score of 62%, will be considered eligible for enrollment into the LVN-RN Program ONLY upon successful completion of the remediation courses listed blow. These courses MUST be completed within 12 months from the initial application date to the LVN-RN Program. Failure to meet this requirement would result in ineligibility. For those students with a prior 1st attempt TEAS that do not meet this requirement, contact Educational Advisor for further instruction:
- ACDV B70 A through F Series – Study Skills with a “P” (passing grade)
- NURSB30 – Pathophysiology (or equivalent course) with a “B” or higher – may be taken off campus
- Purchase the ATI Testing Basic Package study guide-provide copy of transcript reflecting time spent studying and multiple attempts at pre-test and post-test scores-a minimum of 6 weeks of study time must be documented to meet requirement
*Once remediation has been completed, students must retake the ATI TEAS at any of the approved test sites AND achieve a score of at least 62% to be considered eligible to re-apply. If the retake score is less than 62%, the student is no longer eligible for the RN program.
Bakersfield College General Education Pattern: LVN-RN
General education courses are required to graduate from BC with an Associate Degree. Students are encouraged to follow the CSU General Education pattern if there is a desire to pursue their Bachelor’s in Nursing (BSN). See catalog for the CSU General Education Requirements. It is strongly suggested that most of these courses be completed prior to beginning the Nursing Program:
- Communication in the English Language and Critical Thinking (6 units)
- A.1 Oral Communication (3 units)
- COMM B1* - Public Speaking (“C” grade or higher) (COMM B2* see advisor for approval status)
- A.2 Written Communication (3 units)
- ENGL B1A* - Expository Composition (“C” grade or higher) – prerequisite course
- A.1 Oral Communication (3 units)
- Physical Universe and Life Forms (6 units)
- B.1 natural Sciences (3 units)
- BIOL B32* - Anatomy & Physiology I, B33*-Anatomy & Physiology II and B16* - Microbiology – prerequisite courses
- Mathematics and Logic (3 units)
- Math B27 (previously MATH B70) - Intermediate Algebra, its equivalent, or higher level (Math B22 or PSYC B5 preferred) (“C” grade or higher)
- B.1 natural Sciences (3 units)
- Arts, Literature, Philosophy and Foreign Language (3 units)
- C.1 / C.2 PHIL B12 - Ethics of Living and Dying recommended, or any course as listed in area C of the General Education Pattern in the BC Catalog
- Social, Political, Legal and Economic Institution and Behavior, Historical Background(9
units for AA; 6 units for AS)
- D.1 RNP Students are not required to take a course from this area
- D.2 ANTH B2* - Cultural Anthropology or SOC B1*-Intro to Sociology- (“C” grade or higher) (3 units)
- D.3 American (U.S. Institutions) (3 units)
- Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development (4 units total)
- PSYC B1A* - General Psychology (“C” grade or higher) (3 units)
- Physical Education 1 unit required from PHED courses as listed in the BCCatalog: PHED B2-B29 or B32-B33 (1 unit)
*Board of Nursing Requirement
Applicants are strongly encouraged to complete an Educational Planning Course to meet matriculation and graduation requirements and receive priority registration. Courses meeting this requirement include:
- NURS B99 - Strategies for Success in a Nursing Program or
- STDV B1 - Educational Planning – or any STDV course listed in the BC Catalog. These courses are recommended to be taken during the first semester at BC
Application Period
All application forms and transcripts must be received in the Allied Health Office (MS-178) during the designated filing period outlined below. Applications received prior to, or after these dates will not be accepted.
December 1 - January 15: For the Program scheduled to start in the FALL
- Applications must be accompanied by an official or unofficial BC transcript. (All required coursework must be on transcript.)
- Transcripts from other colleges/universities needing evaluation for this period must be submitted to the Admissions and Records Office no later than Nov 1st along with a Request for Evaluation form. This form can be obtained in the Admissions & Records office.
June 1 - July 15: For the Program scheduled to start in the SPRING
- Applications must be accompanied by an official or unofficial BC transcript. (All required coursework must be on transcript.)
- Transcripts from other colleges/universities needing evaluation for this period must be submitted to the Admissions and Records Office no later than May 1st along with a Request for Evaluation form. This form can be obtained in the Admissions & Records office.
- Please note, the Admissions & Records office will need a minimum of 12 weeks to complete the evaluation process.
Application Procedures
- It is the applicant’s responsibility to complete ALL application requirements/procedures.
Note:Failure meet these requirements will result in an incomplete application and will not be considered for selection.
- Print and complete all sections. The application must be legible.
- Submit an application AND all of the following documents, including:
- Copy of IV Certification
- Copy of current California Vocational Nurse License
- Submit proof of at least one year work experience working as an LVN. A letter from employer on company letterhead stating job title and dates of employment is preferred. (Bakersfield College Vocational Nursing graduates may apply while completing their minimum one year of work experience.)
- Submit either official or unofficial Bakersfield College transcripts showing all pre-requisite courses posted.* All VN curriculum course work must be submitted to the Admissions and Records office and reflected on transcript. (Note: Not all courses will be evaluated if they are not from an accepted institution determined by the Admissions and Records office.)
- Print and complete the the MULTI-CRITERIA POINT ALLOCATION form (Appendix A). Circle/complete all applicable points and calculate the subtotal. Attach supporting documentation where listed and submit with program application during the appropriate application period.
- Refer to Appendixes B-D. Only if applicable; download, print, complete, and attach to application.
If you have taken courses from any college other than Bakersfield College:
- Apply for Admission to BC either in person at the Admissions and Records office, or by going on-line. Follow the Steps.
- Order an official copy of your transcripts from your previous college(s);
- Submit the official copy of your transcripts along with a Request for Evaluation to the Admissions and Records office.
- The Request for Evaluation form can also be obtained from the Admissions and Records office.
- If you have taken courses from Porterville College or Cerro Coso Community College you DO NOT need to submit official copies of transcripts for evaluation, but rather you ONLY need to submit the Request for Evaluation form to the BC Admissions and Record Office so they can convert the coursework to BC equivalent courses.
- Once your transcripts have been evaluated and posted to your BC transcripts, either order an official copy from the Admission and Records, OR print your unofficial BC transcript, AND submit along with the Application Form and supporting documentation to the Allied Health/Nursing Office, in the Math Science building, Room 178, during the appropriate application period.
- Please note, it takes a minimum of 12 weeks for transcripts to be evaluated by BC’s Admissions and Records Office, and this evaluation must be completed PRIOR to the end of the application period. Transcripts from other colleges/universities needing evaluation for the December application must be submitted to the Admissions and Records Office no later than November 1st whereas, transcripts for the June application must be submitted to the Admissions and Records Office no later than May 1st.
- Upper division course work will not be posted on a BC transcript, therefore the student must meet with the BC Department Chair of the appropriate course and discuss the possibility of accepting that upper division course as a BC equivalent course. Allow time for review given program deadlines.
Application Selection Process
Effective Fall 2020 cohort, the program utilizes a blended combination of multi-criteria AND a random lottery. Seventy five percent (75%) of the available seats will be filled by applicants with the highest ranking score using the Multi-Criteria Point Allocation Form. All other eligible applicants will be placed in a random lottery to fill the remaining twenty five percent (25%).
In accordance with the Jobs for Veterans Act, outlined in the Workforce Investment Act, Veterans will receive the highest preference for the Program admission. Priority status will only be given to applicants with proof of active military, naval, or air service and discharge under conditions other than dishonorable; students must work with Admissions and Records to determine eligibility. Any eligible spouse/widow(er) or dependent will also be extended this priority status with appropriate documentation by certificate of eligibility (C.O.E.).
Veterans with previous experience/education should refer to the Military Challenge Advanced Placement Policy to verify how to receive credit for Nursing courses. Eligible Veterans with relevant experience must request an appointment with the Program Director at least eight (8) weeks prior to the application period.
Application Status
The status of applications will be posted on the website on the Nursing page under Application Status. Applicants will be notified approximately EIGHT(8)- TEN(10) weeks after the closing date by their student assigned email with one of the following responses:
The application and all supporting documents have been reviewed and the applicant has met all program requirements.
Conditionally Accepted
Conditionally accepted is the reservation of a seat prior to the ATI TEAS Assessment. Once the top ranked students and random lottery selected students have completed the assessment with a minimum score of 62%, they will then move from conditionally accepted to “officially accepted” in the LVN-RN program. *Intake requirements such as drug screen and background must also be met.
Alternate Status
Alternate students are students who are eligible, but are only selected if a seat becomes available for the cohort in which they applied. Alternates will also be asked to complete the Assessment. Once all alternate applicants have taken the ATI TEAS Assessment, a re-ranking will occur based on their post-TEAS overall score (Multi-criteria + ATI TEAS Score points). Alternates will then be selected based on their ranking order. Refer to page 10. *Please note that being considered an Alternate does not guarantee selection in future application periods for the Bakersfield College LVN-RN program. If an Alternate applicant is not selected, they must reapply. There is NO waitlist.
Eligible, Not Selected
Your application meets program requirements, however, your name was not selected in multi-criteria point allocation and/or random lottery selection for this enrollment period. Applicants who are not selected are encouraged to reapply during the next application period. There is NO waitlist.
Not Eligible/Incomplete
We have reviewed your application, and based on program requirements, your application is not qualified. You will be emailed further information.
Program Requirements
Essential Technical Standards
Bakersfield College nursing faculty have the responsibility to educate and prepare students to become competent nurses who safely care for their patients and families using critical judgment, broadly based knowledge, and refined technical skills. Individuals interested in applying for admission to the programs should review the Essential Technical Standards to develop a better understanding of the skills, abilities and behavioral characteristics required to successfully progress in, and graduate from our programs. To be qualified for the BC RN Program, individuals must be able to meet Essential Technical Standards, with or without reasonable accommodations. For further information regarding services and resources to students with disabilities and/or to request accommodations please contact the Disabled Student Programs & Services located in the Center for Student Success (CSS) Building, 1st floor, CSS 10 (661-395-4334).
Requirements | Standards | Examples |
Mobility | Physical ability, flexibility, strength, and stamina |
Motor Skills | Coordination and dexterity |
Visual | Use of sight |
Hearing | Use of auditory sense |
Tactile | Use of touch |
Communication | Use the English language effectively by means of speech, reading, and writing. Demonstrate sensitive and effective interaction |
Acquire Knowledge | Ability to possess clinical inquiry, seek resources of knowledge, and become a lifelong learner |
Clinical Judgment | Ability to critical think, problem solve and make decisions; Intellectual and conceptual abilities |
Professional Attitude | Demonstrate concern for others, integrity, ethical conduct, interest, motivation,
and accountability; Acquire interpersonal skills for professional interactions with diverse individuals, families, and health care teams; Emotional and mental stability |
Physical Examination Requirements
A physical examination completed by a Healthcare Provider, of the student's choice, is required upon entering the Program. This is to demonstrate that a student is in good physical and mental health, and meets the Essential Technical Standards necessary to meet the Program objectives. Appropriate immunizations and/or vaccinations are also required, and are performed at the student's expense.
Drug/Alcohol Screening
As a condition of enrollment into any Nursing Program with a clinical laboratory component, students are required to submit to, and pass a designated drug and alcohol screening at the student’s expense. * Although the State of California has legalized cannabis use, it is still illegal under federal law.
Background Screening And Licensure Eligibility
As a condition of enrollment into any Nursing Program with a clinical laboratory component, students are required to complete and submit a background check, at the student’s expense. Please note:
- A history of felony conviction(s) or any bar, exclusion or other ineligibility for federal program participation could render a student ineligible for clinical placement, as determined by the clinical agencies.
- If students are unable to attend clinic due to background restrictions, then the student’s seat will be forfeited as they will not be able to meet Program/Course Objectives.
- Conviction of any offenses other than minor traffic violations must be reported to the Board of Registered Nursing at the time of application for licensure. For clarification contact the RN Program Director or the Board of Registered Nursing, 400 R Street, Suite 4030, Sacramento, California, 95814, (916) 322-3350.
Basic Life Support
Students are required to show proof of a valid American Heart Association Basic Life
Support (BLS) card. This BLS card must be valid at all times.
*This requirement can be fulfilled by completion of MEDS B52.
Estimated Program Costs (Gainful Employment)
Students will be required to purchase uniforms, textbooks and selected equipment, provide transportation to off-campus clinical education sites and pay current college fees. Please visit the Estimated Program Costs web page.
LVN-RN Program Curriculum
Transition Course
- NURS B45: Transition to Registered Nursing (1 Lec/1 Lab) - 2.0
- Total: 2.0
Third Semester
- NURS B44: Nursing Care of the Psychiatric-Mental Health Client (1.5 Lec/1.5 Lab) - 3.0
- NURS B46: Nursing Care of the Medical Surgical Patient 3 (2.5 Lec/2.5 Lab) - 5.0
- NURS B80C: Nursing Learning Lab 3 - 0.5
- Total: 8.5
Fourth Semester
- NURS B49: Nursing Care of the Medical Surgical Patient 4 (2.5 Lec/4.5 Lab) - 7.0
- NURS B80D: Nursing Learning Lab 4 - 0.5
- Total: 7.5
Program Units - Grand total: 18.0
*The following courses are taken AFTER the student enters the Program
Students Transferring from Other Nursing Programs
Students who desire to transfer from another nursing program into our a BC nursing program must meet with the Program Director and Nursing Educational Advisor to ensure course/program alignment, and be in good standing from their previous nursing program. Good standing is defined as a student who was not on academic or clinical probation, and who is eligible for re-entry into their previous program. An original letter stating standing in previous program is required by previous Program Director on school letterhead. A transfer approval is still contingent on an available seat in the program that student is intending on transferring into.
Program Accreditation
The California Board of Registered Nursing accredits the BC Registered Nursing Program. Bakersfield College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The ACCJC is one of the six regional accrediting bodies recognized by the United States Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
Licensure/Certification Eligibility
Conviction of any offenses other than minor traffic violations must be reported to the Board of Registered Nursing at the time of application for licensure. For clarification contact the RN Program Director or the Board of Registered Nursing, 400 R Street, Suite 4030, Sacramento, California, 95814, (916) 322-3350.
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Statement
In accordance with the requirements of the Civil Rights Act, Bakersfield College provides
services and benefits to students regardless of race, color, national origin, ancestry,
gender, age, religion, marital status, medical condition or disability. The lack of
English language skills will not be a barrier to administration and participation
in vocational education programs. (Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972; and Section 503 and 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.)
Pursuant to SB 1393, a student of a registered nursing program with a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution is not required to complete any coursework other than that which is unique and exclusively required to earn a nursing degree from that institution. All course work must meet the graduation requirements and licensure eligibility requirements as set forth by the Board of Registered Nursing.