About Arvin Educational Center

The Bakersfield College (BC) Arvin Educational Center provides the community with local access to Bakersfield College programs and services. Our goal is to empower Arvin/Lamont area students by bringing high-quality higher education and increased access into the community of Arvin. The Arvin Educational Center meets strategic initiatives:

  • Improve Arvin/Lamont area student access, retention, and success
  • Provide effective learning and earning pathways for Arvin/Lamont area students
  • Support student learning through appropriate technology
  • Support student learning through streamlined systems and processes

BC committed to building a college-going culture in the Arvin and Lamont area 20 years ago. Beginning with developmental courses offered at Arvin High, the need for local college-level courses grew. Since then, the college has worked closely with Arvin High School and Building Healthy Communities South Kern to identify and address the need for more classes. In response, the partners identified land for a new Arvin location. The BC Arvin Educational Center is located across the street from Arvin High School, a testament to our strong community partnerships.

Degrees and Certificates

Through a comprehensive market research review, BC created a curriculum that ensures our students have the skills to thrive. In discussions with The Tejon Tribe, BC aims to ensure that degrees and certificates will be aligned with the needs of the new Hard Rock Resort, along with emerging employment opportunities as the area experiences economic growth.

These include:

  • Agriculture, Nutrition, Culinary Arts: Degrees and certificates such as Food Service Management, Culinary Arts, Environmental Horticulture, Hospitality Management, and more
  • Mechanic, elevator and escalator installation and repair, and automotive technicians.
  • Business: Degrees and certificates in Accounting, Logistics Management, Bookkeeping, and more.
  • Arts, Communication, Humanities: Degrees and certificates in Graphic Design, Media Arts, Commercial Music, and more.
  • Industrial Technology & Transportation: Degrees and certificates in HVAC Technology, Occupational Safety and Risk Management, Woodworking and Cabinetmaking, and more.
  • Public Safety Training includes degrees and certificates in areas such as EMT, Fire Life Safety, CPR certification, and Security.


BC is also looking to enhance opportunities for students to “earn while they learn” through Apprenticeship programs in Arvin. The College will expand the Apprenticeship Pathways Demonstration Project to include positions such as Bakers, Hotel Security Officers, Cyber Security Technicians, HVAC, and more. This unique approach ensures that our students are not only gaining knowledge but also practical experience in their chosen fields.

English for Multilingual Students (EMLS)

Bakersfield College wants to ensure that all students, regardless of their starting skills, can step onto an on-ramp pathway towards a baccalaureate degree or gainful employment. EMLS offers four college-prep, non-credit courses that introduce a student to a path toward a BC certificate of achievement, as well as courses that can be taken for credit or non-credit and a transfer-level composition course.


Tutoring Center

Tutoring services are available at the BC Arvin Educational Center, in Room # 102. The BC Arvin Educational Center Tutoring Center is certified by CRLA (College Reading and Learning Association). Knowledgeable and trained peer tutors offer FREE tutoring to all currently enrolled BC students in various classes. Set your own agenda to learn at your own pace.

Appointments can be made in the Tutoring Center. Walk-in assistance is available for Math and English, and group tutoring sessions are available. Please email grace.torres@bakersfieldcollege.edu if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you!

Writing Center 

The BC Arvin Writing Center, located in room #104, offers one-on-one appointments with professional Writing Consultants to all BC registered students. Students can schedule 30-minute sessions or 60-minute sessions if they are registered with DSPS or EOPS. 

Our degreed, professional writing consultants will help you with:

  • Pre-Writing
  • Planning and organizing
  • Drafting
  • Revising and Editing
  • English for Multi-Lingual Students (EMLS)
  • Resumes
  • Scholarship Letters
  • Personal Statements
  • Assignment Clarification
  • MLA, APA, ASA, Chicago Style, etc.
  • Students can also take advantage of computer access, quiet study areas and our printing station.