Bakersfield College Grant Development


This is a resource for Bakersfield College faculty and staff interested in pursuing external funding opportunities in support of research and service projects for students, faculty, and the larger Bakersfield College community. Our goal is to provide information regarding proposal preparation, pre-award assistance, award administration, and dissemination. This information is also designed to advance the visibility efforts of grants at Bakersfield College.

Contact Us

We encourage you to contact for more information, guidance, and other services in support of your research and grant writing efforts at Bakersfield College.

Internal Policies, Submissions, Management

There are several internal grant submission and procedural policies at Bakersfield College that are required for submitting and managing your grant. Grants requesting the Kern Community College District as fiscal sponsor are required to submit an “Intent to Apply” and “Approval to Submit” form located in InsideBC Employee Forms under Educational Services. Both forms require administrative signatures beginning with your immediate supervisor onward through the college and district administration.

For many external grant applications, submission to the grant agency may require coordination with the KCCD Institutional Grants Administrator (IGA) or other authorized submitter. If the grant is awarded, fiscal management of the grant (e.g., contracts, spending, budget management) is facilitated through the administrative dean over the academic area of the project director or other authorized managers designated by the college president.

For some grant applications, the Bakersfield College Foundation may serve as the fiscal sponsor. Interested applicants should contact the BC Foundation for more information.

Institutional Review Board

Grant applications requesting the use of human subjects for research purposes may require approval from the Bakersfield College Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Internal Funding Opportunities

Bakersfield College provides a variety of internal grant opportunities available for faculty. These internal grants have varying application requirements and submission timelines, including but not limited to a letter of application, needs statement, proposed budget, and letters of support. Consult with each of the resources below for more information related to each grant opportunity.

External Funding Opportunities

Bakersfield College faculty, staff, and administrators have a strong track record of securing external grant funding for a variety of student success programs, faculty development, and institutional collaborations. External grant opportunities are numerous and typically seek fiscal sponsorship from the Kern Community College District or Bakersfield College Foundation.

External grant opportunities from public (taxpayer supported) funding agencies typically have strict guidelines and submission requirements and have annual requests for proposals (RFPs) based upon federal and state budgets.

Private foundation grant opportunities are also numerous in opportunity, but often have different submission requirements, including submission by invitation only or required preliminary meetings with grant program officers.

External Opportunities


Developing an Effective Needs Statement

Developing an Effective Needs Statement Powerpoint by Steve Waller

CSUB Grants Presentation Spring 2021


Bakersfield College has a strong track record of submitting and being awarded collaborative grants with multiple institutions. Grant agencies may require multiple forms of collaboration in order to be considered for a possible award. Successful collaboration may include institutional partnerships between colleges and universities, corporate or non-profit organizational partnerships, or other forms of regional collaboration.

For more information, please view the presentation by CSU Bakersfield's Office of Grants, Research, and Sponsored Programs (GRaSP) on grant collaboration between Bakersfield College and CSU Bakersfield.