2024-2025 Comprehensive Review

2024 Institution Self-Evaluation Report
The Institutional Self-Evaluation Report is submitted to the ACCJC for the purpose of assisting in the determination of the institution's accreditation status.
Organization of the BC Self-Evaluation Process
The following timeline summarizes the major developments in our preparation and creation of the 2025 Institutional Self-Evaluation Report. Over 200 faculty, staff, administrators, and students engaged on writing teams, in open forums, and through our 12 campus-wide committees.
BC Self-Evaluation Acknowledgments
The development of this Institutional Self-Evaluation Report is a result of the engagement and collaboration of faculty, staff, administrators, and students at Bakersfield College. Through our shared governance structure, a core team, guided by the Accreditation and Institutional Quality Committee, took leadership of the report.
- Accreditation and Institutional Quality Steering Committee: Co-Chairs: Jessica Wojtysiak and Grace Commiso
- ISER Steering Team Leads: Jason Stratton and Billie Jo Rice
- Editor: Talita Pruett
- Evidence Indexer: Sondra Keckley
ISER Steering Team Members:
- Grace Commiso
- Chris Glaser
- Sondra Keckley
- Ian Mason
- Erica Gibblin
- Cindy Miranda
- Ximena Ortega
- Talita Pruett
- Monika Scott
- Jessica Wojtysiak
* Indicates Bakersfield College students.
- Jennifer Achan
- Sabrina Aguilar
- Abe Ali
- Roy Allard
- Nicole Alvarez
- Amanda Anguiano*
- Raya Arafah*
- Kim Arbolante
- Erin Auerbach
- Leonardo Ayala
- Stephanie Baltazar
- Rosita Barron
- Paul Beckworth
- Tiffany Bell
- Kimberly Bligh
- Kevin Boles-Lohmann
- Reggie Bolton
- Angela Bono
- Faith Bradham
- Amalia Calderon
- Azalea Calderon*
- Moses Camarena*
- Danielle Carrillo*
- Cindy Ceja*
- Grace Commiso
- Champagne Conception*
- Anthony Cordova
- Nicky Damania
- Scott Dameron
- Caitlin Davidson
- Cecil Dexter*
- Liz Diaz*
- Victor Diaz
- Nora Dominguez
- Gina Duran
- Jenny Frank
- Anjel Flores*
- Selena Gasca*
- Max Geissel*
- Chris Glaser
- Consuelo Gonzalez
- Juliana Gonzalez*
- Joe Grubbs
- Javier Gutierrez*
- Dan Hall
- Andrew Haney
- Michelle Hart
- Kailani Henry
- Wesley Hernandez
- Kalina Hill
- Christie Howell
- Robert Howell
- Jennifer Jett
- Stacey Jischke
- NaTesha “T” Johnson
- Pamela Kelley
- Ginger LeBlanc
- Aricia Leighton
- Joshua Lewis
- Lily Linares*
- Matt Maddox
- Carolina Madrigal
- Marisa Marquez
- Esmeralda Martinez
- Denice McCauley
- Richard McCrow
- Anna Melby
- Erica Gibblin
- Bill Moseley
- Manny Mourtzanos
- Jeff Newby
- Kim Nickell
- Leo Ocampo
- Jacob Palmbach*
- Paula Parks
- Kristin Rabe
- Brett Redd
- Billie Jo Rice
- Patricia Ramirez
- Klint Rigby
- Monika Roberts
- Derek Robinson
- Alex Rockey
- Brian Rodriguez
- Crystal Rodriguez*
- Marcos Rodriguez
- Norma Rojas-Mora
- Isabel Saldivar*
- Jonathan Schulz
- Nick Strobel
- Abigail Tamayo*
- Ann Tatum
- Tyler Thoms
- Andrea Thorson
- Steve Waller
- Ashlea Ward
- Mindy Wilmot
- Jessica Wojtysiak
- Michael Wyatt*
- Karin Young-Gomez
- Calvin Yu
- Karen Zenteno*