Application Process

Spring 2026 PTA Program Application Worksheet

We recommend that mailed applications are sent via certified mail, to make sure they are received.

  • Applications accepted only 1 time per year.
  • Applications must be received for postmarked by November 1st for admission in Spring 2026 Semester
  • Late Applications Will Not be Accepted.
  • All Applicants must apply to Bakersfield College and have a BC Banner Number
  • Applications must be filled out completely with all information requested provided at the time of submission.
  • Failure to meet all application requirements/procedures will result in an incomplete application and it will not be considered for selection.

Submitting an Application:

It is the students' responsibility to ensure that the following items are completed prior to the end of the application period held in the month of November:

Complete or be enrolled in the required Prerequisite Courses (BIOL B32, BIOL B33 & PHTA B50)

  1. Review and print the Physical Therapist Assistant Program Application and the PTA Application Addendum and submit to the Physical Therapist Assistant Program Department by mail to LA-118 (Language Arts Building - 1st floor) and must be postmarked no later than November 1st of each year. In an effort to go green, there will not be printed applications made immediately available to students. Please complete and print the fillable online application.
  2. ALL students must submit an unofficial copy of their Bakersfield College transcript that reflects all completed prerequisite coursework. This can be accessed through the students' insideBC account under MyBanWeb.
  3. If you have taken courses from any college other than Bakersfield College
    1. Apply for admission to Bakersfield College either in person or online. Follow the information under Steps to Enroll.
    2. Have your official college transcript(s) evaluated by:
      • Ordering an Official copy of your transcripts from your previous college(s).
      • Submit the Official copy of your transcripts along with a form “Request for Evaluation.” You can also obtain this form from the Admissions and Records office.
      • Once your transcript(s) have been evaluated and are posted to your Bakersfield College transcripts, print your unofficial transcript, and submit along with the Application Form to the Physical Therapist Assistant Program during the application filing period.
      • If you have taken courses from Porterville or Cerro Coso Community College, you only need to submit the “Request for Evaluation” form to the BC Admissions and Records office. You do not need to submit official copies of transcripts from Porterville or Cerro Coso Community College to the campus.

*Please submit your transcripts to BC so they can be evaluated, and then submit your PTA application along with your unofficial transcripts. You don't have to wait for your transcripts to be evaluated to submit your PTA application. That will not affect your application status.

Note: Effective for Spring 2025 Cohort Application: Students will NOT be required to submit a copy of their high school Diploma or High School Equivalency (GED)

Note: The process of evaluating transcripts can take a minimum of 12-24 weeks by the Bakersfield College Admissions and Records office. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the transcript(s) and Request to Evaluate the transcript(s) were received in a timely manner. All coursework must be reflected on the BC transcript at the time of application (except for those students who are taking prerequisites the Fall prior to admission).

  1. Students who are enrolled in prerequisite coursework during the Fall of 2025 must submit the included signed progress sheet (Addendum) confirming their “C” grade as of October 15th for 16-week and Early Start 8-week courses with their application (grade confirmations prior to this date will not be accepted). Students who are taking a late start 8-week prerequisite course, will have to have that form signed by their instructor confirming their enrollment. Students will then be sent an updated progress sheet (Addendum) in the second week of November through their BC email to be completed by the instructor with the most up to date grade in that course. This grade will be utilized to determine point allocation for admittance into the program for that Cohort Year. If a student is selected to the PTA Program and currently taking a Fall perquisite course, the student must maintain or score higher than the grade listed on the Updated progress sheet (Addendum) on their transcript to guarantee their spot in the BC PTA Program for that Cohort Year.  Failure to do so may result in loss of spot in the program. Final acceptance into the program dependent upon a final passing grade of “C” or better in all prerequisite courses. If the applicant is chosen for the program, they must submit a transcript (unofficial if completed at Bakersfield College, official if completed at another college/university) to the PTA Department by January 1st to confirm placement. It is the applicant's responsibility to confirm that any Anatomy & Physiology coursework meets the requirement for this program. The applicant is advised to confirm this prior to taking any Anatomy & Physiology coursework outside of Bakersfield College's BIOL B32 & B33, especially if completing in the Fall of 2025 from an outside college.
  2. Late application materials will not be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their application is complete. The Program is not responsible for late materials or incomplete applications. The application must be completed and signed along with all required supplemental support to be considered for eligibility.
  3. Students will be placed on a waitlist for the immediate cohort and will be considered for admission if an admitted student does not meet the required grade in prerequisite courses (if taken in Fall of 2025), health and background requirements or declines or drops from the program. Once the cohort is established the remaining students on the waitlist will not carry over to the following year and students must reapply annually during the enrollment months of August 1st to November 1st for future cohorts.

Application Filing Period

Application forms and all required documents must be received by the Physical Therapist Assistant Program Office during the application period of August 1st thru November 1st.

Method 1: Through Standard Mail

Mail completed PTA applications with supporting documents in a sealed 9”x12” manila envelope to:

Bakersfield College
Attn: PTA Program,
Suzanne Oesch, PT, DPT Faculty Director
Language Arts 118
1801 Panorama Dr.
Bakersfield, CA 93305

  • Applications must be postmarked by November 1st, 2025.
  • Late applications will not be accepted.

Method 2: Through Email

Email is not a secure method of sending FERPA protected or sensitive information. Follow these steps to email your application and supporting documents securely:

  1. Go to
  2. Put your email address in the "Sender email address field".
  3. In the "Recipient email address(es)" type in
  4. Select your application and supporting documents or drag and drop the files in the "Drag And Drop File Here to Upload" field.
  5. Click Send File

Applicants will be notified by email by the PTA Administrative Assistant once the PTA Program receives their application. Applicants will be notified by official letter regarding the status of their entry into the PTA Program 2 weeks after application deadline. Please contact the PTA Program Office if you do not receive email notification of receiving application by November 8th, 2025.

Application Deadline Date of Notification Semester for Admission
November 1st, 2025 November 25th, 2025 Spring 2026

Enrollment Selection Process

New Enrollment Selection Process Beginning for Spring 2026 Applications: Application Filing Period August 1st 2025 to November 1st 2025

In the event that the number of qualified students for the Physical Therapist Assistant Associate of Science Degree Program exceeds space available, the following selection process will be utilized:

Students who are qualified for enrollment will be admitted based on the following Point System Based on Prerequisite Grades and will be placed in a numeric order based on ranked point system. The program currently accepts 20 students each year beginning in January and if for any reason a student who was originally granted admission to the program does not meet final enrollment eligibility or declines their spot the next student on the list will be chosen to be admitted to the Program.

Students will Ranked by a 25-point system: Based on Grades from Prerequisites: Anatomy (B32 or equivalent), Physiology (B33 or equivalent) and PHTA B50 (must be taken at BC)

  • 10 points for B32 or Equivalent:
    • 10: A, 9: A-, 8: B+, 7: B, 6: B-, 5: C+, 4: C
  • 10 points for B33 or Equivalent:
    • 10: A, 9: A-, 8: B+, 7: B, 6: B-, 5: C+, 4: C
  • 5 points for PHTA B50:
    • 5: A, 4: B, 3: C

In the event 2 students have the same amount of points, then the student with the highest overall GPA will be ranked at the higher ranked spot.

In the event 2 students have the same amount of points and same overall GPA, then the student with the least number of retakes of the above prerequisites of B32 or equivalent, B33 or equivalent and PHTA B50 will be ranked at the higher spot.

Once those students who have been given acceptance into the program and have confirmed their spot in the program, the waitlist will expire and not be carried over to the next year.

Those students who were not accepted into the program then must reapply during the next application period the following year.

Prerequisite Requirements

All prerequisites must be completed by the end of Fall of 2025. The applicant is eligible to apply to the Program if in enrolled in prerequisite coursework in the Fall semester. The applicant must have a passing “C” grade in these courses as of October 15th for 16-week and Early Start 8-week courses and late start 8-week prerequisite courses, and will have to have that form signed by their instructor confirming their enrollment with final acceptance into program dependent upon a final passing grade of “C” or better for all prerequisite courses taken in the Fall. If the student is chosen for the Program but fails to have the required “C” final grade by the end of the Fall semester of 2025, then the student forfeits their spot and will not be admitted to the Physical Therapist Assistant Program. Students are strongly encouraged to complete perquisites courses prior to enrolling in general education courses. This will improve the student's opportunity to apply for the program enrollment. The following prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade “C” or higher. Course descriptions are available in the college catalog.

  1. BIOL B32 (Human Anatomy and Physiology I- 4 units) or an equivalent course(s) at another accredited college.
  2. BIOL B33 (Human Anatomy and Physiology II- 4units) or an equivalent course(s) at another accredited college.
  3. PHTA B50 (Introduction to PTA-2 units)- must be taken at Bakersfield College; online or face to face.

**Note BIOL B14 (Human Anatomy) and BIOL B15 (Human Physiology) were previously taught at Bakersfield College and they meet this requirement.

General Education Pattern:

General education courses are required to graduate from Bakersfield College's Physical Therapist Assistant Associate of Science Program. It is suggested that these courses be completed prior to program enrollment. Refer to the Bakersfield College General Education and Graduation Requirements in the college catalog for more specific information and requirements for the college (the list below does NOT identify all requirements). All students are encouraged to regularly check the college requirements for graduation and/or meet with a Counselor/Advisor to ensure that AS degree requirements will be met at the end of the Physical Therapist Assistant Program. Completion of the AS Degree is required to meet eligibility requirements for licensure.

Students in the Program must complete the General Education requirements for an A.S. Degree to achieve their Physical Therapist Assistant Associate of Science. BC students can refer to Bakersfield College's A.S. General Education Pattern to see the courses required to complete your general education requirements for graduation.

Below are the recommended classes for the Physical Therapist Assistant General Education Pattern for Associate of Science, but any class is in Bakersfield College's A.S. pattern will be accepted for graduation.

  1. A. Communication (6 units)
    • A.1 Oral Communication (3 units): Comm B1 recommended; Any course listed in Area A.1 of the Gen Ed Pattern in the BC Catalog.
    • A.2 Written Communication (3 units): ENGL B1A
  2. B. Physical Universe and Life Forms (4 units)
    • B.1 Natural Sciences (4-8 units): BIOL B32 & BIOL B33- prerequisite courses
    • B.2 Mathematics and Logic (3-5 units): MATH B25 recommended
  3. C. Arts, Literature, Philosophy, and Foreign Language (3-5 units)
    • PHIL B12 recommended, or any course in Area C: Gen Ed Pattern in the BC Catalog.
  4. D. Social, Political, Legal and Economic Institutions & Behavior, Historical Background (6 units)
    • D.1 Foundations int he Behavioral Sciences (3 units): PSYCH B1A recommended, or any course listed in Area D.1 in the BC Catalog.
    • OR D.2 Foundations in the Social Sciences (3 units): Any course listed in Area D.2 in the BC Catalog.
  5. AND D.3 American (U.S. Institutions) (3 units): Any course listed in Area D.3 in the BC Catalog.
    • Remember to choose a class that meets the multicultural requirement if you have not already done so. PSYCH B1A meets the multicultural requirement.
  6. E. Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development (4 unit)
    • E: Lifelong Understanding and Development (3 units): COMM B2 recommended, or Any course listed in Area E Lifelong Understanding and Development in the BC Catalog.
    • AND Physical Education - 1 unit required from PHED courses listed in the BC Catalog.

Health Requirements and Screenings

  1. Students must upon being accepted into the program complete a physical examination to demonstrate that the student meets the technical standards necessary to meet the objectives of the Program according to the Essential Technical Standards required for Physical Therapist Assistant Students.
  2. As a condition of enrollment to the Physical Therapist Assistant Program, all students are required to submit to and pass a designated drug and alcohol screen and background check. A history of a felony conviction (s) or any bar, exclusion, or other ineligibility for federal program participation could render a student ineligible for clinical placement as determined by clinical agencies. In the event the student cannot obtain a background clearance due to background restrictions, their seat in the cohort will be forfeited. Students who are found ineligible for clinical placement by the clinical agency after admission to the physical therapist assistant program shall be subject to dismissal from the Program, as they will be unable to complete mandatory clinical rotations.
  3. Immunizations and health tests are needed for acceptance in a clinical education center and may include but not limited to rubella, varicella, hepatitis B and seasonal influenza. A tuberculosis screening is also required.
  4. The physical exam, drug and alcohol screen, background screen, immunizations and health tests are performed at the expense of the student.
  5. Students must possess a current American Heart Association BLS (Basic Life Support) for Healthcare Providers (CPR & AED) card. This card must be provided at the start of the Program and be kept valid during the entire 24-month Program.

Technical Standards

Physical Therapist Assistant students must meet the following essential technical standards to ensure the safety and welfare of the patients, the healthcare team, and themselves. A physical examination determines whether or not a student meets the technical standards or determines what accommodation may be necessary.

Essential Technical Standards

Physical Abilities

  • Capable of standing and/or walking up to seven hours throughout an eight-hour shift.
  • Bend, crouch, or stoop several times per hour.
  • Lift and carry a minimum of 30 pounds several times an hour.
  • Lift and move up to a 300-pound patient in a 2-3-person transfer.
  • Reach overhead above the shoulder 90 degrees.
  • Push and/or pull objects and equipment weighting up to 300 pounds.
  • Utilize eyesight to observe patients for assessment and implementation of treatment plan from supervising physical therapist to ensure patient safety.
  • Capable of hearing to effectively communicate with the patient and healthcare team.
  • Utilize sufficient verbal and written skills to effectively and promptly communicate in English with the patient and healthcare team.
  • Manipulate medical equipment and accessories, including but not limited to switches, knobs, buttons, and keyboards, utilizing fine and gross motor skills.
  • Perform the assigned job responsibilities with the intellectual and emotional functions necessary to ensure patient safety, and exercise independent judgment and discretion.
  • Perform in a noisy environment, with multiple distractions with multiple patients to be able to obtain a full caseload as defined in each clinical education experiences.
  • Utilize the above standards/functions to respond promptly to patients' needs and/or emergency situations.

Work Hours and Environment

  • Able to work up to 8-10 hours per day up to 40 hours per week at clinical sites.
  • Exposure to hazardous material and blood borne pathogens requiring safety equipment such as masks, head coverings, glasses, rubber and latex gloves, etc.
  • Must be able to meet clinical and academic performance standards.
  • Must travel to and from training site; this may require long distances or relocation.

Cognitive Abilities

  • Understand and work from written and verbal orders.
  • Possess effective verbal and written communication skills.
  • Understand and implement related regulations and clinical policies and procedures.
  • Possess technical competency in patient care and related areas.
  • Perform presentations to individuals and small groups.
  • Conduct patient assessments and counsel patients and families.
  • Assess changes in vital signs and measurements.