Applied Science & Technology

We use the scientific method to make conclusions, gain knowledge and then apply those conclusions and knowledge to developing, building, refining, and repairing technology.


Phone: (661) 395-4574 | Industrial Technology Building (INDT)

Department Chair: Andrew Haney, | (661) 395-4574 | Office: AT 1

Pathway: Industrial Technology & Transportation

Applied Science and Technology

Prepare for Your Career

Programs in the Applied Science & Technology include automotive technology, electronics, HVAC, Industrial Automation and Water Technology.
Apprenticeship Courses are designed for indentured apprentices under the Shelly-Maloney California Apprenticeship Standards Act.
This program develops student’s knowledge and skills in the areas of automotive systems operation, trouble-shooting, maintenance and repair.
Developing student’s knowledge and skills in AC/DC circuits, communication systems, and instrumentation for competencies in design, installation and repair.
Prepares students for entry-level employment in the field of Environmental Control Technology, also known as Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration.
Industrial Automation is interconnected equipment, technology, and systems working together to maximize production, assure safety, use resources efficiently, and ensure product quality. BC offers a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Automation.