English B1A

English B1A, Expository Composition, is a transfer level composition course that focuses on critical reading, writing, and thinking. Students will read and write primarily expository and argumentative texts that respond to a variety of rhetorical situations and contexts and incorporate college-level research. Minimum 6,000 words formal writing

English B1AL

English B1AL, Expository Composition with Supplemental Instruction, is a transfer level composition course that offers extra support while covering the fundamentals of college level writing. This course meets an additional 50 minutes twice a week in a lab setting with the same instructor and allows students to get extra focused support from the instructor on grammar, essay construction, critical reading approaches, and more! This is an ideal course for students who need or want extra help and guidance in college level English. If you have taken B1A in the past and need to repeat it, are a bit unsure of your composition skills, or just want to excel in transfer level writing, this is the class for you!

Most English 1A sections include an “umbrella topic” for the research paper and the reading of a minimum of two full-length works.

Since these vary from instructor to instructor, this page contains information from professors on their course reading and themes as an aid to deciding which English 1A or 1AL section best fits your needs and interests.

Professors and Course Descriptions