BC Administrators and Staff Celebrate Spring 2024 Opening Day

Friday, January 12, 2024
Bakersfield College administrators, faculty and staff gathered in the Renegade Event Center for Opening Day of the Spring 2024 Semester. The room was full of anticipation and hope as Renegade faculty and staff were preparing to welcome students back to campus for another semester. The program featured several guest speakers who highlighted various topics including faculty awards, institutional updates, and upcoming plans and events.
Attendees were welcomed by Executive Director of Government Relations, Norma Rojas-Mora, and Kern Community College District Interim Chancellor, Tom Burke, who expressed optimism and excitement for the future of Bakersfield College as it begins a new chapter.
The event also included an encouraging message from BCSGA President Cindy Ceja-Miranda, who discussed the work that she gets to be a part of in the upcoming semester, and expressed how appreciative she was to have the opportunity to work alongside Acting BC President Steve Watkin for the last several months.
The Spring 2024 Opening Day successfully ushered Renegades into yet another promising semester of education and opportunity for students in Kern County.