Anyone can be certified as a data coach; the current data coaches include faculty, classified, managers and administrators. These special colleagues actually ENJOY data and serve as trained coaches on discussing data context, asking the right questions, getting the right data, and quality data for decision-making. Not all data are numerical, qualitative data plays an important role in our analysis and integration of key decision-guiding information.

The data coaches help craft our institutional scorecard, determined our Institution-set Standards, and IEPI goals . Data coaches help track these standards on an institutional scale but also serve as key members on specific committees, completion coaching teams, program review and contribute to our IRB committee expertise. In addition, some data coaches contribute significantly to targeted projects they are interested in analyzing. Examples of the kind of work data coaches have done include:

  • Exploring equity data for disproportionate impact
  • Examining success in accelerated and compressed courses
  • Analyzing CCSSE survey data
  • Developing Institutional scorecard goals
  • Creating and tracking Institutional-set standards
  • Tracking Basic skills course progression
  • Analyzing student support Interventions
  • Evaluating Library and Resource Effectiveness
  • Comparing Quantitative Reasoning courses for Success
  • Aligning Pathways with programs and courses
  • Analyzing of Curriculum Engagement and Success
  • Determining the effect of Transfer Degrees (ADTs) on transfer rate