How To: Drop a Class


  1. Go to InsideBC
  2. Click on MyBanWeb
  3. Click Add or Drop Classes
  4. Select the Term.
    If the correct term is not in the field, click the dropdown arrow to the right to select the term.
  5. Click Continue Button
  6. Find the class that you want to drop in the summary at the bottom right quarter of your screen.
  7. On the right, in the action column, use the dropdown next to “none” and select the option to drop or withdraw. Options will depend upon when you registered and the point in the semester.
    • If it is before the class starts, it may be “Drop Before Start Date.”
    • If the semester has already started, it may be “Web Withdraw.”
  8. Click the submit button
  9. The status column for the class should now say “Dropped” or “Withdrawn” and the class should no longer appear on your schedule in the left lower quadrant.



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