Commercial Music: Gear List

About Commercial Music Program
- Neumann TLM 103 large diaphragm condenser. cardioid. Vocals, guitar, wind
- Shure SM7b dynamic cardioid. Flat response. Vocals, bass amp. Low output.
- Mesanovic 2 passive ribbon mic. Figure 8. Vox, amp, strings, drum, piano. Hi’s.
- Flea 47 (based on U47). condenser omni/cardioid. Tube. vocals and acoustic
- EV RE20. dynamic, cardioid. Vox, kick drum, cab, toms
- Shure beta 52a. Dynamic, super cardioid. Kick, bass.
- Cascade fathead 2. Ribbon, figure 8. Drum, OH, room, amp, vox, keys,string
- AKG C414, condenser, 5 polar. Vox, acoustic, piano, string, drm overhead.
- Neumann U87ai. Condenser. Switchable polar. Vox, strings.
- Royer 121 2x’s. Ribbon, figure 8, acoustic, amps, percussive, piano
- Shure sm81 2x’s. Small dia, condenser, cardioid. Live sound. Acoustic, keys, OH
- SE4400a. 2x’s Ld, condenser, switchable. Vox, string, piano, perc.
- Coles 4038 2x’s. Ribbon. Vox, drums
- Shure SM57 3x’s
BC Modular System
Top Row:
- Sto: VCO
- Intellijel Dixie II: VCO/LFO
- Optomix: Lopass gate (VCA VCF)
- Peaks: EnvGen/LFO
- Dronebank: 5 triangle oscillators
- shades: 3 channel red/white/blue mixer
- nse 2hp: white noise generator
- Magneto: verb/delay
- WMD MMF: Filter. LowPass, BandPass and HighPass filter outputs.
- nse 2hp: ADSR
Bottom Row:
- Maths: filter
- wobblebug: random voltage generator
- rene: sequencer
- Wasp Filter
- Batumi: quad LFO
- nse 2hp: clock divider/multiplier
BC Synths
- 0 coast: monophonic patchable synth
- Moog mother 32
- Moog grandmother
- Korg MS-20 mini
- Korg volca FM
- Korg volca beats
- Korg SQ-1: Step sequencer
- Korg Minilogue
- Korg Little Bits
- DSI Prophet 6
- Arp Odyssey
- Yamaha reface DX
- Casio CZ-1000
- Nord electro
- roland TR-08
- roland SH-01A
- Fender Rhodes
- Ableton Push
- Launchpad
Outboard Gear
- Empirical Labs EL8-X Distressor 2x’s
- Universal Audio 1176 (2x’s)
- Teletronix La-2a (2x’s)
500 series
API 512c preamp
NEVE 1073 preamp
NEVE 1073 eq
NEVE 2264 comp
DBX 560a
- Meris Mercury 7 reverb
Focal CMS 65