Man with glasses, suit, and mustache, black and white photo.Decisions are made across Bakersfield College each and every day. Many of these that have campus-wide impact rely on a specific decision-making process to assure input from all affected parties. A task force of your peers – faculty, staff, and administration – was charged with identifying and documenting in a clear and concise way, the specific steps involved in reaching decisions. In order to do this, the task force reviewed the college Mission, Vision, and Values, and developed assumptions based on those. They developed a philosophy statement delineating the value we place on participatory governance, and the ultimate goal of improving participation and communication throughout the campus community.

It is incumbent upon each of us to ensure that our colleagues understand how decisions are made at Bakersfield College so that we recognize that decisions have gone through a prescribed vetting and discussion process by which all aspects and outcomes are thoroughly examined. The ultimate goal of developing this document is to foster better understanding of how each and every member of our faculty and staff can have input and impact on any decisions affecting Bakersfield College.

Communicating and evaluating the decision-making process will be an ongoing responsibility for all of us. As a collegial entity, we must be committed to evaluating and revising as necessary to make sure that this document accurately reflects this process; the process itself must adequately address the needs of the campus community as we work together to serve our students.

I encourage you to review this document and think about your role in making decisions at Bakersfield College.


Greg Chamberlain, signature.

Dr. Greg A. Chamberlain
Bakersfield College

Rev. 11-5-10