Applied Music (Music Majors)

music student playing bassoon

MUSC B7 Applied Music consists primarily of individual instruction on an instrument or voice and is intended for music students with significant previous experience. This course is a requirement for the Associate of Arts degree for Transfer in Music (AA-T) and must be taken and passed for 4 semesters to complete the degree. Auditions for students starting in the fall semester occur twice, usually in April and again in August just before the fall semester begins.

Music Auditions

Auditions for music majors entering the Applied Music program in Fall 2025 will take place on the following dates:

  • Saturday, May 17

Voice Auditions

The audition consists of a prepared vocal solo (aria or art song, memorization encouraged but not required), a sight-singing demonstration, and a music theory placement exam. Performances must be accompanied by a piano, and accompaniment parts should be submitted at least one week in advance.

Instrumental and Jazz Studies Auditions

The audition consists of a prepared solo or étude performed on your primary instrument, a sight-reading demonstration, and a music theory placement exam. Jazz students should also demonstrate improvisation on a 12-bar blues. A staff accompanist is available, accompaniment parts should be submitted at least one week in advance.

If you're interested in auditioning or learning more about our Applied Music program, please fill out and submit the form below.

Next Steps

Students passing the audition and admitted to MUSC B7 Applied Music must also enroll in a set of co-requisite courses each semester of participation. The co-requisites include an ensemble course (MUSC B14A College Choir for singers; MUSC B10A Concert Band, MUSC B12A College Orchestra, MUSC B11 Jazz Combos, or MUSC B13A Jazz Ensemble for instrumentalists) AND the appropriate level of music theory and ear training. This sequence is:

  1. MUSC B2 Basic Elements of Music / MUSC B15 Musicianship I (offered spring and fall)

  2. MUSC B4A Elementary Theory I / MUSC B15A Musicianship II (offered spring only)

  3. MUSC B4B Elementary Theory II / MUSC B15B Musicianship III (offered fall only)

  4. MUSC B4C Intermediate Theory / MUSC B15C Musicianship IV (offered spring only)