BC Hosts Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) Caravan 2023

Monday, October 30, 2023
Bakersfield College was one of eleven selected California Community Colleges to host the Fall 2023 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Caravan. On Friday, October 27th, HBCU campuses arrived at BC as part of a 2-week CCC Transfer Guarantee to a HBCU caravan journey beginning in Southern California and spanning to Northern California. In a single chartered coach, HBCU representatives from Morehouse College, Clark-Atlanta College, Lincoln University, Talladega College, Wiley College and several others and met with students from BC, Porterville College, College of the Sequoias, Mojave High School and local high schools.
Students had the opportunity to learn about admission requirements at an HBCU to plan and further their options from a variety of culturally enriching campuses beyond California. In addition, through a panel presentation moderated by Dr. Paula Parks, Professor of English and Coordinator for Umoja, students had the unique opportunity to hear personal and encouraging success stories of individuals and colleagues who attended local schools, furthered their education by attending an HBCU, and returned home to serve in their respective profession. In addition, students also learned more about the new California grant to California community college students transferring to a HBCU.