BC Announces Elections For 2024 BCSGA Officers

Monday, April 8, 2024
By Deanna Rea
The Bakersfield College Student Government Association (BCSGA) is excited to announce that elections for the BCSGA’s 100th session are now live! There will be several opportunities to learn more about each candidate from reading their short biographies on the elections website to meeting the candidates themselves on campus.
“BCSGA acts as the voice of students, ensuring that everyone enjoys their college experience and thrives academically,” says Nicole Alvarez, the program director of Student Life. “They allocate funds to student organizations, plan fun student activities, and create legislation to support student success.”
The BCSGA Executive and Senator debates were held recently in the Levan Center, providing the perfect opportunity to hear about each candidate’s specific campaign. BC strongly recommends current students cast their votes because each elected official will become a voice for the community and serve as an advocate over the next academic year; through attending conferences with higher administration, system officials, and legislators to ensure that student needs and concerns are met for an overall positive experience at Bakersfield College.
“Student Government leaders work hard to represent your (BC students) interests, forming relationships with fellow students, community figures, faculty, and administration to enhance your experience at Bakersfield College, “ says Alvarez, “From improving experiences to prioritizing safety and basic needs, student government is dedicated to ensuring the success and well-being of students throughout their academic journey.”
Voting will begin on Monday, April 9, and go on until Thursday, April 11, 2024, taking place in your InsideBC account. The results of the election will be announced at the Student Leadership and Involvement Awards on Thursday, April 11, 2024, at 5:30 PM in the Renegade Event Center.