Kern Promise: Connecting With Your 4-year University

Wednesday, October 18, 2023
BC’s Transfer Pathways department recently collaborated with several CSU’s and UC’s for the “Connecting with your 4-year University” Kern Promise event. UC Merced, UC Berkeley, CSU Channel Islands and CSUB met with first and second year Kern Promise students. Kern Promise students got to learn about the different perks each university has to offer. Each university gave a short 15 minute presentation and answered questions about campus resources.
Kern Promise students have made a commitment to transfer within two years while pursuing an AD-T degree. Kern Promise students are supported through their transfer journey by getting additional perks including: paid tuition, $250 book voucher and personalized transfer events, like these! Kern Promise students will continue to meet with several universities while being part of the program to ensure they are motivated to transfer and aware of the transfer requirements needed to transfer to the university of their choice.