Fiscal Year 2023 Mid Year Report
Closing the Loop - Bakersfield College
Closing the Loop Document started in the spring of 2013 and was presented to College Council. The idea behind this document is to connect how resource allocation is connected to the strategic goals of the college. Since then, this document serves as a tool to reflect on the progress of the strategic goals and to calibrate the activities of Bakersfield College. This document is the result of the work of several governance and campus-wide committees’ efforts along with the responsible lead administrator. It is a compilation of metrics showing results.
Dr. Zav Dadabhoy, Interim President
January 2023
Prepared by: Budget/Finance — Mike Giacomini & Budget Office;
Contribution from:
Personnel (Section A) — Billie Jo Rice, Amalia Calderon & Debra Anderson;
Technology (Section B) — Brett Redd, & Kristin Rabe;
Facilities (Section C) — Marcos Rodriguez & Jim Coggins;
Professional Development (Section D) — Rebecca Farley & Pam Rivers;
Categorical & Grants (Section E) — Imelda Simos-Valdez, Nicky Damania, Jennifer Achan, Billie Jo Rice, Tony Cordova, Martin Perez, Domenica Trinidad, Stephanie Baltazar, Rebecca Farley, Mindy Wilmot, Kimberly Bligh, Kylie Campbell, Jackie Stoner, Jaime Lopez, Endee Grijalva, James Mcgarrah, Sara Sullivan & Lora Larkin;
Distance Learning (Section F) — Rebecca Farley & Pam Rivers
Budget and Finance
Fiscal Period | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
Total GU Budget |
120,486,762 |
127,340,022 |
136,863,724 |
154,759,041 |
189,297,100 |
Total GU Budget |
121,386,681 |
128,638,041 |
140,444,571 |
157,675,771 |
195,457,018 |
152,361,535 |
163,554,663 |
173,686,265 |
244,565,192 |
276,413,245 |
159,861,883 |
229,247,582 |
259,614,123 |
277,280,085 |

The budget table shows a growth trend over the past five years. There is an increase in general fund (GU) and a significant increase in restricted funds (RP). In FY19-20, a global pandemic, COVID-19, caused businesses to shut down and many personnel to stay at home to mitigate the spread of the virus. A significant recession has been forecasted with severe reductions to funding as projected from the Governor’s May Revise. Also, given the continued unknown uncertainty of the new state budget allocation model, KCCD used the FY2019-20 Advance Apportionment from the California Community College’s Chancellor’s Office.
The Total YTD (Year-to-Date) Activity in FY2019-20 indicates the significant increases in new/increased allocations for restricted funding, student financial aid disbursements, COVID/Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF) and Measure J campus improvement projects that were awarded and adjusted in Banner throughout the fiscal year.

The chart above shows the longitudinal trend of the adopted vs. actual reserves with 2022-23 adopted budget reserves. The reserves indicate a continual compliance to board policy. These reserves are well within the prescribed KCCD Board of Trustees minimum of 5% (line on graph) based upon the projected unrestricted expenditures (KCCD Business Services 3A1A6).
Fiscal Period | 2018-19 Actuals | 2019-20 Actuals | 2020-21 Actuals | 2021-22 Actuals | 2022-23 Budget |
President |
7,739,129 |
11,598,891 |
5,381,397 |
9,992,384 |
21,656,983 |
VP Instruction |
69,343,134 |
70,445,646 |
81,434,643 |
82,659,620 |
115,762,104 |
VP Student Affairs |
25,455,910 |
26,736,988 |
30,153,774 |
34,339,556 |
42,276,197 |
VP Finance & Admin Services |
11,159,952 |
14,529,712 |
15,072,315 |
18,258,421 |
28,984,739 |

Bakersfield College continues to focus on college priorities by strategically utilizing existing resources and grant dollars. In addition, the college discussions continue to evaluate strategies for long-term fiscal sustainability by augmenting its revenue streams through its auxiliary enterprises.
The VP FAS’ totals does not include the chargebacks or reserves. However, in FY2021-22 Budget, VP FAS’ totals do include lump sum budgets for salary and benefit increases for all BC positions and the COVID/HEERF budgets.
The full-time equivalent student (FTES) graph shows that the College has been in steady growth over the past five years. Growth has slowed due to the pandemic and the many challenges students face with online instruction and virtual services.

Fiscal Period | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 Target |
18,268 |
18,907 |
18,702 |
16,993 |
16,993 |
GU Adopted Budget/FES |
$6,596 |
$6,735 |
$7,318 |
$9,107 |
$11,140 |
As a part of its strategic plan, Bakersfield College anticipates the new programs like the Baccalaureate program to continue to have a positive influence on the FTES for future growth. A reflection of stewardship is how the College expends and allocates funds to perform services. One such indicator is the assignment of funds per student. As provided in the chart above, the GU budget per full-time equivalent student shows the trend from 2018-19 to 2022-23 Target. Information has been updated from the CCCCO DataMart.
The Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) Division continues to focus on increasing the budget literacy on Bakersfield College’s campus. The Budget Office continues to meet with individual departments for budget trainings and leads workshops through the College’s professional development training sessions during Flex Week and throughout the year. The participants in the budget trainings have consisted of budget managers such as deans, directors, program managers, department chairs, and support staff. The Budget Office has identified areas to increase efficiencies and have been working towards improving reporting tools to provide accurate and up-to-date data.
Significant planning and pre-construction efforts will commence to explore how Bakersfield College will utilize capital project funding to enhance and revitalize the campuses. The campus infrastructure over the next few decades will undergo some significant changes. If done wisely, the outcome for all at Bakersfield College will be an appropriate use of funds to establish a state-of-the-art campus environment.
This memo is organized in these sections: Section A (Personnel), Section B (Technology), Section C (Facilities), Section D (Professional Development), Section E (Categoricals and Grants), Section F (Distance Learning), with correlating appendices.
Section A: Personnel
The Bakersfield College leadership profile is provided via the organizational chart in Appendix A1.
The California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 5 section 51025 requires community colleges districts to increase their base number of full-time faculty over the prior year in proportion to the amount of growth in funded credit FTES. This is known as the “Full-time Faculty Obligation” or FON.
The FON calculation for Fall 2022 is presented below along with a longitudinal presentation (see Table 1) of BC’s history regarding to meet the FON.
Fiscal Period | 2017-18 | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 |
FON KCCD District |
436 |
439.8 |
471 |
456 |
428.8 |
Bakersfield College |
312 |
317 |
342 |
327 |
324 |
Percentage of FON |
71.56% |
72.08% |
72.61% |
71.71% |
75.56% |
Kern Community College District Faculty Obligation Number
Fall 2022 Projected FON Compliance | 486.500 |
Fall 2021 FON | 462.000 |
Base Adjustment | 61.500 |
Changes Due to FTES Growth | 0 |
Change Due to Funding Augmentation | 0 |
LESS: New Separations / Retirement / Resignations prior to March 31, 2021 | 37.000 |
BC | CCCC | PC | Total | |
Final FON Allocation KCCD FON Analysis Fall 2022 Compliance 10-25-21 |
356.50 | 64.00 | 66.00 | 486.50 |
51.50 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 61.50 |
As it turns out, there was an updated FON calculation incorporating a “deficit factor” that is based on the unfunded SCFF revenues. This has the effect of wiping away our FON increase for 2019. Our projected compliance FON now is 486.5 for the district which includes a proposed faculty recruitment of 61.50.
Provided below (Table 2) is the Bakersfield College staffing profile over the past 5 years broken out by faculty/staff categories.
Fiscal Year | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
Regular Teaching (11) GU |
266.75 |
295.74 |
283.37 |
281.54 |
298.21 |
Regular Teaching (11) RP |
1 |
1 |
0.25 |
0 |
0.00 |
Regular Non-Teaching (12) GU |
50.62 |
55.33 |
52.27 |
51.37 |
51.47 |
Regular Non-Teaching (12) RP |
17.63 |
23.03 |
21.61 |
22.49 |
23.37 |
Non-Reg. Instr. (13) GU |
235.92 |
187.68 |
0 |
0 |
0.00 |
Non-Reg. Instr. (13) RP |
3.46 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0.00 |
Classified Non-Instr. (21) GU |
169.71 |
176.41 |
201.28 |
194.03 |
197.44 |
Classified Non-Instr. (21) RP |
93.92 |
102.34 |
83.37 |
93.64 |
114.88 |
Classified Instructional (22) GU |
8.24 |
11.53 |
10.26 |
10.7 |
11.41 |
Classified Instructional (22) RP |
2.49 |
2.5 |
1.91 |
1.00 |
0.00 |
The staffing categories for the chart above are as follows:
Regular Teaching (11) includes all regular full-time faculty; Regular Non-Teaching (12) includes all educational administrators, counselors, librarians, non-instructional, and department chairs; Non-Regular Instr. (13) Includes adjuncts, intercession, etc. (previous years’ did not include FTE amounts); Classified (21) includes classified management, confidential, and employees regular salary; Classified Instr. (22) Includes instructional aides; Non-Instructional (23) includes all nonmanagement temps, and non-instructional professionals exempt; Instructional Aides (24).
For specific details regarding positions hired and/or recruited, refer to Appendices A2-A4. There appears to be growth in all faculty/staff categories with a recognizable increase in the restricted program (RP) funding.
2022-23 Faculty Hiring Process
The total number of BC faculty positions for 2022-2023 is 51.5. This includes replacement positions plus the additional faculty to meet the FON for 2022-2023 with discipline specific decisions being made based on data provided via Program Review and presented by Departmental Chairs in the fall semester at the Faculty Chair and Deans’ Council meeting.
Criteria to prioritize all of the faculty needs include:
- Workforce needs
- Accreditation requirements
- Licensure requirements
- Safety considerations
- Emerging statewide priorities
Section B: Technology
$1,760,070.06 for Fiscal 2022-2023
B1: General Technology

Year | Non-GUI | GUI |
22-23 | $487,000.00 | $1,273,070.06 |
21-22 | $857,587.00 | $1,268,215.00 |
20-21 | $367,611.00 | $1,128,201.00 |
19-20 | $213,353.70 | $1,203,985.00 |
18-19 | $696,090.12 | $693,355.07 |
By the end of academic year 2022-23, we have spent about $1,760,070.06 for technology out of the general fund. The primary purchases have been for equipment and software. The largest cost is to provide hardware for supporting staff and instruction, this includes computers, peripherals, and infrastructure. The second largest cost is instructional software to support our students. Some examples are SPSS (statistics software), Edmentum (math lab), Adobe Creative Cloud, DSPS software, SolidWorks, MATLAB, TI emulator, Photoshop Elements, and Automotive software. Additionally, there are maintenance contracts to support much of our back-end infrastructure such as the core network switch, access points, and servers. Finally, a significant purchase was the purchase of Adobe licenses for the Creative Cloud suite of tools for our students in the various digital media arts programs. We also purchased a significant number of laptops, over 200 with HEERF and IT funds.
B2: Program Review - Technology

Year | Non-GUI | BC GUI |
22-23 | $110,734.00 | $160,942.00 |
21-22 | $0 | $132,842.00 |
20-21 | $0 | $0 |
19-20 | $74,000.00 | $19,000.00 |
18-19 | $80,844 | $102,200 |
We have spent over $271,676.00 on program review requests from the ISIT prioritization
process. We covered tough books for the Fire Training Program, and iMacs for Fine
arts. We purchased iPads for DSPS and the education department, and portable projectors
for apprenticeship and rising scholars. HEERF funding was able to cover a number of
program review requests such as the update of technology in classrooms across the
campus under the Hyflex classroom project driven by Academic Technology and Technology
Services. There were also several small requests such as wireless presenters, ergonomic
keyboards etc. that we covered from IT funds.
Section C: Facilities
C1: General Facilities Update
Bakersfield College continues improvements to facilities across all campuses and with the identified needs of the original $450 million amount to modernize the existing facilities built in the mid-fifties. The campus continues using funds from the General Budget, HEERF funding, State Mandated Funds, and Measure J Funds to commence and complete projects requiring modernization improvements. Projects funded by HERFF monies were completed and included the finalized construction of the School Farm using a commercial grade central controlled irrigation system, as well as decomposed granite being installed throughout the farm on roads utilized by vehicles. The next project established was the Outdoor Learning Space #2 in front of the Humanities Building, and the completion of the Edible School Yard in the Horticulture Lab area. For Measure J, the completion of both Administrative Services and Science & Engineering Buildings was achieved. Lastly, the awaited construction of the Affordable Student Housing Project funded by the BC 106 Affordable Student Housing Fund. Construction start time for this project will be Fall of 2023. At this time, a new Bakersfield College Educational Plan is being updated with a Fall 2023 tentative completion date, and then this will allow a new Facilities Master Plan to be updated as well at that time. This newly developed plan will address the cost escalations for all construction projects and ultimately the programming of maintenance, modernization of existing buildings, and new construction.
Total Facilities, Maintenance, and Operations (FMO) costs (excluding utilities) have continually increased over the past five years. The actual FMO Costs figure indicates that Bakersfield College continual investment for the sustainability of the campus environment. Table 1 below indicates the continual need for more resources and the first five capital projects identified in the master plan with updated completion dates.
Bakersfield College usage of utilities is on a steady growth with no new significant facilities or additional space for the past 5 years. Increases for electricity are due to the combination of rate increases, some coding and consumption over the year.

Year | Natural Gas (5520) |
Electricity (5530) |
Water/Sanitation (5540) |
Waste (5550) |
Telephone Services (5581) |
2017-2018 | $275,000 | $1,020,000 | $180,000 | $60,000 | $30,000 |
2018-2019 | $200,000 | $1,100,000 | $200,000 | $100,000 | $30,000 |
2019-2020 | $550,000 | $720,000 | $300,000 | $80,000 | $40,000 |
2020-2021 | $275,000 | $1,150,000 | $250,000 | $70,000 | $35,000 |
2021-2022 | $420,000 | $1,010,000 | $100,000 | $10,000 | $40,000 |
C2: Facilities Needs for 2022
The partnership continues with AECOM/Parsons (Project Management Team) on the Science & Engineering Building and Gymnasium/Fieldhouse projects.
Facility | Sq. Ft. | Start Date | Move-In Date |
Infrastructure | Campus | Spring 2018 | Fall 2023 |
Science & Engineering Building (S&E) | 68,300 | Fall 2019 | Fall 2022 |
Gymnasium/Fieldhouse | 71,100 | Spring 2020 | Spring 2024 |
Construction of Arvin Center | 27,100 | Fall 2022 | Fall 2024 |
Delano Center LRC | 39,900 | Spring 2022 | Fall 2023 |
Administrative Services | 12,500 | Spring 2021 | Fall 2022 |
Welcome Center | 12,500 | Fall 2021 | Spring 2024 |
Agricultural Sciences Building | 65,000 | Spring 2023 | Fall 2025 |
Student Housing Project | 102,135 | Fall 2023 | Fall 2025 |
The Bakersfield College Facilities Master Plan continues following the Education Master
Plan’s strategic long termed vision. Complementing the capital project funding are
scheduled maintenance and instructional equipment, as well as mandated funds to be
used in for facilities. Bakersfield College receives a portion of the allocated funds
used to address priority items noted in Appendix C. In addition, the table displays
other projects that are pending to date. In 2021, Bakersfield College received $11,300,115
from the State in scheduled maintenance funds to finance campus projects. Bakersfield
College is continuously looking to utilize grants and other forms of funding to make
safety, and maintenance improvements, and beautification projects for the campus.
HEERFI projects have been completed and/or in the process of being designed, and
ultimately constructed. The deadline for completing these projects will be in June
Based on input from the campus community, the Facilities & Sustainability Committee continues to emphasize two areas of activities. Ongoing general campus clean up and maintenance remain a high priority. The Maintenance and Operations Department maintains progress on projects during summer, holiday extended breaks, or as needed. Capital projects are given emphasis to be constructed at times that are least disruptive to the campus respectively. Bakersfield College will continue to consider facilities upgrades as a priority item for funding of projects. Project focus include safety projects, and several classroom improvements. (Appendix C).
C3: Program Review – Facilities
The annual Program Review Annual update was completed with the facilities team acknowledging project requests. There are three general categories. The first categorization are items being completed. The second categorization are requests currently in-progress. The third categorization are requests that still need to be funding. Also, within the third category are subcategories of Renovation, Replacement and Additions.
Section D: Professional Development
Bakersfield College has completed another year of professional learning with a focus on meeting the shifting needs of Bakersfield College faculty and staff as the campus returns to a new post-pandemic normal.
Academic Technology Professional Development (PD)
While attendance for workshops offered by Academic Technology has remained steady, a shift to online and HyFlex workshop sessions has been vital to engaging with faculty. Demand for self-paced workshop options have become more prevalent as faculty navigate the time constraints of teaching in multiple locations and modalities. Short videos and vignettes offered through YouTube and social media have been another way of engaging with faculty and staff learning. Additionally, the Academic Technology team offers a range of regular supports to faculty, as outlined in the Weekly Academic Technology and Professional Development Blast:
- Accessibility Tip of the Week
- Canvas Tip of the Week
- Humanizing Tip of the Week
- Upcoming Workshops
- Faculty Drop-In Hours
- Renegade Hub Hours (tech support for students)

Student centered technology training has been more of a focus this year, as the student workers from the Renegade Hub have taken on the task of educating fellow students about the services available to them. The physical location of the Renegade Hub in the computer commons of the library and related Zoom access provide BC students with on-demand peer tech support from 10:00AM (or earlier) to 8:00PM M-F as well as 10:00AM to 1:00PM (or later) on the weekends.
Levan Center PD
Additional professional development is offered at BC via the Levan Center for the Humanities. The aim of the Levan Center is to promote the Humanities across the campus, showing its connections with the range of disciplines that BC embodies, and targeting both faculty and students. Professional development offered by the Levan Center featured the following:
- The Norman Levan Summer Grants program, which funds 5 grants per year of up to $3,000 to support faculty in pursuing new creative and scholarly work in their discipline.
- The Norman Levan Faculty Colloquium series, which awards two faculty per year $1,500 in honor of their cumulative career accomplishment in their field. At the Colloquium, the honored faculty give a talk of their choice that embodies the contributions they have made to their academic discipline. David Koeth, Emeritus Professor of Art, gave the Fall 2022 Faculty Colloquia presentation titled “The Citrus Series: Ideation Art Making, and the Environment.
- The Jack Hernandez Phronesis Award, which awards $1,500 to one district-wide faculty of the member per year for the academic contributions they have made to the community at large—beyond the classroom and campus at which they teach. The inaugural districtwide award was presented on September 29th, 2022 to Dr. Nick Strobel, who delivered a lecture titled “The Virtue of Humility in Science, Religion, and Freedom of Speech”.
The Levan Center runs several additional programs designed to keep faculty engaged with each other and the student body broadly, in the sense of keeping them apprised of connections between their field and students and the broader issues concerning other disciplines. These offerings include the Gadfly Cafe, Deep Cuts and Conversations, Art, Architecture and Archetypes, and The Renegade Round Table.
Education Department PD
The Education department continues to offer a three-course series designed for current and aspiring educators teaching in an online environment. BC faculty who complete the series (EDUC B30, B31, B32) are provided a stipend, and some departments across the college now use the completion of this series as a requirement for faculty to be assigned online classes post-pandemic. This series is available in both credit and non-credit options.
Equity and Diversity PD
BC has focused on ensuring equity through a multi-pronged approach this year. Through the Person Up program and the Advancing Equity Grant, the team focused efforts on building mobile-friendly, culturally responsive courses. Through work on the Open Educational Resources (OER) program, numerous faculty participated in identifying/creating free online resources for their BC classes, thereby ensuring students in many courses would have access to course textbooks and other readings without any financial obstacle. Relatedly, multiple trainings have been offered by the Academic Technology team on accessibility in an effort to ensure that all students can access their courses fully and without hindrances. Humanized learning is also becoming the norm at BC, which includes using warm language and personalized connections to courses and support services to give all students the opportunity to feel included and represented in their courses and as they engage with various student services. The BC Education department also offers a two-course non-credit series titled “Inclusive and Accessible Digital Content” (EDUC 60 and 61). Faculty and staff have been provided a stipend for completing this accessibility series.
Faculty Diversification Fellowship Program
In the fall of 2020, Bakersfield College launched The Faculty Diversification Fellowship Program to streamline the recruitment, onboarding, and mentorship of future faculty from historically underrepresented minority groups. This program, at inception, focused on candidates in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Social and Behavioral Sciences disciplines. In Fall 2022, the college expanded the program to additional disciplines to reach candidates that were hired under full-time temporary contracts. Participation this year included 35 full-time temp faculty fellows supported by 27 fulltime faculty mentors spanning 18 departments across the college. Both 12- and 8-week options of the program were offered to ensure as many eligible faculty as possible could take part in this robust professional development fellowship.
Professional Development Committee
The Professional Development Committee offers up to $10,000 annually in fellowships to faculty and staff ($500 awards) to participate in professional development activities outside of the college. Although many PD opportunities were converted to online events due to the pandemic the last three years, thereby reducing the need for PD fellowship funding, the PDC fellowships were awarded to faculty for the following events last year:
- AFCA Coaches Convention, 1/8/2022
- Faculty presentation at the CISOA Tech Summit: Navigating the Next Normal, 3/22/2022
- Nurse Educators Conference in the Rockies, 7/18-7/22/2022
Bridge to BC PD
Professional development was also offered for faculty and staff participation in Bridge to BC. This day-long intensive BC orientation for students serves as an excellent introduction to new faculty and staff, giving them insight into the student experience by pairing them with newly admitted BC students for the day. In Summer 2022, a total 9 faculty members participated in Bridge to BC as a professional development experience. Faculty participants were provided a stipend for their participation during their non-contracted summer day.
In the past year, the following additional professional development has occurred:
- New Faculty Seminar program welcomed 84 new faculty members and provided twice-monthly training and networking opportunities to ease these new renegades into their role at BC. Sessions included guest speakers from across the college, a book study of Redesigning America’s Community Colleges, and tours of various locations and service areas on campus.
- Adjunct Faculty Seminar was held in person for the first time in three years in Fall of 2022 and more than 60 adjunct faculty participated.
- Ten support staff roundtables were offered to increase support staff skills and encourage collaboration among all support staff. Each session was attended by an average of 35 participants.
- Six new manager and new classified academies were offered to help build necessary skills including using Microsoft Teams, Emergency Preparedness and Diversity and Equity and Inclusion trainings. 55 Employees Participated
- Technology and pedagogy workshops were offered by Academic Technology to faculty to help in the online, in-person and HyFlex environments.
- BC transitioned Flex Week and Academic Tech workshop registrations to the CCCCO Vision Resource Center, which helps to streamline the registration process, as well as supports faculty/staff in monitoring their individual professional development accomplishments. The VRS also provides the college support in gathering participant survey feedback following each session and tracking participation analytics.
- Flex week activities were provided on various topics of interest to faculty and staff and reached over 1,000 enrollments.
- Opportunities were provided for all faculty and staff to learn about diversity and equity issues through flex week trainings and ongoing workshops through the academic year.
- Training on accessibility and equity was provided for faculty and staff in their different environments.
- A team of twelve faculty and administrators attended the weeklong Enrollment Management Academy hosted at UC San Diego during Summer 2022.
- A team of 10 faculty and administrators attended the four-day Curriculum Institute held at UC Riverside during the summer of 2022.
- A team of eleven administrators and staff attended the EAB Starfish User Group Summit convening held at El Camino college in Fall 2022.
- Professional development pathways were established to provide cohesion for PD offered to faculty and staff and a path of defined learning.
- Self-paced training courses were developed which will allow faculty to earn flex credit while getting necessary training, but at times most convenient for them.
- Badging for professional development workshops expanded.

Badging Pathway:

Section E: Categoricals and Grants

Funding | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
Amount | $31,422,902 | $35,041,782 | $36,405,125 | $89,055,245 | $86,115,952 |
Growth % | NA | 11.52% | 3.89% | 144.62% | -3.30% |
E1: The Board Financial Assistance Program (BFAP), the 2% BFAP, and Maintenance of Effort
Year | 2% | BFAP | Maintenance of Effort |
2021-22 | $278,984 | $793,655 | $538,775 |
2022-23 | $437,803 | $976,934 | $844,489 |
The Maintenance of Effort (MOE) allocation, the BFAP, and the 2% BFAP, assists the college by:
- Providing the financial resources needed to overcome economic obstacles and empower their academic success to students.
- Educating students on how to navigate available resources/avenues of financial support.
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) & Minority Serving Institution (MSI)
CARES & MSI (2021-2022)

CARES & MSI (2022-2023)

The increase in funding the Financial Aid Office (FAO) received, is from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and Minority Serving Institution (MSI) funding allocated to Bakersfield College. The funds received is to assist students and the community withstand the economic hardships caused by the pandemic. Those who were determined to be eligible, received direct funding from the FAO.
With the unprecedented challenges students encountered due to Covid-19, Congress passed the CARES Act. The provisions of the CARES Act were to provide financial resources for students, institutions, and to assist with overcoming the unexpected financial obstacles caused by the pandemic. For the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year, the FAO awarded $20,357,736 to students. $18,082,495 was from the CARES Act, and $2,275,241 from MSI. For the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year, the FAO awarded $25,714,024 to students. $24,481,967 was from the CARES Act, and $1,232,057 was from MSI.

Year | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 (Estimate) |
Total Students | 25,279 | 25,718 | 27,791 |
Total Awards | $85,503,322 | $77,638,985 | $80,747,763 |
The growing need for student financial support is apparent in the plethora of programs available to students through the Financial Aid Office. The following programs are available to students to assist with their financial support: California College Promise Grant (CCPG), Cal Grant B & C, Completion Grant, Chafee Grant, Pell Grant, Federal Supplement Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), institutional scholarships, and loans.
The programs mentioned above, continue to demonstrate their importance to students’ ability to pursue their educational goals in achieving the following: completion of their degree programs, certification(s), or their transfer to four-year institutions. By assisting students to overcome certain economic barriers they face today, they will be able to persist in achieving their academic goals.
Estimated enrollment for the 2022-23 academic year will increase as well as the total estimated funds disbursed to students have increased. The Department of Education (ED) encouraged Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) to focus on the needs of their students in assessing how best to utilize Higher Education Emergency Relief (HEERF) to assist students with financial assistance. For 2022-23, most of the funds from HEERF have been used to assist students in achieving their academic goals.

Fiscal Year | FY 2020-21 | FY 2021-22 |
Students | 1284 | 2116 |
Disbursed | $786,394.55 | $618,668.30 |
*** FY 2022-23- 4 students were assisted in the amount of $2,601.
The Recovery Account funds assisted 1,284 students during the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year with $616,668.30. This assistance eliminated a financial barrier for students to enroll in courses. During the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year, the Recovery Account funds assisted 2,116 students with $786,394.55. The Recovery Account continued to assist students by eliminating a financial barrier for them to enroll in courses and achieve their academic goals.
The FAO purchased 6,040 Chromebooks during the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year, 2021-2022 Fiscal Year, and 2022-23, which totaled $1,694,659. The Chromebooks purchased were to remove student barriers and improve retention by supplying students with technological resources.
E2: Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)
Funding Type | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 |
Allocation | $1,250,666 | $1,389,294 | $1,470,954 | $1,712,708 | $2,258,539 |
Required Match | $170,221 | $189,627 | $192,593 | $192,988 | $228,648 |
Category C Obligation | $155,160 | $173,867 | $244,279 | $285,827 | $447,219 |
Book Expenditures | $417,996 | $224,146 | $224,146 | $224,146 | $224,146 |
Budget: As seen in the chart above, EOPS has experienced a growth in funding over the past years from successfully growing the number of students served each year.
EOPS continued to grow from 1,965 unduplicated student headcount in 2018-2019 to 2,263 for 2019-2020. During the pandemic EOPS had a slight decline of students served for 2020-2021, a total of 1,895 unduplicated students were served and for 2021-2022, 1,865 unduplicated students were served . Each term, book grants are issued to EOPS students who are financial aid eligible. Category C pays for unmet need grants to support other educational expenses. In 2021-2022, EOPS continued offering grants for meal expenses and transportation assistance to students with special circumstances such as homelessness, loss of income, and so forth.
E3: Cooperative Agencies and Resources for Education (CARE)
Type | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 |
Allocations | $154,208 | $175,680 | $193,615 | $224,484 | $382,119 |
CARE Grants | $41,520 | $37,500 | $80,400 | $102,100 | $90,000 |
Budget: As seen in the chart above, the Cooperative Agencies and Resources for Education (CARE) experienced an increase in funding for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
CARE Grants: The CARE program has continued to award CARE grants for students with financial unmet need to assist with childcare or educational related expenses. Students must be financial aid eligible to receive the CARE grant.
CARE Workshop Series: The CARE program offered a series of workshops for CARE students to focus on personal development, career readiness and wellness. Workshop topics included Employment, Resume Building and Job Interview Techniques, Health and Wellness, and Financial Literacy.
The CARE student population are head of household or single parents who receive public assistance benefits.
E4: California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Children (CalWORKs)

Type | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 |
CalWORKs Allocations | $254,066 | $241,331 | $266,547 | $351,864 | $375,946 |
TANF Funds | $38,100 | $20,459 | $26,800 | $26,800 | $60,571 |
Budget: As seen in the chart, California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) had an increase in funding for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. The CalWORKs student population are generally parents who are recipients of CalWORKs/TANF public assistance benefits. CalWORKs at Bakersfield College provides education, employment training, support services and work-study opportunities to increase wage-earning power and lead to self-sufficiency. Many of the CalWORKs participants work to support their family while attending college. In addition to the regular services provided, TANF continued offering grants to students with unmet need to supplement any educational related expenses.
E5: Cooperating Agencies Foster Youth Educational Support (CAFYES/NextUp)

Type | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 |
Allocations | $1,000,000 | $1,037,049 | $725,934 | $957,941 | $856,294 |
Actual Work Study Expenditures | $22,500 | $24,851 | $18,587 | $23,252 | $13,000 |
NextUp Grants | $315,450 | $147,900 | $227,200 | $250,000 | $210,000 |
Budget: Bakersfield College was allocated $856,294 for the 2022-2023 fiscal year to provide services to current/former foster youth students under the age of 26. NextUp provides holistic support to foster students to ensure educational success, focusing on enrollment, retention, and transfer to a 4-year university. NextUp onboarding includes completion of BC matriculation steps, financial aid and Chafee applications. Additional services provided include books and supplies, childcare, intrusive counseling and career guidance, comprehensive educational planning, emergency housing and food assistance, health services, life skills and financial wellness, mental health services, transportation assistance (gas cards or bus passes), parking permit, college work-study, and tutoring.
E6: AB 540 / Undocumented Students Program

Year | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2020-2021* | 2021-2022* | 2022-2023 |
Allocations | $115,000 | $129,000 | $70,700 | $66,736 | $132,321 | $132,321 |
Immigrants Rising under the Catalyst Fund funded the AB 540 and Undocumented Students program for three fiscal years starting in 2018 and ending in 2021. In FY 2020-2021* the State Chancellors office allocated $66,736.00 to support a Dream Resource Liaison and student support services for immigrant and undocumented students followed by an allocation of $132,321 for 2021-2022 and 2022-203. The program funds continue support coordination of services for student leadership, student-led community outreach and recruitment, and educational success focused on completion and transfer.
E7: Foster and Kinship Care Education (FKCE)

Year | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 |
Allocations | $189,090 | $362,864 | $397,140 | $437,289 | $480,456 |
The mission of the Foster and Kinship Care Education (FKCE) Program is to provide quality education and support opportunities to caregivers of children and youth in out-of-home care so that these providers may meet the educational, emotional, behavioral, and developmental needs of children and youth in the foster care system. Trainings and workshops include initial training for prospective resource (foster) parents, on-going training, and special events.
Workshops cover an array of topics from Child Development, Trauma Informed Practices, Parenting Skills, LGBTQ, Human Trafficking CSEC), Child, Medically Fragile (autism, diabetes, asthma, etc.), CPR.
E8: California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP)

Year | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 |
Allocations | $435,663 | $685,663 | $435,663 | $435,663 | $426,949 |
The mission of the Southern San Joaquin Valley California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP) is to provide academic support, advisement, and access to information about postsecondary education and financial aid to students who meet at least one of the following criteria: first in their family to attend college, come from a low socio-economic background, and/or live in a geographic area with low college-going rates. Cal-SOAP currently provides services in the high schools under the Kern High School District, Taft Union High School, Maricopa Unified School District, and El Tejon Unified School District.
Services provided to students include financial aid and scholarship completion (FSA ID, FAFSA and CADAA applications, WebGrants4students), Webgrants support for high school administrators, financial aid literacy, systems of higher education application process and completion, academic advisement (college peer advising, transcript evaluation for A-G completion, career and major exploration, parent orientations and other college and financial aid related support.
E9: Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS)

Year | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-23 |
Allocations | $1,145,942 | $1,183,557 | $1,266,240 | $1,389,708 | $1,559,047 |
Budget: As seen in the chart, the Disabled Students Programs and Services office experienced an increase in funding for 2022-2023.
As the overall BC student population increases, so does the DSPS student population. Part of this increase is also due to DSPS implementing better methods for tracking and documenting student contacts. DSPS experienced a twenty-eight percent growth from 2016-17 (n=1098) to 2019-2020 (n=1405), however, in 2020-2021 the pandemic immensely impacted our DSPS students decreasing the number of students being served. For 2021-2022, DSPS served 1,020 unduplicated students resulting in a gradual increase of eleven percent.

Year | 2016-2017 | 2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 |
# of Students | 1098 | 1170 | 1378 | 1405 | 921 | 1020 |
E10: Student Equity & Achievement Program (SEAP)
Professional Development Expenditures
The Student Equity and Achievement Program annually allocates a significant amount of categorical and grant funding to professional development. Note numbers do not reflect direct faculty special compensation for engagement in professional development activities on campus, cost of food and materials when hosting events on campus, etc.
Conferences Include:
- Achieving the Dream Holistic Student Supports Institute
- Achieving the Dream National DREAM Conference
- California Student Services Officers Annual Conference
- Strategic Enrollment Management Convening
- ASCCC Annual Plenary
- Umoja Annual Conference
- A2MEND Summit
- Association of Chief Business Officers Annual Conference
- National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships Annual National Conference
- Community College League of California Annual Convention
- California Association of Community College Registrars and Admissions Officers
- Council for Higher Educational Accreditation
- CCCCO Vision for Success Summit
- CCCCO Basic Needs Summit
- Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance
- Hobson’s Starfish Annual Conference
- Ellucian Annual Conference
- CCCCO Evaluators Training
- The RP Group’s Strengthening Student Success Annual Conference
Student Success Categoricals and Grants:
Since 2015, the Office of Student Success and Equity has steadily grown its annual categorical fund portfolio. In 2022-23, the college received over $8 million in categorical fund allocations between SEAP and Guided Pathways.
Year | SEAP (SSSP) | SEAP (Equity) | CCCCO Guided Pathways |
2015-16 Allocation | $2,079,186 | $1,005,862 | 0 |
2016-17 Allocation | $3,473,756 | $2,088,925 | 0 |
2017-18 Allocation | $4,231,081 | $2,244,245 | 0 |
2018-19 Allocation | $4,321,081 | $2,244,245 | $609,000 |
2019-20 Allocation | $7,187,593 | (Combined with SSSP) | $731,309 |
2020-21 Allocation | $7,187,593 | (Combined with SSSP) | $609,424 |
2021-22 Allocation | $7,187,593 | (Combined with SSSP) | $243,770 |
2022-23 Allocation | $7,480,897 | (Combined with SSSP) | $859,252 |
E11: Office of Student Life
Office of Student Life
- Welcomed students back to campus through a hybrid approach to programming efforts in the Fall semester and continued offering greater in-person support entering the Spring semester totaling 108 virtual and in-person events.
- Maintained on-campus services including community resource access, housing availability, Cal-Fresh application support for over 90 students, printed 4,512 Renegade Cards, over 1,200 BCSGA/KVC stickers received, and over 120 graduation regalia sales.
- Added three new management personnel into the office, Assistant Director, Leonardo Ayala, Program Director, Nicole Alvarez, and Program Manager for Basic Needs, Caitlin Davidson.
- Dr. Nicky Damania served as the past president of the California Community College Student Affairs Association while hosting 28 virtual statewide webinars and discussions.
- Office Management personnel led over five Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion trainings for various campus departments and administrators.
Student Assistance Programs, The Renegade Pantry
- Renegade Pantry opened its new space within the Campus Center and includes the adjacent Renegade Closet.
- 521 students utilized drive-thru pantry services from July 1-December 15, 2021.
- 4,554 students were served with food items in-person from August 16, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
- In November 2021, 144 students applied to receive a turkey for a thanksgiving meal, of which 131 turkeys were distributed.
- During the 21-22 academic year, all Pantry Services returned fully in-person and included:
- Daily Bread in partnership with Panera Bread
- Pantry Shelf Program for a Shopping experience
- Emergency Food Distributions
- Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
- Hygiene Kits
- Renegade Closet
- Dress for Success Shoe Distribution was held each semester where nearly 200 donated new shoes were given out to students.
- Monetary donations received for the 21-22 fiscal year amounted to $6,556.58.
- Weekly Food pickups included Costco and Community Action Partnership of Kern (CAPK)
Food Bank, totaling 31 trips and over 30,000 pounds of food distributed. Partnerships were also developed with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on S. Real Rd, Emmanuel Lutheran, and Stay Focused Ministries to receive excess food from their bimonthly food distributions.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Student Life assisted 1,434 individuals through various incidents that happened on campus and hosted no students of concern interns. This year, a previous intern was retained to assist in case managing SOC cases and develop a faster response time.
Case Type | Number of Individuals | Number of Incidents |
Academic Integrity | 216 | 172 |
Campus Safety | 11 | 9 |
Clearance | 84 | 80 |
Evacuation | 1 | 1 |
General Incident/Accident | 23 | 16 |
Grade Appeal/Change | 71 | 37 |
Harassment/Discrimination | 21 | 10 |
Medical Aid | 7 | 3 |
Pantry Probation Alert | 1 | 1 |
Sexual Misconduct | 15 | 8 |
Student Grievances | 180 | 115 |
Student Conduct Violation | 99 | 58 |
Student of Concern (BIT) | 684 | 657 |
Title IX - Employees | 4 | 2 |
Title IX - Students | 17 | 10 |
Events and Scheduling Department
- Maintained hosting 2,386 events, in various formats, throughout the COVID pandemic, including continued use of online platforms (Zoom webinars) and in-person conferences, to keep the campus connected.
- Department maintained a presence in Measure J projects on campus in order to better disseminate information for on campus facility/event scheduling
- Spearheaded the return to an in-person Commencement.
- Implemented Ad Astra online events management software.
Event Type | Number of Events |
Total | 2386 |
Virtual | 132 |
On-Campus | 338 |
General Meetings | 1114 |
Community Sponsored | 802 |
Student Organizations
- Supported and funded 12 Student Organization Funding grants totaling $6,103 with an average grant amount of $508.
- 22 unique student organizations were officially registered and recognized.
- Hosted over 15 student organization department meetings to assist in effective student organization engagement.
Student Activities
- Supported and funded five Campus Collaborative Action Grants totaling $3,960.
- Hosted virtual Distinguished Speaker Series with six national and international speakers totaling $20,877 in honorary fees.
- Hosted 108 campus-wide events, including 25 events co-sponsored by other campus and community partners.
- In partnership with Alliance Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault, hosted 28 programs, including trainings, events, and student meetings.
- Hosted a virtual New Student Convocation online with over 800 students participating.
Bakersfield College Student Government Association
- Worked with Porterville and Cerro Coso Community Colleges and the District Office to coordinate online elections for the second consecutive year, including the KCCD Student Trustee election process.
- The KCCD Student Trustee was elected from Bakersfield College for the second consecutive year.
- One student government officer and one general student body member were elected to the state-wide Student Senate for California Community Colleges.
- Hosted over 75 Brown Act compliant Student Government Association meetings, including Senate, Executive Board, Department, and Subcommittee meetings via both in-person and virtual formats to increase student engagement and foster campus citizenry.
- Four Student Government officers attended the Student Senate for the California Community Colleges General Assembly.
- 493 BC students voted in this year’s BCSGA elections.
- Hosted 12 Elections Filing Workshops for students interested in joining Student Government.
Student Health and Wellness Center
The Student Health and Wellness Center has been meeting the needs of our students by providing in-person and telehealth services and the needs of the Bakersfield community by providing COVID testing and vaccination. For academic year 2022, students have scheduled over 2,070 appointments with the Student Health and Wellness Center.
Appointment Type | Appointment Count |
Total | 2,179 |
Medical Services with Nurse Practitioner | 450 |
Wellness Sessions with Mental Health Clinician | 1,614 |
Health Services with Medical Assistant/Nurse | 115 |
COVID-19 and Campus Health Initiatives
The Dean of Students areas has actively undertaken a robust COVID response due to the changing global dynamics. Campus and district-wide initiatives were implemented and engaged to maintain safe and healthy working and learning environments.
- Achieving a 98% student vaccination rate on campus
- Over 2,350 doses of Pfizer, Moderna, or Jannsen were administered to students, faculty, staff, and the public
- Administration of over 10,000 COVID tests
- COVID Clinics were established at BC’s Panorama Campus, Delano Campus, Arvin Center, Weill Institute, BC Southwest, and Job Spot;
- Over 100 community COVID clinics were hosted locations in Bakersfield, Arvin, Delano, Wasco, and Lamont, including a weekly clinic with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Kern
- Partnering with four community and regional agencies to hire 22 temporary staff members in order to appropriately staff over 10 Campus Pass Check-In Stations, successfully checked in over 3000 students, staff, visitors, and faculty daily since Oct. 2021.
Veteran Services and Programs
The Veteran Services and Programs has been actively re-implementing in person activities while providing virtual advising services as an option to over 337 currently active veteran and military-connected students.
- Completed 629 meetings with veteran and dependent students
- Received Ongoing VRC funding of $118,283
- Over 25 students have been accepted into the CEVSS cohort
- Hosted two 30 uniting coining ceremonies
- Hosted nine virtual and in person events
- Hosted veteran pre-commencement event with 28 of 65 student veteran graduates in attendance
- Assisted over 974 veteran, dependent, and regular students visiting the Veteran Resource Center (VRC)
- Provided over 588 Comprehensive Education Plans
- Secured $1500 in donations to implement book voucher program
- Hired 9 veteran work studies to assist student veterans in navigating resources
- Hosted annual Vet Fest with 4 virtual and in-person events
E12: Vocational Technical Education Act (Perkins V) Formerly known as VTEA
Fiscal 2022-23 $1,288,907
Perkins V funding has continued to grow over the past 6 years, as noted in the chart below, revenue is dependent upon the financial stability of the state as well as College FTES generation.

Type | 2016-17 | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
Allocation | $620,309.00 | $675,063.00 | $757,209.00 | $809,714.00 | $968,270.00 | $1,288,907.00 |
Expenditures | $594,981.00 | $679,874.00 | $716,723.00 | $725,334.77 | $983,415.75 | 0 |
A good portion of the Perkins V funding continues to support personnel, educational
advisors and job development specialists in supporting the work for “Special Populations”
CTE students. Funds also help to supplement administration costs for the CTE Program
Director. In addition, funding is used to support professional development activities
that would benefit all CTE programs as well as software licensing fees for EMSI (Economic
Modeling Specialists, Inc.) which is an internet-based data system that provides labor
market analytics, program alignments and Career Coach. Funding is directed to support
program specific professional development
activities for faculty. This provides the faculty opportunities to fine tune the best
practices within their discipline. Funds also help the pathways purchase equipment
allowing our faculty to teach with current industry specific equipment and technologies.
E13: Strong Workforce Funding
Both the Strong Workforce Program base and incentive funding are re-calculated each year according to the factors prescribed in legislation:

Factors | Items | Proportion of SWP Funds |
Base Funding | Unemployment Rate | 1/3 |
Career Education FTES | 1/3 | |
Job Openings | 1/6 | |
Incentive Funding | SWP Metrics | 1/6 |
During the 16/17 and 17/18 fiscal cycles, the College received significant funds to support “More and Better CTE”. Year 1 allocation was based on the following formula: 1/3 unemployment, 1/3 job openings and 1/3 CTE FTES. During Year 2 and subsequent years, colleges received 83% of the available funding, the allocation is based on the following formula: 1/3 unemployment, 1/3 CTE FTES and 1/6 job openings. The remaining 1/6 allocation is considered “17% incentive funding” and will be released to colleges in January and will be based on each college’s FTES performance with additional points being given to “special population” students.

Area | 2016-17 | 2017-18 | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
Local | $1,546,443 | $2,345,505 | $2,382,211 | $2,503,043 | $2,963,188 | $3,455,309 | $3,755,070 |
Regional | $1,071,529 | $1,122,403 | $1,200,327 | $1,546,933 | $1,547,637 | $1,851,930 | $2,012,371 |
Strong Workforce Local Share:
- Year 1 = $1,546,443 (7/1/2016 – 12/31/2018)
- Year 2 = $2,345,505 (7/1/2017 – 12/31/2019)
- Year 3 = $2,382,211 (7/1/2018 – 12/31/2020)
- Year 4 = $2,503,043 (7/1/2019 – 12/31/2021)
- Year 5 = $2,963,188 (7/1/2020 – 06/30/2022)
- Year 6 = $3,455,309 (7/1/2021 – 12/31/2023)
- Year 7 = $3,755,070 (7/1/2022 – 06/31/2024)
- Year 8 = $3,755,070 (7/1/2023 – 06/31/2025)
Year 1 funding supports more and better CTE through the enhancement of existing programs – Auto, Manufacturing, Commercial Music and Culinary; expansion of programs to Delano – Electronics; and, development of new Programs HVAC, at Delano, and Associate of Science of Industrial Automation that will be a feeder into the Baccalaureate program. Funding will purchase equipment, pay for professional development and stipends for curriculum development.
Year 2 funding supports more and better CTE through the continuation of enhancing existing programs – Environmental Control Technology (HVAC), Electronics and Electrical Technology, Automotive, and Computer Science. While new projects include – Logistics and Supply Chain, Water Technology, Food Science, Child Development, Culinary, Heavy Equipment Technology, Health Simulation, ITT Program Support, CTE Across and Physical Therapist Assistant.
Year 3 funding supports more and better CTE through the continuation of enhancing existing programs – Environmental Control Technology (HVAC), Food Science, Automotive, Health Simulation, Physical Therapist Assistant, Logistics and Supply Chain, Water Technology, Ag Business, Heavy Equipment Technology and Computer Science. While new projects include – Construction, Safety, Steam/STEM Outreach, and Industrial Technology and Transportation Support.
Year 4 funding supports more and better Career Education through the continuation of enhancing existing programs and development of new programs. Environmental Control Technology (HVAC), Electronics and Electrical Technology, Automotive, Computer Science, Logistic Supply Chain, Ag Business, Heavy Equipment Technology, Physical Therapist Assistant. New programs include Fitness Trainer, Entrepreneur, and Nutrition.
Year 5 funding has a shifted in the focus of funding to support the Workforce Training, specifically in Short Term Credit, Non-Credit or Not-for-Credit. Along with meeting momentum points and the Vision for Success Metrics.
Year 6 funding continues the focus on supporting noncredit workforce development curriculum and driving success in meeting workforce demands. It also has been utilized to modernize the labs and instructional spaces for Allied Health and Industrial Technology and Transportation. In addition, funding has allowed updating the Agriculture Farm and supporting the new Edible Garden to meet industry demand.
Year 7 continues the focus and emphasis on workforce development, work-based learning, and noncredit. Funding will be utilized to fund projects to enhance existing programs – Animal Science, Plant Science, Heavy Equipment, Forestry, Business, Health Sciences, Energy, and Industrial Technology and Transportation Support. In addition, it will also continue to support expanding programs such as the Regenerative Farm in the Delano Campus, modernization of the Makerspace, and support the new BC Lab Tech Bachelor Program.
Strong Workforce Regional Share:
- Year 1 = $1,071,529 (7/1/2016 – 12/31/2018)
- Year 2 = $1,122,403 (7/1/2017 – 12/31/2019)
- Year 3 = $1,200,327 (7/1/2018 – 12/31/2020)
- Year 4 = $1,533,386 (7/1/2019 – 12/31/2021)
- Year 5 = $1,547,637 (7/1/2020 – 06/30/2022)
- Year 6 = $1,851,930 (7/1/2021 – 12/31/2023)
- Year 7 = $2,012,371 (7/1/2022 – 06/31/2024)
- Year 8 = $2,012,371 (7/1/2023 – 06/31/2025)
Year 1 funding supports more and better CTE utilizing a regional approach through the enhancement of existing programs – Advanced Manufacturing, Health Simulation and Faculty Development/Recruitment, Dual Enrollment, Industrial Automation and Workplace Internships/Job Development. Funding will support staffing, purchase equipment, pay for professional development and stipends for materials development.
Year 2 funding supports the continuation of regional projects – Dual Enrollment, Workplace Internship Development, Industrial Automation, and Health Simulation.
Year 3 funding supports the continuation of regional projects – Dual Enrollment, Workplace Internship Development, Industrial Automation, and Health Simulation. Funding will support staffing, purchase equipment, pay for professional development and stipends for materials development.
Year 4 funding supports more and better Career Education through the continuation of enhancing existing programs and development of new programs. Health Simulation, Industrial Automation Bachelorette Program, Dual Enrollment, Workplace Internship Development.
Year 5 funding supports the Regional Collaboration and efforts of streamlining programs in the priority sectors. As well as achieving the momentum points and Vision for Success.
Year 6 funding supports the Regional Sector projects that include Workforce Development, Health Pathways, Advanced Manufacturing, Agriculture and Business.
Year 7 funding supports the focus on Workforce Development, Dual Enrollment, and noncredit. Along with collaboration with industry sectors and regional colleges. Sectors include Advanced Manufacturing, Energy, Health Pathways, Business and Entrepreneurship, and Global Trade and Logistics. In addition, funds will support curriculum development for the Hospitality program.
E14: Instructional Block Grant
FY23 Budget $1,950,819

The Instructional Block grant was braided with VTEA and Strong Workforce so that the majority of instructional equipment requests could be addressed. Because of this integrated spending process for instructional equipment and professional development, the College was able to grant the majority of FY19 equipment requests for the instructional areas which included Library Books/AV Equipment, Computer/Technology Equipment, Software Licensing/Maintenance, Furniture, etc. There was a decrease in funding in FY20 and FY21. However, in FY22, the College’s allocation increased to $1.25 million and funding will continue to address the instructional equipment needs of the campus. The budget for FY23 reflects FY22 carryover and an estimate for FY23 allocation.
E15: Job Corp Scholars Grant (ENCORE)
June 30, 2020 – September 2023 $1,186,900
Funds spent year to date: $503,725.83
The Job Corp Scholars funding is a demonstration grant awarded to Bakersfield College, the only college in California to receive it. Its funding will contribute to the success of 80 students who are going to be provided services that will focus on a pathway to self-sufficiency and livable wages through the provision of employment opportunities upon completion of a CTE certificate program.
The majority of funding supports personnel and Student Aide. Job Corp Scholars serve youth, ages 16-24, from the areas of Bakersfield, Delano, McFarland, Wasco, and Shafter. This program focuses on short-term certificates (less than 12 months to complete). We are wrapping up the final phases of recruitment of the grant. The majority of funds are spent towards personnel and benefits, travel, and student support services including financial assistance for gas cards, bus passes, food vouchers, materials, and supplies necessary for the successful completion of the program. Other funding areas include employee travel, as this population is hard to serve, and it is necessary to go to them; printing of marketing materials to solicit employers and partnering agencies; meetings costs for participant workshops and equipment and supplies necessary for the tracking and record keeping of our participants.
E16: TRIO Student Support Services
The TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded outreach program designed to:
- motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
- promote educational success, retention, and persistence.
- provide opportunities for low-income, first-generation college students and students with disabilities from diverse backgrounds.
Bakersfield College was awarded the TRIO SSS Teacher Preparation grant in fall of 2020. The TRIO SSS grant award was for $261,888 per year for 5 years (9/1/2020-8/31/2025) for a total of $1,309,440. The funding provides support for up to 140 students per grant year, cumulatively up to 700 students total over the 5 years of the grant award.
Program Objectives
- Persistence Rate: 65 % of all participants served by the SSS project will persist from one academic year to the beginning of the next academic year or graduate and/or transfer from a two-year to a four-year institution during the academic year. (2021-22 APR report in progress.)
- Good Academic Standing Rate: 65 % of all enrolled participants served by the SSS project will meet the performance level required to stay in good academic standing at the grantee institution. (2021-22 APR report in progress.)
- Two-Year Transfer Rate: 25 % of new participants served each year will receive an associate’s degree or certificate
from the grantee institution and transfer to a four-year
institution within four (4) years. (2021-22 APR report in progress.) - Four-Year Graduation Rate: 12 % of new participants served each year will graduate within six (6) years. (2021-22 APR report in progress.)
The TRIO SSS provides peer and staff mentoring and networking activities, support for academic tutoring, assists students with information on a full range of student financial aid programs, benefits, and resources for locating public and private scholarships, assists students with completing financial aid applications, education advising/counseling services, financial and economic literacy, and applying for admission to and obtaining financial assistance for enrollment in four-year programs.
During 2020-21, the TRIO SSS program provided support for 105 students. We added a new cohort of 121 in 2021-2022 and added an additional 131 students so far in the 2022-2023 cohort. The Fall 2022 semester focused on re-engaging students onboarded during the COVID-19 shutdown, as well as welcoming the new incoming 2022-2023 cohort.
- September: Welcome Orientation; New Student Involvement Festival; College Night; Time Management Academic Workshop; L.E.T.S. Teach Huddles;
- October: Financial Aid Application Workshop; Homecoming Week Booth; Update form workshop; Starfish Planning workshop; Paint and Chat Week; High School Counselor Conference; Test Anxiety workshop; Financial Aid 2022-23 Renewal Campaign; Transfer Workshop; CSU-Promote campaign; L.E.T.S. Teach Huddles
- November: L.E.T.S. Teach Fall Conference; L.E.T.S. Teach Huddles; Spring Registration campaign
- December: Student Accomplishment Brunch; Board Games and Painting Finals Destressing Week
E17: Title V Health Science Careers
The Title V Health Science grant “Camino Conectado” focuses on developing completion pathways that will lead to high-demand, high-wage jobs in health science, with particular focus on improving outcomes for Hispanic and low-income students. This grant supports the following programs: EMT, Paramedic, Health Information Technology, Human Biology, Kinesiology, Physical Therapist Assistant, Public Health, Radiologic Technology and Nursing.
The Health Science team has made significant progress towards our goals for year two. We are in the process of wrapping up final program purchase for our carry over funds from year one and the current year two funding to support growth and student success. A few purchases to highlight for year two include instructional and student success material for our Nurse Explorer Program and dual-purpose clinical lab at BCSW. We have onboarded a new Professional Expert for the Writing Center to focus on our Early College students as well as a Student Success Coach for Health Information Technology. Over the Summer 2022, we hosted exploration field trips for our high school students in our Intro to Health Careers and Public Health Pathways. This grant played a significant role in the creation of the new mammography course for senior Radiological Technology students, the first cohort completed the course over the summer.
We continue to grow our Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Program. We currently have 10 PALs and have expanded into our Nursing courses (initially starting with our bottleneck courses in Biology). The PAL faculty leads play an instrumental role in the success and expansion of the program as more faculty are becoming interested.
Through our cooperation with Cerro Coso Community College, we will continue to provide our BC students additional opportunities with Cerro Coso’s Certified Medical Assisting Program. This effort focuses on quick employability and workforce experience for students who are waiting to be accepted into one of the many BC Health Science programs. Year two was also significant in expanding our community partnerships by creating new courses and certificates to fit the needs of their facilities and employees.
Lastly, we had the opportunity to acknowledge our high school students who earned the Health Navigator Certificate (5 students at McFarland High School) and Human Biology Degree (one student at Ridgeview High School).
Below is the current budget allocation and expenditures. We have used funds to support program purchases, faculty stipends, outreach events, success coaches and professional experts, peer mentor and PAL leader positions as well as salaries for key personnel.

Balance/Expenditures | 2020-2021 (Year 1) | 2021-2022 (Year 2) | 2022-2023 (Year 3) |
Expenditures | $518,437.55 | $468,341.17 | $209,537.80 |
Balance | $81,562.45 | $131,658.83 | $390,462.20 |
The health science team continues to focus on the recruitment and retention of first time and special admit high school students. Headcount of students in declared healthcare majors from each population are displayed below:
We have also seen significant and consistent increases in our Early College Health Science pipeline. The chart below reflects our Health Science Early College sections and enrollment increases.
Next steps: The Title V health science team will continue to focus on recruitment, retention and successful completion. Our advisors are implementing early intervention techniques to bridge gaps and are providing high touch efforts for our health science students. We are looking forward to continuing to grow our industry and community partnerships as well as bringing health science programs to our adult education sites.
The long-term goals for this grant include: (1) Ensure that the program aligns with BC’s master plan, Strategic Plan and Equity Plan, (2) Increase completion and transfer rates and close equity gaps (3) Strengthen institutional climate for diversity and equity, (4) Decrease costs to students and public resources related to completion, (5) Increase access and expand opportunities for Hispanic and low-income students and (6) Prepare graduates for the workforce.
E18 – Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF)
Bakersfield College received three Awards through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, commonly referred to by its acronym HEERF. The main purpose of these awards is to support the institutions of higher education to serve students and ensure learning continues during the COVID-19 pandemic. The funding is provided by the federal government and administered through the Department of Education (DOE), which outlines specific guidelines as to how these funds are to be utilized. We are required to report on this usage quarterly, from inception in March 2020 through June 30, 2023 when the program officially ends.
We received a total of $95,423,927. The funds were divided into two major categories, Student Financial Aid and Institutional, as seen in the graph below:

The Student Financial Aid funds are managed by our BC Financial Aid department, which ensure these funds go directly to the students meeting the eligibility criteria per HEERF guidelines. The graph below shows funds disbursed to date (Actuals), and the remaining funds planned to be issued (Committed Funds). There are no funds left uncommitted as of this date.

The Institutional Funds are managed by BC Finance and Administrative Services, which verifies compliance of all guidelines required by the DOE. There are a range of allowable uses and all must be a result due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Listed below are a few examples of expenses we have utilized to meet this criteria:
- Retrofitting facilities HVAC (heat ventilation air conditioning) for air purification
- Touchless faucets, hand dryers, and drinking fountains
- Supplies to support Student Health & Wellness Clinic (SHWC) Vaccination Clinics
- Funding to pay BC Support Staff hired specifically to address needs due to COVID-19
- Safety Acrylic Plastic/Plexiglas to provide protection barriers
- Face masks and other PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- Cleaning and disinfectant supplies
- COVID testing for staff and students
- Provide faculty support for training and equipment in conversion of in-person classes to online platform
- Laptops for students and faculty to support online classes
- Reimbursement for loss revenue to the college programs (Food Outlets, Parking, etc.)
- Classroom upgrades to technology to support distance education and in-person safety
- Learning Gardens to support outside learning
- Virtual Graduation 2021
This list above is not extensive, but provides a snapshot of some of expenses incurred by COVID-19 and offset by this funding. The graph below shows what has been spent, remaining amount committed (encumbered) and remaining balance uncommitted.

E19 – Adult Education Program (AEP)
The AEP at BC has been key in supporting the development and expansion of non-credit opportunities for adult learners, which include English Language adult learners, homeless individuals, at-risk-youth and unemployed or underemployed students (primarily from immigrant backgrounds) through its various initiatives. These Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) programs have proven successful not just in job attainment for participants, but also in establishing pathways into for-credit certificate and degree programs as well as the workforce. The AEP set its foundation in rural Kern County under the umbrella of Rural Initiatives and has grown to serve adult learners from different backgrounds throughout most of Kern County. To achieve that, the BC AEP team has developed strategic partnerships to establish co-locations in disadvantaged communities. In addition to serving students at the BC Panorama and Delano Campuses, AEP also serves students at following co-locations and satellite sites:
- Wasco Adult Education Center (Wasco)
- Job Spot (Southeast Bakersfield)
- Shafter Learning Center (Shafter)
- McFarland Learning Center (McFarland)
- Arvin BC Resource Hub (Arvin)
- CityServe Educational Collaborative Center (Downtown Bakersfield)
- City Center (Downtown Bakersfield)

Program | 19/20 | 20/21 | 21/22 | 22/23 |
South Kern | $258,164 | $258,164 | $258,164 | $258,164 |
North Kern | $366,215 | $369,286 | $366,215 | $369,286 |
Non-Credit Programs
BC AEP continues to collaborate with Career Education and various instructional departments to strategically develop CDCP programs that provide tuition-free, short-term certificates to adult learners. These certificates enable students to acquire livable wage jobs in a relatively short amount of time and an on-ramp into for-credit pathways. CDCP’s have benefited some of Kern County’s most disadvantaged individuals including homeless, immigrants, returning adult learners and at-risk youth. These courses are designed to skill up, build up and get those facing unemployment back to work rapidly.
Community Action Partnership of Kern
- Population Description: Employees
- Instructional Programs: Applied Leadership
- Projected Enrollments: 50
- Population Description: Head Start Parents
- Instructional Programs: Intro to Early Care and Education
- Projected Enrollments: 20
Bakersfield City School District
- Population Description: Parent University
- Instructional Programs: Intro to Early Care and Education
- Projected Enrollments: 100+
- Population Description: Employees
- Instructional Programs: TK Certificate (for-credit)
- Projected Enrollments: 50
Kern High School District
- Population Description: Parent Empowerment
- Instructional Programs: Intro to Early Care and Education/ EMLS/ Basic Skills
- Projected Enrollments: 100+
- Population Description: Employees
- Instructional Programs: Applied Leadership/ Paraprofessional/ Online Teaching
- Projected Enrollments: 50+
California Farmworker Foundation “BC In the Vineyards”
- Population Description: Farm laborer’s
- Instructional Programs: EMLS/ Basic Skills
- Projected Enrollments: 60
Project HireUp (Funded in part by Workforce Accelerator 8.0)
In an effort to help address the homelessness crisis, Bakersfield College developed a homeless to work initiative. The program was intentionally developed with three major components woven into the design: Life, Education and Career Development. The goal is to create guided pathways to self-sufficiency. By utilizing this design as its framework, some of our community’s most vulnerable individuals can go from homeless to a job within six months. Project HireUp has accomplished and surpassed projected outcomes and stands as an established model graduating 3 cohorts of students per year, recently graduating cohort 7 in Fall 2023.

Cohort | Cohort 1 | Cohort 2 | Cohort 3 | Cohort 4 | Cohort 5 | Cohort 6 | Cohort 7 |
# of Students | 28 | 15 | 30 | 8 | 13 | 13 | 15 |
Due to the many barriers faced by Adult Learners, the Adult Education Program continues to diligently seek funding opportunities to expand services provided to students across Kern County. As a result, BC has received additional grants such as the Workforce Accelerator 9 that have allowed adult learners to receive wrap-around services to ensure completion and transition to livable wages upon completion of their program.
E20 – Student Outreach and Academic Re-Engagement (SOAR) Program
The Bakersfield College Student Outreach and Academic Re-engagement (S.O.A.R) Program focuses on providing Out-of-school youth a pathway to self-sufficiency and livable wages through the provision of a job placement opportunity upon the completion of a Career Technical Education (CTE) and/or academic program in the areas of southeast Bakersfield, Arvin, Delano, McFarland, Wasco, and Shafter.
SOAR serves out-of-school youth between the ages of 18-24 who meet one or more of the following enrollment criteria:
- School dropout
- Ex-offender
- Homeless
- Runaway
- Foster child
- Pregnant or parenting
- ESL or Basic Skills Deficient and is Low-Income
SOAR participants have access to following services in addition to general BC services:
- Paid or Unpaid Work Experience
- Leadership Development Opportunities
- Employment development opportunities and workforce preparation
- Supportive Services (Ex: materials required for work experience or school)
- Adult Mentoring
- Follow-Up Services (for 12 months)
- Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling
- Financial Literacy Education
- Entrepreneurial Skills Training
- Transition to Postsecondary Education, Advanced Training and Employment

Over the last three years the SOAR Program has continued to grow, allowing for more disadvantaged youth in our community to receive comprehensive wrap-around services to support their professional growth and development. In year three of the program 44% of the budget was allocated for direct workforce preparation services such as paid work experience and job development services. The increased budget has allowed for more participants to receive wrap-around support services needed to ensure their success while at BC and in their transition into the workforce.
E21: HSI-STEM Grant
Title: Step Up to STEM: Start Strong, Stay Strong, Finish Strong (10/1/21 – 9/30/26)
Year 1 = $750,000 (10/1/2021 – 6/30/2022)
Year 2 = $1,000,000 (7/1/2022 – 6/30/2023)
Year 3 = $1,000,000 (7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024)
Year 4 = $1,000,000 (7/1/2024 – 6/30/2025)
Year 5 = $1,000,000 (7/1/2025 – 6/30/2026)
Year 6 = $250,000 (7/1/2026 – 9/30/2026)
Step Up to STEM has four long-term goals: (1) Ensure the programs of the grant align and support BC’s Maters Plan, Strategic Plan and Equity Plan, (2) Create a STEM culture that is reflective of the student population and demographics by promoting that BC is a Hispanic Serving Institution, (3) Increase access and expand opportunities for experiential learning opportunities and undergraduate research opportunities, (4) Generate a sense of belonging for Hispanic and low-income students and close equity gaps.
Step Up to STEM: Start Strong, Stay Strong, and Finish Strong (Award number: P031C210052) is a Hispanic Serving Institution STEM award (HSI-STEM) from the Department of Education (Title III, Part F). It provides $1,000,000 funding per year improving STEM student success (Oct. 1, 2021 – Sept. 30, 2026). The award notification occurred in mid-October of 2021, during the 2nd quarter of FY 2021-22. The average budgeted expenditure of funds is $250,000 per quarter. Because of the delayed start, the drawdowns were executed in the 3rd and 4th quarter of FY 2021-22. There is a carry-over of $184,027.97 into the 2nd grant year of the award (10/1/2022 – 9/30/2-23). There are $355,475.22 in expenditures and encumbered expenditures in the 1st quarter of FY 2022-23.

Year | Allocation | Expenditures | Carryover |
Year 1, 2021-22 | $755,000 | $210,496.81 | $545,503.19 |
Year 2, 2022-23 (in progress) | $1,000,000 | $355,475.22 | NA |
Year 3, 2023-24 | $1,000,000 | NA | NA |
Year 4, 2024-25 | $1,000,000 | NA | NA |
Year 5, 2025-26 | $1,000,000 | NA | NA |
Year 6, 2026-27 | $250,000 | NA | NA |
Key Highlights
Start Strong: Step up to STEM Academy was run Monday, 7/25/22 – Thursday, 7/28/22. Twenty five (25) students completed an in-person non-credit course (STEM B50NC) designed to build resilience in mathematics and introduce students to successful learning practices in STEM. Stay Strong: The STEM Study Group Leaders (SSGL) program, which was piloted and managed by Connie Gonzalez, Program Director for the MESA Program in the 2021-22 academic year. SSGL was modeled on Bakersfield College’s Supplemental Instruction program. The SSGL has a budget of $150,000 per year once it is built to scale (32 student SSGLs and covering 80 sections of STEM courses). The program has been building in the number of gateway STEM courses supported and the number of near-peer student mentors/group leaders. In spring 2022 ten (10) different STEM Pathway courses with 9 student Study Group Leaders (SGLs) were supported. In fall 2022 forty four (44) sections were supported with 16 SGLs. In spring of 23 sixty two (62) courses with 23 student SGLs are being supported.
Finish Strong: The HSI-STEM award supported 24 student participants to engage in summer research with a stipend of $2,250 for four weeks of research at either California State University (CSU) Bakersfield (19 students) or University of California Merced (5 students). Five Bakersfield College faculty participated in the summer research program with their students at CSU Bakersfield (stipends of $4,200). Projects ranged from engineering design utilizing Arduino and 3-D printing to mathematical modeling of how spiders can use the Earth’s electric field to fly. Bakersfield College hosted a research symposium to showcase the student’s research accomplishments on September 23, 2022 in the Campus Center Ballroom (CV PATH Symposium). Approximately 80 people were in attendance, including faculty and administrator from UC Merced and CSU Bakersfield.
E22: California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI)
The California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI) grant funding is new to Bakersfield College and is in its beginning phases of budget formation and spending. Its funding will contribute to the success of students who will become enrolled in apprenticeship program pathways. Apprenticeship is a system of learning while earning a sustainable living wage with wage progression opportunities throughout the duration of the program. The program combines on-the-job training with related and supplemental classroom instruction. The apprenticeship programs are registered with the California Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) and the United States Department of Labor (DOL) to provide apprentices with state and nationally recognized credentials upon successful program completion.
The majority of funding supports personnel and partnering employer expenditures. The apprenticeship program partnered with the following organizations to serve communities throughout the state of California: the California Department of General Services, the Wonderful Company, Adventist Health Bakersfield, Kern Medical, Bitwise Industries, OpenClassrooms, Calbright College, Kern County Electrical Apprenticeship IBEW and NECA, and SMART. Each apprenticeship pathway seeks to enroll no less than 30 apprentices in a three-year period, with some pathways exceeding far beyond the minimum threshold. Other areas of funding include the following: cost of students’ textbooks and instructional materials, program equipment, wage reimbursement to employers, marketing materials for program promotion, meeting expenditures, and other supplies deemed necessary for successful program operations.
Section F: Distance Learning
Fall 2022 brought a small increase in the number of sections offered online after a decrease the previous year. The chart below illustrates that following several years of minimal distance education offerings at BC, a significant increase has occurred over the last three years. Although the 2020 spike in distance education offerings was initially spurred by the pandemic, the number of online sections offered by BC has plateaued at a much higher rate post-pandemic. Feedback from surveys and professional development events indicate that both faculty and students have become more comfortable with online learning and the availability of multiple instructional modalities provides course access to a broader student population.

Year | Section | Percent Change |
2013 | 50 | NA |
2014 | 50 | 0% |
2015 | 60 | 1% |
2016 | 100 | 5% |
2017 | 150 | 50% |
2018 | 200 | 50% |
2019 | 300 | 50% |
2020 | 2050 | 550% |
2021 | 800 | -50% |
2022 | 900 | 10% |
The increase in online learning over the years has required faculty and students to develop new skills and strategies for success. Online learning is not merely shifting a formerly in-person lecture to a video format or to a Zoom room. It involves much more than that, and faculty at Bakersfield College have taken advantage of the online pedagogy and course design classes and workshops offered by the Academic Technology and Education departments in order to increase their skills and their students’ success.
Part of the shift in learning modalities caused by the pandemic has been the growing awareness that it is crucial to make online courses equitable and accessible. The Academic Technology team and Education department faculty have identified tools to address this need by making distance education courses places of success for all students.
Open Educational Resources
One of the major successes of the past academic year was the Open Educational Resources focus and the increase in course sections being offered with no textbook cost for students. Over 100 sections were added with a Zero Textbook cost label. Last year, faculty were offered a stipend to encourage adoption of OER materials, and the widespread sharing of those materials.
This work will continue this year, along with an information campaign informing students of this program and how to identify courses that offer ZTC materials prior to registering for classes. (How to identify courses as ZTC.)
For the past several years, since the pandemic, HyFlex has been a priority for Bakersfield
College and has been the largest single expenditure from the HEERF funds provided
to BC. As a partnership between the IT department and the Academic Technology department,
along with input from administration and faculty chairs, classrooms have been selected
for this upgrade to technology that allows flexibility in instructional modalities.
HyFlex classrooms are equipped with multiple cameras, a microphone that covers a broad
area, multiple monitors and laptop carts. All of this equipment gives a cohesive experience
to faculty and students even when some
students participate online and some are in person. Classrooms are being fitted out
during the Spring 2023 semester with an expectation of HyFlex courses being offered
in the Fall. The Academic Technology department will offer in depth training for faculty
during the Spring and Summer of 2023.
New Title V regulations place an increased emphasis on accessibility for all courses with a requirement to explain how courses will be accessible to students from day one of a class. The Academic Technology team, while always providing training on accessibility within Canvas and in all course materials, will place a renewed emphasis on getting faculty trained in accessibility to ensure all students have access to course materials and to ensure compliance with new regulations. As mentioned in Section D, the EDUC B60 non-credit series at BC offers faculty and staff in-depth training on accessibility and inclusivity. Stipends have been offered to faculty and staff for completing this two-course series.
Equitable learning in online courses has been a particular focus of the last year, and much of our labor and resources have gone to ensuring that faculty have the skills they need to ensure equity in the following ways: participating in culturally responsive teaching, creating humanized courses that ease the burden of learning for all students, ensuring courses are designed in a way to ensure persistence and are viewable on all electronic devices. As mentioned in Section D, the Education department offers a 3-course Online Learning series regarding how to create an effective, personalized online learning environment (EDUC B30, B31, B32). This series is offered in both credit and non-credit options in an asynchronous online modality. Faculty and staff are provided a stipend for completing this series.
Academic Technology and BC faculty have made significant progress in the development of badges, and is closer to its goal of having a badge for every course at Bakersfield College. The Academic Technology team is committed to putting evidence of skills mastered in the hands of students, which will be accomplished through this micro credentialing program. Students acquire course badges that build to a program badge when all related course badges have been earned. Please see Food Service Pathway as an example.

Course Exchange
Over the past year, Bakersfield College has moved to a complete integration with the California Virtual Campus – Online Education Initiative (CVC/OEI) by becoming a teaching college in the course exchange. The IT team worked diligently to align the necessary tech systems to enable this partnership. As a part of that effort, the Academic Technology department is working with the Peer Online Course Review (POCR) team at the CCCCO to review and badge high quality courses offered by BC that can then be offered via the course exchange. This process not only serves as a quality assurance measure for BC online courses, it also provides students across the state with access to BC online classes with the commendation of the CCCCO via the CVC Exchange.
The work described in this section will continue and increase in the next calendar year as BC continues to expand its reach through distance education, encouraging our students to persist and succeed.
Designated Zoom Access Area
Prior to Fall 2022, there were no dedicated space on BC's Panorama campus for students to use when Zooming into their classes, yet our students have varied reasons for needing a space to do so. Many are taking both in-person and Zoom courses and they must be on campus for their Zoom course so they have time to transition between in-person and Zoom sections. Others may not have a quiet home environment where they are able to Zoom into class without distractions, and still others might not have a stable internet connection at home. A lack of access to a space from which students could Zoom into class without worrying about disrupting their fellow students when giving a speech or participating in class discussion was also an issue of equity and accessibility. To address this need, a section of the computer commons area on the bottom floor of the library was converted to a designated Zoom access area. Desk stations were grouped into one portion of the commons and surrounded by noise-dampening paneling. Student workers have been assigned to monitor the check-in/out process for the area. BC students are now able to sign in and use a quiet, Wi-Fi enabled space on campus from which they can participate in their Zoom classes.
At the end of the Fall Semester, $50,000 was awarded for this Zoom area, to provide more noise cancelling equipment and further separate the computer areas. This work is projected to be done by the end of Spring 2023.
Canvas Support for Faculty and Students
BC uses the Canvas learning management system (LMS) to provide online course content. To help ensure faculty have the knowledge and skills to use Canvas effectively, a variety of professional development classes, workshops, and ongoing support offerings have been established. In addition to these defined offerings, the Academic Technology department holds office hours for Faculty support and handles faculty issues through email and phone support. The Education department’s B30 series also provides faculty and staff with in-depth Canvas training which emphasizes humanizing online instruction pedagogy.
The Renegade Hub is a student facing support service, designed to have students help students with technology issues. The hub was created to be a support for online students but has evolved over time to handle Canvas and other questions for all of the BC student community.
Appendix A: Positions
A1: Administrative Organization Chart January 2023
Dr. Zav Dadabhoy
- Administrative Assistant – Debi Anderson
Vice President of Instruction
Billie Jo Rice
- Associate Vice President of Instruction – Jessica Wojtysiak
- Program Manager, Agriculture – Adolfo Briseno
- Program Manager, BCSW – Leo Ocampo
- Executive Director, Rural Initiatives – Vacant
- Program Director, Rural Initiatives – Jaime Lopez
- Program Manager, Delano – Raquel Lopez
- Program Manager, AEBGS – Endee Grijalva
- Program Manager, Scheduling – Denice Mcauley
- Director, Outreach – Bryan Rodriguez
- Director, Outreach, Future Workforce – Nicole Parra
- Executive Director, Outreach and Early College – Steven Watkin
- Director, Early College – Kylie Campbell
- Program Manager, Early College (Bakersfield) – Berenice Arellano
- Program Manager, Early College (Rural) – Alma Feathers
- Program Manager, Title V Health Sciences – Jackie Stoner
- Director, Early College – Kylie Campbell
- Dean of Instruction, Kinesiology, Health and Athletics – Reggie Bolton
- Associate Director, Athletics – Keith Ford
- Program Manager, Kinesiology, Health and Athletics – Darrell Ballard
- Program Manager, Communications, Kinesiology, Health and Athletics – Analicia Croonquist
- Faculty Director, Physical Therapist Assistant – Suzanne Oesch
- Dean of Instruction, Career Education, Applied Science, Apprenticeships, Industrial
Technology and Transportation – Anthony Cordova
- Program Director, Career and Technical Education (CTE) – Stephanie Baltazar
- Program Director, Apprenticeship – Sabrina Aguilar
- Program Manager, BSIA – Carlos Medina
- Program Manager, Industrial Technology – Martin Perez
- Program Manager, Strong Workforce – Vacant
- Program Manager, Launchpad – NeTesha Johnson
- Dean of Instruction, Academic Technology, Art, Communication, Library, Performing
Arts, and Philosophy – Rebecca Farley
- Assistant Director, Academic Tech. and Professional Dev. - Pam Rivers
- Assistant Director, Academic Tech. and Professional Dev. - Vacant
- Program Manager, Academic Technology - Kalina Hill
- Specialist, Educational Design - Mallory Gardner
- Program Manager, Performing Arts - Kevin Lohmann
- Dean of Instruction, Nursing – Carla Gard
- Associate Dean – Ronnie Knabe
- Faculty Director, HEIT – Heather Shaffstall
- Faculty Director, RAD Tech – Kellie Smith
- Program Manager, Nursing – Shaun Tobiason
- Associate Dean – Ronnie Knabe
- Interim Dean of Instruction, English, Foreign Language, ASL and EMLS – Jennifer Jett
- Program Manager, Academic Support – Eileen Pierce
- Lead, Writing Center – Kim Arbolante
- Interim Dean of Instruction, Business Management and Information Technology (BMIT),
Engineering – Lora Larkin
- Program Manager, STEM, Student Success, and Energy – Sara Sullivan
- Program Manager, STEM, Student Success, and Energy – Vacant
- Dean of Instruction, Social Science – Richard McCrow
- Associate Dean, Behavioral Science – Christie Howell
- Director, Public Safety Training Programs – Derek Robinson
- Program Director, Rising Scholars – Angelica Perez
- Program Manager, Rising Scholars – Vacant
- Dean of Instruction, Math, Science, and Engineering – Stephen Waller
- Program Director, MESA – Connie Gonzalez
- Interim Associate Dean of Instruction, Education, Family and Consumer Education (FACE)
– Mindy Wilmot
- Program Director, Child Development Center (CDC) - Rosita Barron
Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services
Mike Giacomini
- Executive Director of Facilities and Operations – Marcos Rodriguez
- Maintenance and Operations Director – Jim Coggins
- Operations Manager – Vacant
- Custodial Services Supervisor – Caroline Walth
- Custodial Services Evening Assistant Supervisor – Rachell Morehouse
- Construction Project Manager – Cesar Sosa
- Budget Analyst – Somaly Boles
- Budget Analyst – Cristal Rios
- Budget Analyst – Jerry Harris
- Budget Analyst – Yvonne Stallion
- Executive Director of College Safety – Joe Grubbs
- Assistant Director of College Safety – Todd Dearmore
- Food Services Director – Fidel Cabuena
- Assistant Food Services Manager – Ryan Carter
Vice President of Student Affairs
Imelda Simos-Valdez
- Dean of Student Success and Counseling – Marisa Marquez
- Program Manager, Counseling and Student Success – Angelica Caudillo
- Director, Transfer Pathways and International Student Affairs – Ben Perlado
- Program Manager, Transfer Pathways – Lizette Madrigal
- Program Manager, Kern Promise – Vacant
- Dean of Students – Nicky Damania
- Assistant Director, Student Life – Leonardo Ayala
- Program Director, Student Life – Nicole Alvarez
- Program Manager, Basic Needs Coordinator – Caitlin Davidson
- Director, Student Health and Wellness Center – Charles Collom
- Program Manager, COVID and Campus Health Initiatives – Tyler Thoms
- Manager, Veteran Services and Programs – Jenny Frank
- Manager, College and Community Events – Vacant
- Executive Director, Enrollment Systems and Integrated Support – Michelle Smith
- Assistant Director, Admissions and Records – Jacqueline Lau
- Program Manager, Admissions and Records – Erineo Garcia
- Interim Program Manager, Student Re-Enrollment Center – Dustin Sharer
- Interim Program Manager, Student Re-Enrollment Center – Vacant
- Program Manager, Compliance and Special Programs – Hilda Rodriguez
- Program Manager, Testing and Placement Center – Lovejot Chahal-Grewal
- Executive Director, Financial Aid and Scholarships – Jennifer Achan
- Assistant Director, Financial Aid – Ruthie Welborn
- Supervisor, Financial Aid – Lysander Ramos
- Program Manager, Financial Aid Compliance – David Moncayo
- Program Manager, Scholarships – Walter Rivas
- Director, Student Success Technology – Dan Hall
- Program Manager, Student Success Technology – Nicole Avina
- Interim Director, Outreach – Ashlea Ward
- Program Manager, Outreach and Early College – Savannah Andrews
- Director, Disabled Student Programs and Services – Tiffany Bell
- Program Manager, DSPS and WorkAbility III – Katrina McClelland
- Director, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services – Vacant
- Program Director, Categorical Programs – Maria Baltazar
- Program Director, Categorical Programs – Patricia Ramirez
- Interim Director, Outreach for Special Programs – Nora Dominguez
- Program Manager, Cal-SOAP – Heflin Barrera
- Program Manager, AB540 and Undocumented Students Program – Vacant
- Program Manager, Foster and Kinship Care Education Programs – Araceli Navarro
Dean, Institutional Effectiveness
Craig Hayward
- Director, Institutional Research – Sooyeon Kim
Executive Director, Government Relations and Development
Norma Rojas-Mora
- Director, Marketing and Communications – Monika Roberts
- Program Manager, Community Relations – Energy Initiatives – Earl Parsons
- Program Manager, Workforce Development – Stacey Shephard
- Program Manager, Community Relations and Workforce Development – Stephanie Vega
Executive Director, Technology and Planning
Todd Coston
- Director, Information Technology Services – Brett Redd
- Interim Assistant Director, Information Technology Services – Kristin Rabe
- Program Manager, Information Technology Services – Israel Mendoza
Executive Director, Bakersfield College Foundation
Cheryl Scott
- Accounting Manager – Susan Hubbell
- Donor and Alumni Relations Coordinator – Courtney Carter
- Donor and Alumni Relations Coordinator – Alyssa Cross
Appendix A2: Faculty Position Recruitment
# | Employee | Position |
1 | Aboytes, Lourdes | Associate Professor, Spanish |
2 | Amanonce, Ashlyne M. | Assistant Professor, Nursing Assistant |
3 | Avila, Alex | Assistant Professor, English |
4 | Beltran, Anabel | Assistant Professor, Paramedic |
5 | Black, Jessica M. | Professor, Psychology |
6 | Bolanos, Teresa S. | Assistant Professor, Nursing |
7 | Boots-Haupt, Laura Marie | Assistant Professor, Agriculture |
8 | Brehmer, Graciela | Associate Professor, Art (Drawing/Paining) |
9 | Brown, Bobbie | Assistant Professor, Nursing Assistant |
10 | Burzlaff, Paul B. | Assistant Professor, Culinary Arts |
11 | Celedon, Cristin A. | Assistant Professor, Welding |
12 | Chavez, Danny | Assistant Professor, English |
13 | Choate, Lucas R. | Assistant Professor, Anthropology |
14 | Colaw, Rebecca M. | Assistant Professor, Psychology |
15 | Dyer, Ariel J. | Assistant Professor, Librarian |
16 | Ennis, Christopher A. | Associate Professor, Architecture |
17 | Geiger, Sarah R. | Assistant Professor, Pediatric |
18 | Gomez, Maria K. | Assistant Professor, Chemistry |
19 | Gonzalez, Angelica | Associate Professor, Psychology |
20 | Greene, Cassandra R. | Assistant Professor, Biology |
21 | Haas, Claire E. | Assistant Prof, Nursing |
22 | Hall, Brandon W. | Associate Professor, Business/ BMIT |
23 | Hernandez, Wesley D. | Assistant Professor, Communications |
24 | Hill-Crim, Margaret A. | Assistant Professor, Biology |
25 | Hodge, Anne-Marie C. | Associate Professor, Biology |
26 | Howell, Robert A. | Assistant Professor, English |
27 | Howland, Tina M. | Assistant Professor, Art (Graphic Design) |
28 | Huerta Jr., Michael | Assistant Professor, Anthropology |
29 | Kageorgis, Irena H. | Associate Professor, Computer Science |
30 | Kaur, Manpreet | Assistant Professor, Nursing Assistant |
31 | Kelly, Robert M. | Professor, Philosophy |
32 | Kline, Nathan T. | Assistant Prof, Paramedic |
33 | Kramer, Bryan J. | Assistant Professor, Automotive |
34 | Kuby, Kathryn A. | Professor, Music-Instrumental |
35 | Llarenas, Frenny B. | Assistant Professor, Nursing |
36 | Maddex, Matthew | Professor, Communication |
37 | Manzano, Juan L. | Educational Advisor |
38 | Maytubby, Kristin | Professor, Psychology |
39 | Mazur, Brian | Professor, Physics |
40 | Meek, Marah F. | Assistant Professor, Culinary Arts |
41 | Meerdink, Matthew T. | Assistant Professor, Mathematics |
42 | Moseley, William L. | Professor, Computer Science |
43 | Moyle, Samuel J. | Assistant Professor, English |
44 | Parikh, Jalpa | Associate Professor, Anthropology |
45 | Phillips, Mychael W. | Assistant Professor, Communication |
46 | Rashid Nadimi, Sahar | Professor, Energy and Sustainability |
47 | Reyes, Sylvia P. | Assistant Prof, Counselor |
48 | Ruiz, Nahliel M. | Assistant Professor, Biology |
49 | Salako, Oladimeji A. | Assistant Professor, Mathematics |
50 | Salinas, Erasmo G. | Assistant Professor, Construction |
51 | Schuck, Jaimi A. | Assistant Professor, Nursing |
52 | Sedki, Ziad | Assistant Professor, Geology |
53 | Sepulveda, Jose H. | Associate Professor, Electronics Technology |
54 | Staten, Patrick M. | Associate Professor, Mathematics |
55 | Takahashi, Satoshi | Professor, Mathematics |
56 | Torres, David | Assistant Professor, Mathematics |
57 | Trimble, Carolee E. | Associate Professor, Agriculture Crop/Soil Science |
58 | Wilson, Kristi L. | Assistant Professor, Pediatric |
59 | Wolaridge, Keith | Associate Professor, Business |
60 | Wright, Kathryn | Assistant Professor, Business/BMIT |
61 | Wright, Maria | Professor, Education |
62 | Zaman, Khuram | Associate Professor, Biology |
Appendix A3 and A4: Classified and Management Position
Filled At | Org | Requested At | Employee | Fund |
3/10/2022 | 26CCG1 | 3/3/2022 | Melissa Mayfield | RP391 |
3/10/2022 | 26FFA1 | 3/3/2022 | Kristopher Herrera | GU001 |
4/12/2022 | 20CDIE | 3/4/2022 | Laura Gage | GU001 |
4/14/2022 | 23DFS1 | 3/4/2022 | Martha Macias de Saldana | BF100 |
4/14/2022 | 23DFS1 | 3/4/2022 | Gabrielle Moseley | BF100 |
4/14/2022 | 210VI0 | 3/4/2022 | Haydee Orona | GU001 |
5/19/2022 | 26HAR1 | 3/4/2022 | Eduardo Cervantes | GU001 |
6/14/2022 | 230BS1 | 3/9/2022 | Yvonne Stallion | GU001 |
6/14/2022 | 21AWR5 | 3/9/2022 | Natesha Johnson | RP613 |
3/17/2022 | 26BHS1 | 3/10/2022 | Fabiola Cardona Robledo | RP510 |
3/18/2022 | 21DHC1 | 3/11/2022 | Caleb Reed | GU001 |
3/18/2022 | 21DHC1 | 3/11/2022 | Robin Patterson | GU001 |
6/16/2022 | 26EDS1 | 3/11/2022 | Marissa Jeffers | RP008 |
3/25/2022 | 26GEQ7 | 3/15/2022 | Alma Feathers | RP384 |
5/24/2022 | 215DN0 | 3/17/2022 | Rita Jones | GU001 |
3/24/2022 | 26CCG1 | 3/17/2022 | Amani Hernandez | RP391 |
6/16/2022 | 21ACTE | 3/18/2022 | Tony Cordova | GU001 |
6/16/2022 | 21ACTE | 3/18/2022 | Jennifer Jett | GU001 |
8/8/2022 | 23CMOC | 3/25/2022 | Juana Tapia | GU001 |
8/8/2022 | 23CMOC | 3/25/2022 | Gabriel Soria | GU001 |
5/24/2022 | 267BN1 | 3/28/2022 | Caitlin Davidson | RP037 |
7/26/2022 | 217FT0 | 4/4/2022 | Tiffany Sagbohan | GU001 |
5/26/2022 | 26GEQ7 | 4/4/2022 | Ben Perlado | RP384 |
7/5/2022 | 20BA04 | 4/6/2022 | Pawan Gill | RP615 |
7/19/2022 | 21EDEN 21CCD0 26GEQ7 | 4/7/2022 | Nicole Parra | GU001 |
7/19/2022 | 21EDEN 21CCD0 26GEQ7 | 4/7/2022 | Kylie Campbell | GU001 RP384 |
7/19/2022 | 21EDEN 21CCD0 26GEQ7 | 4/7/2022 | Bryan Rodriguez | GU001 RP384 |
7/19/2022 | 21EDEN 21CCD0 26GEQ7 | 4/7/2022 | Devin Daugherty | GU001 RP384 |
5/31/2022 | 26CCG1 | 4/11/2022 | Marissa Marquez | GU001 |
4/26/2022 | 26HAR1 | 4/19/2022 | Robyn Sanchez | GU001 |
6/22/2022 | 26HAR1 | 4/25/2022 | Mireya Martinez | GU001 |
8/26/2022 | 26FFA1 | 4/28/2022 | Tori Taylor | RP397 |
5/9/2022 | 210VI0 | 5/5/2022 | Jessica Wojtysiak | GU001 |
6/27/2022 | 26GEO1 | 5/9/2022 | Tania Salas | RP005 |
5/16/2022 | 26FFA4 | 5/9/2022 | Camilla Smith | RP400 |
5/16/2022 | 21AWR6 | 5/9/2022 | Adriana Vega | RP613 |
9/6/2022 | 219CD4 | 5/12/2022 | Remedios Acosta Estrada | CD004 |
9/6/2022 | 219CD4 | 5/12/2022 | Goretty Anguiano | CD004 |
8/26/2022 | 26FFA4 | 5/17/2022 | Dolores Velasquez | RP40 |
5/23/2022 | 215SU1 | 5/17/2022 | Cristian Farias | RP335 |
9/12/2022 | 21CFC3 | 5/18/2022 | Maricia Overturf | GU001 |
10/4/2022 | 260EQ7 | 6/2/2022 | Ryan Rogers | RP384 |
8/15/2022 | 270HL1 | 6/2/2022 | Jacqueline Stoner | RP109 |
6/7/2022 | 26HAR1 | 6/2/2022 | Dustin Sharer | GU031 |
7/19/2022 | 20CDIE 20BPI2 | 6/7/2022 | Cristina Maldonado | GU001 |
6/21/2022 | 215SU1 | 6/9/2022 | Cristian Farias | RP335 |
6/23/2022 | 260VS0 | 6/17/2022 | Imelda Valdez | GU001 |
6/27/2022 | 210VI0 | 6/21/2022 | Melinda Wilmot | GU001 |
6/27/2022 | 210VI0 | 6/21/2022 | Lora Larkin | GU001 |
6/23/2022 | 210VI0 | 6/21/2022 | Christina Howell | GU001 |
1/3/2023 | 20CDIE | 6/21/2022 | Sean Nickell | RP397 |
1/3/2023 | 26BHS1 | 6/22/2022 | Dave Seymour | RP510 |
1/3/2023 | 26BHS1 | 6/22/2022 | Julieana Martinez | RP510 |
9/12/2022 | 21CSW0 | 6/23/2022 | Jessalyn Choate | GU001 |
8/26/2022 | 270LI0 | 6/23/2022 | Theodora Hare | GU001 |
6/30/2022 | 260VS0 26GCW1 | 6/23/2022 | Marianne Bishop | GU001 RP350 |
6/30/2022 | 26GEQ7 26GFG1 | 6/23/2022 | Nora Domingues | RP384 RP131 |
8/31/2022 | 26CCG1 | 6/30/2022 | Zachary Moore | RP391 |
8/31/2022 | 26CCG1 | 6/30/2022 | Melissa Mayfield | RP391 |
8/31/2022 | 26CCG1 | 6/30/2022 | Dina Hallmark | RP391 |
7/11/2022 | 26GEQ7 | 7/6/2022 | Lizette Madrigal | RP384 |
10/11/2022 | 266AT0 | 7/7/2022 | Christopher Sanchez | GU001 |
7/14/2022 | 23DFS1 | 7/7/2022 | Austin Lux | BF100 |
9/27/2022 | 213OI1 | 7/12/2022 | Diana Alcala | GU001 |
9/27/2022 | 213OI1 | 7/12/2022 | Raquel Fore | GU001 |
9/2/2022 | 21AWR6 | 7/14/2022 | Domenica Trinidad | RP613 |
9/2/2022 | 21AWR6 | 7/14/2022 | Maria (Lupe) Aguirre | RP613 |
8/31/2022 | 218LI0 | 7/14/2022 | Monique Garcia | GU001 |
8/31/2022 | 218LI0 | 7/14/2022 | Sarah Aguirre | GU001 |
9/1/2022 | 21AJC1 | 7/18/2022 | Freddie Rodriguez | RP448 |
8/8/2022 | 260EQ7 | 8/1/2022 | Kimberly Arbolante | RP384 |
10/3/2022 | 218EDU | 8/8/2022 | Susan Cortez | GU001 |
10/25/2022 | 26GEO1 | 8/9/2022 | Tania Salas | RP005 |
8/17/2022 | 26HAR1 | 8/10/2022 | Monique Garcia Gonzaga | GU001 |
8/25/2022 | 239SY0 | 8/18/2022 | Jarret Terry | RP500 GU001 |
9/1/2022 | 23CMOD | 8/25/2022 | Rachel Salazar | GU001 |
10/25/2022 | 26FFA4 | 8/26/2022 | Walter Rivas | GU001 |
11/15/2022 | 260EQ7 | 9/7/2022 | Savannah Andrew | RP384 |
10/27/2022 | 20BPI2 | 9/8/2022 | Melissa Ferrand | RP397 |
10/27/2022 | 20BPI2 | 9/8/2022 | Valerie Urso | RP397 |
10/27/2022 | 26EDS1 | 9/8/2022 | Tiffany Bell | RP008 |
11/30/2022 | 23CMOD | 9/8/2022 | Rachel Salazar | GU001 |
9/23/2022 | 26GEQ7 | 9/9/2022 | Lizette Madrigal | RP384 |
11/30/2022 | 26GEO1 | 9/14/2022 | Everlie Murillo | GU001 |
10/24/2022 | 260VS0 | 9/14/2022 | Danyel Harris | GU001 |
11/23/2022 | 140HR6 | 9/16/2022 | Arisve Pimentel | GU001 |
11/30/2022 | 20IIF0 | 9/19/2022 | Bred Redd | GU001 |
11/9/2022 | 26HAR3 | 9/19/2022 | Christina Hernandez | GU031 |
11/9/2022 | 26HAR3 | 9/19/2022 | Samantha Aviles | GU031 |
11/9/2022 | 26HAR3 | 9/19/2022 | Samantha Aviles | GU001 |
9/27/2022 | 23DFS1 | 9/20/2022 | Joseph Amaya | BF100 |
11/22/2022 | 26CCG1 | 9/28/2022 | Camilla Anderson | GU001 |
11/29/2022 | 211AP7 | 10/7/2022 | Lizabeth Ramirez | RP634 |
11/29/2022 | 211ES1 | 10/12/2022 | Graciela Magallanes | RP230 |
11/22/2022 | 211DC0 | 10/17/2022 | Tara Baraceros | GU001 |
10/21/2022 | 21DHC1 | 10/19/2022 | Steven Dominguez | RP113 |
9/1/2022 | 26FFA4 | 10/25/2022 | Laura Cruz | GU001 |
11/3/2022 | 21DHC1 | 10/27/2022 | Steven Dominguez | RP113 |
7/1/2022 | 26HAR1 | 11/1/2022 | Nicole Christolear | GU001 |
7/1/2022 | 26HAR1 | 11/1/2022 | Juliana Herrera Hernandez | GU001 |
7/1/2022 | 26HAR1 | 11/1/2022 | Marites Ramos | GU001 |
12/6/2022 | 21ACTE 21AWR6 | 11/29/2022 | Rachel Rivera | GU001 RP613 |
12/6/2022 | 21ACTE 21AWR6 | 11/29/2022 | John Mejia | GU001 RP613 |
9/1/2022 | 26FFA4 | 12/14/2022 | Jenae Ortega | RP400 |
9/1/2022 | 26FFA4 | 12/14/2022 | Jessica Nunez | RP400 |
Appendix B: Technology Requests
Program Review Requests 2022-23 | Funded | Funding Source | Amount |
20 - Fire Technology - 30 Panasonic Toughbooks for Paramedic Program | Yes | GU001 | $50,000.00 |
11 - DSPS - Software Learning Disability testing – and 6 iPad's for assisting students | Yes | GU001 | $2,600.00 |
18 - Engineering - SE 122 Data Ports for equipment for makerspace | Yes | GU001 | $21,934.00 |
29 - Music - Portable sound system | Yes | GU001 | $2,000.00 |
12 - Education - Need a few iPads and MacBooks for program | Yes | GU001 | $4,500.00 |
6 - Apprenticeship - Needs portable projector for presentations | Yes | GU001 | $1,000.00 |
22 - Forestry- Drone software needed for students’ field training | Yes | GU001 | $4,800.00 |
26 - Mechanized Ag - Laptops/software | Yes | GU001/HEERF | $12,000.00 |
4 - Art - Fine Arts 9 Digital Computer lab needs updated computers | Yes | GU001 | $67,642.00 |
17 - Electronics Tech - Software Update for IT7a | Yes | GU001 | $11,000.00 |
21 - Re-Enrollment Services - Office computers | Yes | GU001 | $11,000.00 |
31 - Physics - Wants an additional 12 laptops for physics labs | Yes | GU001/HEERF | $25,000.00 |
Appendix C: General Facility & Infrastructure Projects & Facilities Needs
Request | Funded? | Funding Source | Amount |
BC Solar Field Parking Lighting | Yes | SMSR | $24,975.00 |
BC Farm Irrigation System & DG Installation | Yes | HEERFI | $536,800.00 |
Outdoor Learning Space #2 – Humanities | Yes | HEERFI | $475,000 |
Delano DST Building Roof Maintenance | Yes | SMSR | $275,000.00 |
Science & Engineering Building | Yes | MJ100 | $65,000,000.00 |
Concert Replacement - Campus wide | Yes | SMSR | $480,000.00 |
Pool Renovation | Yes | SMSR/GU001 | $1,260,300.00 |
Bipolar Ionized HVAC upgrade - Delano | Yes | HEERFI | $35,781.00 |
Administration Services Building | Yes | MJ100 | $7,405,017 |
Edible School Yard | Yes | HEERFI/Restricted | $550.000.00 |
Request | Funded? | Funding Source | Amount |
Interior Lighting Retrofit - Campus Wide | Yes | SMSR | $925,000.00 |
Re-Key Campus | Yes | SMSR | $450,000.00 |
Roof Replacement - LA | Yes | SMSR/GU001 | $250,000.00 |
Restroom Upgrade - Humanities | Yes | SMSR | $300,000.00 |
Irrigation Clock/Controls Replacement - Campus Wide | Yes | SMSR | $300,000.00 |
Multiple Building Window Replacement | Yes | SMSR | $800,000.00 |
Interior/Exterior Multiple Building Painting | Yes | SMSR | $656,000.00 |
Delano Chiller Replacement | Yes | SMSR | $350,000.00 |
Delano LRC | Yes | MJ100 | $30,000,000 |
BC Solar Parking Lighting - Retro | Yes | SMSR | $30,000.00 |
BC Delano Campus Cameras | Yes | GU001 | $148,612.00 |
BCSW Campus Cameras | Yes | GU001 | $131.296.00 |
Infrastructure Replacement | Yes | MJ100 | $131.296.00 |
Welcome Center | Yes | MJ100 | $7,391,000.00 |
Construction Gym & Fieldhouse | Yes | MJ100 | $63,000,000.00 |
Affordable Student Housing Project | Yes | BC 106 | $60,500,000 |