A Better BC

In November of 2016, Kern County citizens voted to pass Measure J, a $502 million bond which open the door to funding for needed improvements of the Bakersfield College Campus. These funds, along with additional state grants, will transform this campus and move the learning environment into the 21st Century and beyond.
Transforming a campus built in the 1950s takes work. Bakersfield College campus has 154 acres and 35 buildings with over 700,000 square feet of instructional space, including faculty offices. The majority of the buildings are over 60 years old, dating to construction when the campus first moved to Panorama.
After the Bond was passed, Kern Community College District and Bakersfield College rolled up their sleeves and began the planning process, convening partners, creating timelines and strategic leveraging resources. Working closely with AECOM, experts in project and construction design, the team has created an ambitious schedule to ensure best use of Bond funds as well as, matching State funds that are feasible. This takes planning and true team effort.
What do the plans look like, and how can we stay updated as a community on this transformation of Bakersfield Campus? How will this impact student services and community events? What great events will continue to happen at Bakersfield College? This page and our website as a whole is dedicated to keeping you updated.
For any questions, please contact Marcos Rodriguez at marcos.rodriguez@bakersfieldcollege.edu.